高中英语语法(2)-被动语态 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章高中英语语法(2)-被动语态更新完毕开始阅读206f5e8302d276a200292e5b


有些介词短语作定语或表语时,也有被动的含义。 The tall building under repair is an office building. 正在修建的那座高楼是一座办公楼。 The result is now under consideration. 结果现在正在考虑中。

个别介词短语用冠词时表示被动的意义,不用冠词表示主动意义。 The children are in the charge of this nurse. 孩子们由这位护士照管。

This nurse is in charge og the children. 这位护士负责照看孩子们。


The teacher is satisfied with what he said. 老师对他所说的感到满意。 We are opposed to unjust wars. 我们反对非正义的战争。 We are prepared to accept his proposal. 我们准备采纳他的建议。 He was tired with playing all day. 玩了一整天他感到很疲倦了。 C.某些表示定位、移位的动词

The earth is tilted a little. 地球有点儿倾斜。

Hundreds of soldiers were stationed around the prison. 数百个士兵驻扎在监狱周围。

The village is located at the foot of a hill. 这个村庄坐落在山脚下。 D.不及物动词的-ed形式与be连用表示主动意义 Spring is come. 春天来了。

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The moon was set and it was very dark. 月亮落了,天很黑。 He is advanced in years. 他年纪很大了。 E.表示终止动词的-ed形式

He is done with it. 他做完了这件事。

My fever is gone, but I still have a cough. 我的烧已经退了,但还有点儿咳嗽。 F.一些习惯用法

He was graduated from Beijing University. 他毕业于北大。 You are mistaken. 你弄错了。 He is retired. 他退休了。 G.被动的祈使句 Do be seated. 请坐!

Be prepared, please. 请准备好。 Get washed. 洗吧。

Be concerned more about the well-being of the masses. 多关心群众的生活。

第 26 页 共 26 页