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Unit 8 Romantic Stories


Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese expressions given

in brackets. Change the form if necessary.

1) It all __________ __________ __________ (合计为) a lot of hard work for all of us. 2) He teaches students how to __________(评论) poetry.

3) They __________ __________ ___________(坠入爱河) at first sight. 4) What time did the accident __________ __________(发生)?

5) It is a __________(奇迹) that she speaks five languages almost equally well. 6) They __________(商定) to meet at the airport at 7 o’clock.

7) I have never met him. I only know him __________ __________(仅仅名字). 8) The purpose of this program is __________(主要的)educational.

9) I’ve talked to him on the telephone but I’ve never actually met him __________

__________ __________(面对面地).

10) __________ __________ _______ _________(到……. 岁)29, he was already a very successful businessman.

11) ___________ __________ __________(大量) of money has been spent on the new hospital.

12) The new graduates received their degrees at a special __________(仪式). 1) adds/added up to 2) criticize 3) fell/fall in love 4) take place 5) miracle 6) arranged 7) by name 8) primarily 9) face to face 10) By the age of 11) A great deal 12) ceremony


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets. 1) 第二次世界大战发生于1945年。(take place) 2) 我爷爷喝酒喝得厉害。 (a great deal)

3) 到65岁的时候,他仍在工作。 (by the age of) 4) 这个老师知道他所有学生的名字。(by name) 5) 警察最终成功破解了这个疑案。(succeed in)

6) 他喜欢各种体育运动,特别是篮球。(most of all) 7) 打电话和面对面说话不一样。 (face to face)

8) 他们因为有共同的兴趣爱好而相爱。(fall in love, common)

1) World War II took place in 1945. 2) My grandfather drinks a great deal. 3) He was still working by the age of 65.

4) The teacher knows all his students by name.

5) The police have finally succeeded in solving the mystery. 6) He likes all kinds of sports, but most of all, basketball.

7) Talking on the phone is different from talking face to face.

8) They fell in love with each other because they had common interests.

Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese expressions given in

brackets. Change the form if necessary. (Online)

1) Don’t take it too seriously. He is just __________ __________ __________(开玩笑). 2) We have saved a little money, but nothing to _________ ___________(值得一提). 3) This is the __________(正是)book I’ve been looking for. 4) The offices are __________(位于)in the center of town. 5) There is no __________(递送)of letters on Sundays.

6) They __________(抓取)her by the arm and forced her into their car.

7) It’s an informal meeting. Don’t bother to __________ __________(穿上盛装).

8) The time in London is five hours __________ __________ (在……之前) the time in New York. 9) He is very ambitious. He says that he will be a king __________(有朝一日).

10) As the game was coming to an end, the fans of the losing team grew more __________(绝望的).

4. 1) playing a trick 2) speak of 3) very 4) located 5) delivery 6) grabbed 7) dress up 8) ahead of 9) someday 10) desperate

Directions:Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box. Change

the form if necessary. (Online)

identify split entirely delicate overseas grateful rare whereas frank anyway disgust understanding

1) I feel very lucky to have a very _____________ boss, who rarely gets annoyed. 2) Molly looks very _____________ in her red dress.

3) The company is run almost _____________ by middle-aged men. 4) I was brought up to be ______________ and speak my mind.

5) If you could get the task finished by Sunday I’d be very _____________. 6) He is suffering from a _____________ illness.

7) He must be about sixty, _____________ his wife looks about thirty.

8) Many more people travel ______________ for their holidays now than before. 9) Even the smallest baby can _______________ its mother by her voice.

10) Of course I don’t mind taking you home—I am going that way _______________. 11) I’m _______________ at the way they treat their children.

12) The cushion (靠垫) _____________ open and sent feathers everywhere.

2.1) understanding 2) delicate 3) entirely 4) frank 5) grateful 6) rare 7) whereas 8) overseas 9) identify 10) anyway 11) disgusted 12) split

1. Translation Practice Part A:English to Chinese

1) But most of all, it is famous because their romance took place primarily by mail. 但这个故事的出名,最主要的原因还在于,他们的恋曲基本上是通过鸿雁传书的方式来谱写的。 2) With this letter, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning began a secret correspondence. 从这封信开始,伊丽莎白·巴雷特和罗伯特·勃朗宁开始了他们的秘密信件往来。

3) At first, their letters were formal and impersonal. They discussed poetry and literature. Slowly, the letters became more personal.


