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That’s a good rule to go by.

(1)As time________, she became more and more anxious about her son's safety .) A. passing B. going by C. passed D. goes by (2)With the time________, our anxiety grew .

A. goes by B. going by C.has gone by D.had gone by (3)Three months__________ before we knew it.

A. passed by B. went C. went by D. past 8. .provide sb. with sth.= provide sth for sb. This has provided police with an important clue(线索). = This has provided an important clue for police. supply sb with sth= supply sth to sb offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 提供


学案3 Book2 Unit3 Computers


编写人:徐恒侠 审核人:赵 军 班级___________ 姓名__________ 学习目标:学习现在完成时的被动语态 自主学习

I. 回扣课本

1. First as a PC and then as a laptop, I (use) in offices and homes since the 1970s.

2. Over time I (change) quite a lot. II. 现在完成时的被动语态的用法

1.表示一个被动的动作发生在说话之前,强调对现在造成的影响和结果. The door has been locked.

2.表示一个被动的动作或状态开始于过去,持续到现在,并可能持续下去,常与for 或since引导的时间状语连用,或用于How long...?句型中.

The important problem has been discussed for nearly two weeks. How long has the machine been used?

3.现在完成时的标志:recently /already/yet for+一段时间 /since+时间点 4. 现在完成时的被动语态:has/have been done He has been sent to study the new technology in the company.

否定句: He has not been sent to study the new technology in the company. 一般疑问句: Has he been sent to study the new technology in the company? 特殊疑问句: Where has he been sent to study the new technology?

How many shopping centers have been built in this city?


III. 边学边练:

Correct mistakes(改错):

1. The child has been taken good care by Grandma all these years.

2. A notice has been put on the wall.


3. Great changes in the city, and a lot of factories . A. have been taken place; have been set up B. have taken place; have been set up

C. have taken place; have set up D. were taken place ,were set up

只有及物动词才有被动语态,不及物动词(词组)没有被动语态, 如:happen, take place, die, appear, disappear, fail, remain, lie, last, sit , stand, break out, come true, belong to等.

4. Which sentence is right?

(1) What has happened to your brother? (2) What was happened to your brother?


1.请注意现在完成时的被动语态的两个助动词,即have/has和been,两者缺一不可。 2. 请注意与一般过去时的被动语态的区别。一般过去时的被动语态所表示的动作或状态与现在的情况没有联系,而现在完成时的被动语态则强调与现在情况的联系. The bridge was built last year. 这桥是去年建成的。 The bridge has been built. 这桥已经建好了。



1. They have just joined our computer to the Internet.

________________________________________________________________________ 2. We have planted many trees on the hill in the last 5 years.

________________________________________________________________________ 3. Tom hasn’t sold out all the magazines.

________________________________________________________________________ 4. Have you found ways to make waste water clean?

________________________________________________________________________ 5. She has already returned this book to the library.



1.-How many times______ not to play with fire? -I’m sorry. I’ll never do that again.

A. do you tell B. had you told C. are you told D. have you been told 2. The fire _______ to the fifth floor. _______ all the people _______? A. has got; Have; been saved B. has been got; Have; saved


C. has got; Do; save D. has got; Have; saved 3. Do you know the thief ______ by the police?

A. has caught B. has been catching C. was caught D. has been caught 4. This is one of the happiest days ______ spent in my life. A. that have ever been B. that have never been C. which was ever D. which we have never 5. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday_____ yet. A. are not decided B. have not been decided C. is not being decided D. has not been decided 6. In the last few years thousands of films ___ all over the world. A. have produced B. have been produced C. are producing D. are being produced 7. His sister left home in 1998, and _______ since.

A. had not been heard of B. has not been heard of C. had not heard of D. has not heard of

学案4 Book2 Unit3 Computers

Using Language

编写人:徐恒侠 审核人:赵 军 班级___________ 姓名__________ 学习目标:熟读课文,熟练重点短语句型。 自主学习

读课本23页Andy-the Android, 完成以下题目. Step I. Read the text and fill in the file for Andy. Name: Appearance: Size:

Character: Ability: Job: Step II. Fast reading: True or false

1. Andy, who looks like a human, can move and think like a human. ( 2. Andy can signal to his teammates in human language to give him the ball. ( 3. They won second place in Nagoya football competition. ( 4. The programmer in an android programs all the possible moves. ( 5. Using the intelligence is what an android is all about. ( Step III. Key phrases


) ) ) ) ) 1. 在某种程度上 2. 在……的帮助下 3. 处理;对付 4. 看守:监视 5. 毕竟 6. 获得第一名 7. 向…发信号 8. 聚会 合作探究

Step IV. Language Points(其余语言点请参看优化设计63-66页) 1. In this way I can make up new moves using my “artificial intelligence.” 请写出make up在句中的意思

(1)Sixty students make up our class. ( ) (2)Society is made up of people of different abilities. ( )

(3)The criminal made up a story about where he was when the crime happened.( ) (4)Please make up a new dialogue according to the text. ( ) (5)She spent an hour making herself up before the party. ( )

2. After all, with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything, … 【归纳拓展】

above all _______________ at all _________________ first of all ______________ in all _________________ (1)We must work,and we must believe in ourselves. (2)There are thirty in the party who will travel to Lanzhou. (3)He is certain to come. , he's already accepted the invitation (4) , let me introduce myself to you. 当堂检测


type, coach, encourage, arise, electronic, appearance, character, signal, mop, niece I used to read stories to my 1. and we were attracted a lot by some of the 2. in the stories. But since the 3. of the computer in my house, she wanted to read the 4. books on the Internet. She asked me to be her 5. and began to learn how to 6. . One day, when I was 7. the floor, she 8. that another problem had 9. . I stopped my work at once to help her, because seeing her progress step by step is very 10. .