【英语】四川省成都七中实验学校2018-2019学年高二5月月考试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【英语】四川省成都七中实验学校2018-2019学年高二5月月考试题更新完毕开始阅读203a281fcd84b9d528ea81c758f5f61fb7362826

than in warmer conditions. 38

This information comes from John Brewer, who is a professor of applied sport science at St. Mary’s. For this study, he and other researchers put a group of people into a room they called an \in the room. 39 Brewer says he and his team recorded biological measurements of the runners.

He says that the most important thing for people who run in cold conditions is to wear the right clothing. Wear gloves on your hands. 40 And especially wear more than one layer of clothing to keep sweat away from your skin. A. Yet many runners might find it easier than running in hot weather. B. We have good reasons to run in winter. C. Wear shoes that will keep you from falling.

D. Many feel nervous when running in the cold weather. E. The body needs less water on a cold day than in warm weather. F. In fact, running in cold weather helps improve one’s performance. G. The test subjects were asked to run 10,000 meters under both conditions. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


We made a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up cupcakes for my daughter Norah’s fourth birthday. As an older gentleman walked by, Norah 41 and waved, \It’s my birthday today!\ 42 .

\little lady! And how old are you today?\he asked. They 43 for a couple of minutes, with Norah 44 him in on the details of her birthday, and we went our 45 ways. But a few minutes later, Norah 46 she really wanted a 47 with him. Uh, my cutest baby!

We back found him at the 48 . \photo with her, \I asked, 49 the man to be annoyed at my daughter’s strange request.

50 , I got the completely opposite response!

He looked 51 . \photo? With me?\So they posed together and then they 52 each other like they were long lost friends. The precious scene 53 other shoppers, but no one cared.

We 54 Mr. Dan (I knew his name later on)for his 55 . His eyes filled with tears and he said, \ 56 .\

Now, Norah and Mr. Dan are more than just friends. We make 57 visits to see him because she worries about his being 58 . Mr. Dan says that his friendship with Norah helped to 59 his broken heart for his wife’s sudden death.

Sometimes talking to 60 turns into the most beautiful thing in the world. 41.A.communicated 42.A.noise 43.A.chatted 44.A.dropping 45.A.separate 46.A.reminded 47.A.talk 48.A.street 49.A.expecting 50.A.Lastly 51.A.annoyed 52.A.greeted 53.A.educated 54.A.memorized 55.A.time 56.A.cheer up 57.A.special 58.A.tired 59.A.attend

B.responded B.sorrow B.stood B.filling B.narrow B.predicted B.reunion B.store B.allowing B.Besides B.delighted B.hugged B.attracted B.paid B.permission B.get along B.new B.busy B.sew

C.smiled C.interruption C.waited C.calling C.long C.decided C.moment C.restaurant C.requiring C.Instead C.disappointed C.supported C.delayed C.thanked C.friendship C.take off C.quick C.lonely C.open

D.escaped D.impoliteness D.discussed D.putting D.crowded D.remembered D.picture D.community D.causing D.Suddenly D.prepared D.encouraged D.blocked D.excited D.experience D.hold on D.regular D.ill D.touch






阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 An insect __61 (call) the fall armyworm has already eaten crops in the Americas and Africa. Now it is doing the same in Asia.

The young worms are about the size of a person's smallest finger. They can damage maize(玉米)especially, __62 (make) the vegetable soft and wet.

Urapom Nounart is __63 expert on farm pests at Thailand's Agriculture Department. “We never had this one before \says. The fall armyworms __64 (find) late last year in an area northwest of Bangkok. “It’s a big problem,” Nounart added.

The worms can make farmers lose their profits. To make matters __65 (bad), they are difficult __66 (fight). Yet limiting the insects is critical. Although Asia is well-known __67 its rice growing, maize is also a major crop and an important source of food for chickens, cows and other animals.

The fall armyworm is native to an area that spreads from Argentina to northern Canada. There,the insect has natural enemies __68 existence helps to keep the fall armyworm population at acceptable levels, but such help is not found everywhere.

Experts note that __69_(chemical) against the worms are costly, dangerous and do not always work. So some farmers who suffer a great __70 (lose) in Thailand are trying other ways to fight the fall armyworms.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏子符号(∧)并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

We students real love our school canteen, where is located next to our dormitory. All the year round, it provides us with health, delicious and diverse food. Every day we can enjoy our meals in the clean and tidy dining hall and with wonderful light background musics. The friendly and patient staff in the canteen treat us as their own children. They never fail make us happy and relaxing with their smiling faces. Besides all these advantages, that can’t be ignored is that the price of the meal was quite reasonable. I am sure I will miss our school canteen even before my graduation.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假如你是李华,今年暑假你将参加“英国名校两周游”夏令营,计划7月份在London逗留三天,住在Wellington Hotel。你想与去年你家接待过的英国学生Charlie见面,请你给他写一封Email。主要内容包括:

1. 问候;

2. 简单介绍在伦敦的行程;

3. 希望见面并商量见面的时间和地点。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