江苏省启东中学2018-2019学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章江苏省启东中学2018-2019学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读2021a0c600d276a20029bd64783e0912a2167c0b

high at all.

87.Conditions (permit), I will teach myself a second foreign language.

88. There will be no need (call ) me when you arrive. Just come up to my house. I'll be at home all day.

89.I would not be seeing the film Green Book now if Mike __ ___ (pick) me up in time. 90.The matches of the FIFA Women’s World Cup will be played in 2019 all around France, whose men’s team _____ (win) the 2018 World Cup.

第六部分 任务型阅读(共10个小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


Let me ask you a question: what emotions did you experience today? Were you happy? Sad? Frustrated or anxious? Recalling your emotions from the 24 hours is pretty easy but what about yesterday? Or last Friday? It starts to get a bit hard. What if I’m asking you about last month?

Emotions affect us every minute and every second. When you feel anxious at work, you’re more likely to makes and it’s harder to come up with great ideas. When you are frustrated for unknown reasons, you lose motivation and would just like to lie on your bed doing nothing. When you are angry with some one, you unconsciously treat others angrily too. Losing track of emotions means losing track of all these. If you’ll never know the reasons and patterns, then you’ll never be able to solve the issues and improve the situation.

When we have less money than we’d like, we’ll automatically tune our spending and keep track of where it’s going and how much we have------- adapting our spending habits accordingly. In other words, if we don’t keep track of our emotions, then there is no way to tune and improve them. This is how emotions should be approached.By placing the same importance on how we feel, and acknowledging why we feel like that and cope with emotions in a more positive way.

Therefore, throughout any given day, it’s necessary to write down what happens and how the two aspects are associated with each other. In this way, you’ll notice your emotions fluctuate(波动)on different days. This is completely normal. After all, we’re human and it can be difficult to control what happens to us and how we respond to them. It’s impossible to always maintain a happy mood, so don’t put pressure on yourself to consistently feel positive. But try to give yourself a bit of understanding.

Over time , although fluctuations still exist, you’ll see your mood improve overall as you broaden your positive experience. Maybe bad weather made you feel sad. You may still feel a bit

sad about bad weather but now you’ll know how to make fun out of it by staying at home doing things you’ve always wanted to do but postponed. Previously you’d only be happy when your manager noticed your efforts and recognized you. Now you realize how important recognition is to you after marking down your mood every day. And you’ve decided to recognize yourself whenever you think you’re worth it, even if no one notices your efforts. So you’ll find that taking care of your invisible emotions actually means taking care of every aspect of your life. That is the magic.

Marking down your mood every day A fact about People have 91 in recalling their emotions of every single day, especially those which existed several days ago. emotions 92 Of ★Your 93 at work could result in errors and emotions discourge creativity. ★Your disappointment could 94 you of motivation. ★Your anger could affect your attitudes towards others. A suggestion Emotions should be approached like money. Namely, we should 95 importance to our emotions regularly so that we can identify and handle them more 96 . Tips on marking ★Keep writing down your general emotions, the events during down emotions the day and the 97 between the two. ★Realize our inability to control all events and our attitudes towards them. ★Don’t 98 yourself to feel good every day. The magic of As you keep track of your daily emotions and 99 recording emotions better, you known how to take relevant 100 to improve your mood. 第七部分 书面表达 (共1题,满分15分) 请读下面文字,并按照要求用英语写 篇150词左右的文章。

With the new school semester around the corner, millions of Chinese students are set to undergo 2 weeks long military training to start their new lives in high schools or colleges.

Military training has been carried out in high schools and universities across China since the 1980s. As a matter of fact, military training traces back to the feudal era(封建时期)in China. According to the Book of Rites and Zhou, the university in the Western Zhou Dynasty focused on martial

arts and teachers were military officers. The major content of military training was learning archery(箭术)and driving chariots(双轮战车). This is the earliest known example of military training. Later dynasties continued the practice.

During training, students are expected to march and stand up straight for hours regardless of the weather. They will also receive regular inspections(检阅) At the same time, they get to play team building games and are expected to learn military songs and stories. 写作内容:

1.用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容; 2.结合你自身的经历谈谈新生军训有哪些好处。 写作要求:

1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 3. 不必写标题。 评分标准:




阅读56-58 DAC 59-62 BDCA 63-66 ADBC 67-70 DCAA

单词拼写71.assumption 72. classified 73.unbelievable 74.stubborn 75.rigid 76.terminal 77. aggressive 78. abuses 79.debts 80.discrimination 动词填空:

81.reducing 82. saving 83.Attending 84. Being exposed 85.to gain 86.compared 87.permitting 88. to call 89.had picked 90. won

任务型阅读91.trouble/difficulty 92.effects/influences/impacts 93. anxiety 94, rob 95, attach 96.positively 97. associations/links/relations 98. pressure/force 99, understand 100. measures/action/steps 书面表达:

Military training for Chinese freshmen is on the way as the new school semester is beginning.Actually, military training has a very long history and students can be involved in many activities.

Military training is advantageous. Firstly, it can help students develop their self-discipline because students are asked to keep to a strict schedule during the training. Thus they will show great self-control later in their studies, which will finally improve their ability to learn. Besides, military training can help improve students 'teamwork skills. In military training, students will learn to unite to get any tasks placed before them done and win honour for their team. In addition, military training will be a good chance for freshmen to learn about their new classmates and make new friends. Lastly, students can learn basic military knowledge and understand the importance of national defence.

At the same time, military training will inspire students to study hard to contribute to our country.(157words)

听力原文: Text 1

W: Oh, what a pretty dress! My daughter would love it. But it seems a bit too large. Do you have