4) They were nervous, and even shocked, to see each other face to face at last. 终于可以面对面地见到对方了,为此他们都感到紧张甚至非常焦虑不安。

5) If your feeling for me has any honest basis, what I look like won’t matter. 如果你对我的情感是基于真情的话,那么我的外貌则无关紧要。

Part B: Chinese to English

1) 尽管可以互相写信给对方,甚至互寄照片,还是无法很好地了解一个人。

Even though you could write to each other and even send each other pictures, it’s still very difficult to know a person very well. 2) 此外,写信很花时间。

Besides, writing letters takes a lot of time. 3) 见面直接交流方便多了。

Meeting face to face is much more convenient.

4) 通过书信往来人们可以更为深刻或彻底地表达自己的情感。

By writing letters one can express one’s feelings more deeply or thoroughly. 5) 书信比面对面地直接交流更为浪漫和富有诗意。

Letters are more romantic and poetic than face to face talk.

3. Writing

Directions: In A True Love Story, Elizabeth and Robert spent very little time together before

they married. They learned about each other primarily through their letters. What do you think of it? Please write a paragraph about your view on relationships that develop through letters.

Of course it is better to know someone face to face. In A True Love Story, Elizabeth and Robert spent very little time together before they married because it was very difficult for them to do so. It was not because they thought it was a better way to know each other. Even though you could write to each other and even send each other pictures, it is still difficult to know a person very well. For example, you won’t know exactly what the person looks like no matter how many pictures you have. I am always curious myself about what a person looks like. Besides, writing letters takes a lot of time. Meeting face to face is much more convenient. What’s more, you could see a person’s facial expressions if you meet face to face. In most cases you could tell, according to his facial expressions, whether he is telling the truth or not. Of course, writing letters has its advantages. For example, by writing letters one can express one’s feelings more deeply or thoroughly. Letters are more romantic and poetic than face to face talk. (187 words)

Unit 9 Holidays and Special Days

1. Directions: Choose the right word from the following groups of words to fill in each blank.

Change the form if necessary. Some of the words can be used twice. 1) child childhood childlike childish

A. It was so ____________ of him to stamp out of the restaurant just because people didn’t agree with what he said.

B. When I was a ____________, I lived in a country village. C. He was remembering a story heard in his ____________.

D. His most enduring quality is his ____________ innocence (天真无邪).

2) commerce commercial (adj.) commercial (n.) non-commercial commercially A. ____________, the film was a great success.

B. Whether the project will be a ____________ success in the long term is still uncertain.

C. They have made their fortunes from industry and ____________.

D. The government has launched a campaign (开展运动) of television ____________. E. This organization is ____________. Its aim is to raise money to help the poor.

3) excite excited exciting excitement

A. She found the atmosphere of the college enormously ____________.

B. I only take on work that ____________ me, even if it means turning down lots of money. C. Everybody was ____________ by the news of the school team’s victory.

D. She’s very ____________ about the possibility of getting the job she’s longed for. E. This game had its challenges, ____________ and rewards. 4) satisfy satisfied satisfying satisfaction satisfactorily

A. Pat is always asking for more clothes—she’s never ________________ with what she’s got. B. I offered him $10,000 to keep quiet, but that didn’t _______________ him and he wanted even more.

C. She looked at the finished painting with _________________. D. Potatoes are _________________ food—they make you feel full. E. I’m sure these problems will be __________________ solved.

1. 1) A. childish (having a manner unsuitable for a grown-up 幼稚的,傻气的)

B. child

C. childhood

D. childlike (of or typical of a child, especially having a natural lovable quality 孩子般的,天真


2) A. Commercially B. commercial C. commerce D. commercials E. non-commercial 3) A. exciting B. excites C. excited D. excited E. excitements

4) A. satisfied B. satisfy C. satisfaction D. satisfying E. satisfactorily

3. Directions: The following words are used to describe the different ways foods are cooked. Fill

in each of the blanks with an appropriate word.

roasted fried steamed toasted boiled baked

1) Fish, chicken, and chips can be ____________.

2) Cabbage, eggs, and potatoes can be ____________. 3) Fish and pudding can be ____________.

4) Duck, beef, and potatoes can be ____________. 5) Bread, cake, and potatoes can be ____________. 6) Cheese sandwiches can be ____________.

3. 1) fried 2) boiled 3) steamed 4) roasted 5) baked 6) toasted fry: cook food in a pan that contains hot fat or oil 煎,炸 boil: cook food in boiling water 在水中煮沸 steam: cook food in steam 蒸,煮

roast: cook food by dry heat, either in front of an open fire or in a hot oven 烤,烘,炙 bake: cook food in an oven (在炉中)烘,烤,焙

toast: make (bread, cheese, etc) brown by holding it close to heat 烤(面包等)


1. 演讲的主题已提早一星期宣布, 而主讲人的名字却没有(宣布)。(in advance) 2. 居然还有学生在考试之前踢足球,这似乎令人难以置信。(incredible) 3. Auden先生是一个快乐的人, 他从帮助别人之中获得乐趣。(derive)