江苏省启东中学2018-2019学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章江苏省启东中学2018-2019学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读2021a0c600d276a20029bd64783e0912a2167c0b

Under 2 ℃ of warming, they found that corn yields declined to some degree in most places around the world, with the exception of a few sites in Western Europe and China. Under 4 ℃ of warming, these declines became even more severe --- with losses of up to 40 percent in many places around the globe, including the United States. Even under the milder 2 ℃ scenario, the risk of greater variability in corn yields ---and potential shocks to the global corn market---also rises.

The majority of the world’s corn supply is exported by just four countries: the United States , China, Brazil and Ukraine. Currently, the risk of all four countries experiencing an unusually bad year at the same time---that is, more than a 10 percent drop in yield in any given year---is close to zero. But under just 2 ℃ of warming, the risk rises to 7 percent. And under4℃, it soars to 86 percent.

Such an event could produce a huge global ripple(波动), driving up corn prices around the world, the researchers suggest. Low-income households, which may spend a greater share of their income on staple foods, would likely be terribly affected.

The researchers don’t account for potential changes in precipitation (降水 )patterns, which vary from one location to the next and could offset or strengthen the effects of rising temperatures. But the authors suggest that, on a global scale, the effects of higher temperatures are expected to outweigh those of precipitation changes, and in highly managed agricultural systems, such as those common in the United States, Europe and China, irrigation may help offset some of those effects, as well.

In the absence of immediate, significant climate action, which would keep global temperatures below 2℃, the researchers note that breeding(培有)more heat-tolerant crops may be the only way to safeguard the global production of staple crops ---which they warn is a \as-of-yet unattained , goal” for corn. 63. What can we learn from the text?

A. The new research mainly focuses on staple food crops.

B. Climate change has influenced all the globally important crops. C. Corn yields will decline year by year with the rising temperature.

D. Most corn-producing regions are suffering from poor yields at the same time. 64. How do the corn yields change under different climate scenarios? A. They don’t change in most regions under 2℃ of warming. B. They decline for 86 percent in all regions above 4℃ of warming. C. They decline for 7 percent in China between 2℃and 4℃of warming.

D. They decline for 40 percent in the United States under 4℃of warming. 65. What solution does the study put forward? A. Irrigation. B. Breeding new crops.

C. Researching the precipitation.

D. Stopping any actions contributing to warming. 66.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. The relationship between corn yields and economy. B. The influence of warming on the global corn market.

C.The influence of warming on the yields of staple food crops.

D. The relationship between precipitation and the yields of staple food crops.


The world can safely be divided into two camps: people who love Cats and those who hate it. The former are happily satisfied by the new revival(重新上演) reuniting many members of the original creative team, returning to Broadway years after the closing of the show's record-breaking run. As for the latter, this slightly scaled-down version is unlikely to change their minds.

The 1981 musical was always something strange. Its original Broadway success was due to a combination of Trevor Nunn’s staging; John Napier’s scenic design, which transformed the Winter Garden Theatre into a huge junkyard; Gillian Lynne’s choreograthy(编舞); and the impressive score by Andrew Lloyd Webber, whose Memory became a song from which there was no escape.

The plot, such as it is, concerns a feline(猫科的)tribe, the Jellicles, who during their annual “Jellicle Ball” must decide which one among their ranks will be reborn into a new life on the Heaviside Layer. The various cats are introduced in a series of dance-heavy musical numbers.

Only the real fans will be able to spot the differences in this new version. which include some cuts as well as the reimagining and repositioning of a few musical numbers. The biggest change is the new arrangement of dancing by Andy Blankenbuehler, a Tony Award winner for Hamilton, which is\letic and stylistic movement than before the dancing here is particularly impressive.

With the great advances made in keyboards over the years, the orchestration(管弦乐) sounds quite full-bodied although there is a greatly reduced orchestra of only 13 musicians, with no brass players. The music goes through their energetic singing and dancing. The entire effect of the musical is further improved by the performers frequently venturing into the aisles(过道) and among the

audience. The last part of the show, however, doesn’t have quite the same impact.

Although it remains to be seen whether this revival will live up to the original production s description of “now and forever\to enjoy the show, while those who saw the original and liked it will probably want to return for bringing back their memories. And with the increasing number of tourists to the Big Apple in recent years, there’s no reason to think that this Cats won’t be purring(猫发出呼噜声)on Broadway for a very long time.

67. What can be inferred from the first paragraph? A. Few people in the world do not like Cats.

B. Cats has been continuously on since it was first staged. C. The new version of Cats can change people s attitude to it. D. Not all the original creative team members work for Cats this time.

68. According to the text, what distinguishes the new version from the original show? A. The new version’s plot B. The new version’s score. C. The new version’s choreography. D. The new version’s scenic design.

69. What can we know about the dancers from the text? A. They need to get close to the audience. B. They are expected to be interested in cats. C. They will copy the behavior of various felines. D. They should be good at playing various sports.

70. Besides the advances in musical instruments, what will contribute to the popularity of Cats? A. The increased tourism in New York. B. The outstanding service of the theater. C. The audience’s advanced taste in music. D. The large number of players in the show.

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 四部分 共35分)

第四部分 单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)

请根据所给汉语或首字母写出空缺处单词的适当形式,使句子完整,语法正确,每空只填一个单词。 71. They make the (假定,假设) that children spend too much time chatting and playing games instead of focusing on their school work.

72. The links that you get are not (分类,归类) by subject.

73. Unfortunately, the number of vehicles on the road caused (令人难以置信的) traffic jams, and the roads became so busy that no one could travel anywhere.

74. Turandot is the story of a (固执的) and cruel Chinese princess, named Turandot. 75. He has (死板的,僵化的) ideas of what it means to be civil and to be a gentleman , and is embarrassed by Joe because he dose not fit these.

76. Before you sit down at a computer t , read this brief guide to make sure that you use the Internet in the best way possible.

77. Many drives are a and push into other lanes of traffic or pass other cars. These are both very dangerous because they can result in crashes.

78.Pip’s sister often a him, but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.

79.However, he came from a poor family with many d , and did not ever make a lot of money. 80.Because of the prejudice and racial d of the time, he knew that he had to use white singers or the records might not get played on the radio.

第五部分 动词填空(共10个空格,每格0.5分,满分5分)

81. Facial recognition technology is working well at tourist attractions around China, ______(reduce) the time people spend standing in lines at entries or security checks.

82.The girl is so grateful whenever she remembers my brother and me ____(save) her from the icy water.

83.Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school. ________ (attend) the ceremony of the 50 Anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友)from home and abroad.

84.________ (expose) too early to the foreign language study, according to some experts, may lead to some unfavorable outcomes.

85.You lose weight for a while, only (gain) back more weight when you stop your weight loss program.

86.When (compare) with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn’t seem
