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[ 13 ] 在多数人身上,乐观主义和悲观主义兼而有之,但总是更倾向于其中之一。塞利格曼说,这是一种所谓早在“母亲膝下”就开始形成的思维模式,来自千万次警告或鼓励,积极的或消极的话语。过多的“不许”及危险警告会使一个孩了感到无能、恐惧,以及悲观。 [ 14 ] 随着年龄的增长,儿童能体会到许多小小的成就感,如学会系鞋带等。家长可以促使这类成功转变为控制感,从而培养出乐观主义。


[16 ] 匹兹堡的利维博士想知道把病人变成乐观主义者是否会延长他们的生命。在一次试验性研究中,两组结肠癌病人受到同样方式的治疗,但其中一些人还得到了鼓励乐观态度的心理帮助。试验结果表明这一作法有一定的效果。现在正计划实施一项重大研究,以确定这一心理变化是否会改变病情的发展。


[19] 二、然后,来做一个试验。做一件同任何消极反应相反的事。比如说,你工作中山了问题。你是这么想的吗:我讨厌我的工作,可我再也不会找到比这更好的工作了?这时你应该采取行动,就像完全不是这么回事一样:向外发寄个人简历、去参加面试、看看有没有培训项目并寻找工作门路。


[21]积极的思维导致积极的行动以及积极的反应。如证据所表明的,你对世界抱有什么样的希望,你就很可能得到什么样的结果。 4] they found that the positive-thinkers among longtime

representatives sold 37-percent more insurance than did the

negative-thinkers. 划线部分为主谓倒装句,是比较句型常见形式。 本句译文:他们发现,在工龄较长的推销员中,积极思考者比消极思考者要多推37%的保险额。参见课文第五段第二句。

impressed在此为过去分词作状语,其逻辑主语为the company。 本句译文:公司受到了触动,便雇用了100名虽未通过标准化企业测试但在态度乐观一项得分很高的人。

[7] when they failed on the first call or two, pessimists said, i cant do this.

从句中they指代主句主语pessimists,划线部分意为:“when the first few people they phoned refused to donate blood.”


[10] optimists may think they are better than the facts would justify—and sometimes thats what keeps them alive.

划线部分意为:“overestimate themselves; regard themselves as better than they really are”。




what you did cannot be justified by what you said to him.

2.你认为他会因为同主教的私人关系而免受宗教迫害吗 ? (immune from)

do you think he would be immune from religious persecution by reason of his personal relation with the bishop?


whether your nightmare recurs depends on your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist.

4.乐观主义者成功的秘诀在于他们是用积极的态度对待失望和失败。 the secret to the success of optimists is that they deal with disappointments and failures in a positive way.

5.悲观主义者往往容易失败,部分原因就是一个人对自己的看法常常是一种能够自我实现的预言。(in part)

the reason that a pessimist tends to fail is, in part, that a persons opinion about himself is often a self-fulfilling prophecy.

6.在幼儿的性格特征没有来得及发展之前,他们的行为不如大多数成年人的行为那样保持一致 (consistent)。

in very young children, before traits have had much chance to develop, behavior is less consistent than it is in most adults. 第二单元

1.那个政客以许多事实和数字作为武器。(arm with)

the politician was armed with many facts and figures. 2.我觉得我们在那里确实学到了许多东西。 (strike)

it struck me that we had really learnt a great deal there. 3.现在工人们的各方面条件比起10年前都大大改善了。(as compared with)

the conditions of workers now, as compared with what they were ten years ago, have been greatly improved.

4.根据人民共和国的法律,父母有责任送子女上学。(obligate) according to the law of the peoples republic, parents are obligated to send their children to school. 5.他的错误是确定事实前就做了决定。(err)

he erred in making his decision before he confirmed the facts. 6.科研工作不断开辟以前梦想不到的可能性。

scientific research continues to open up previously undreamed of possibilities. 第三单元 none


1. 这些年轻的工人技术员具备我们能希望他们有的一切条件。 these young technicians have all the qualifications we can hope for.

2. 我倒是没摔坏,可是被吓得半死。 i was more frightened than hurt


they wondered what had become of the girl. 4.那个地区的农民喜欢桃柳间种。

farmers in that area like to intersperse peach trees among willows.


i have a vehement hatred of people who are cruel to animals. 6.人类即使在享受技术进步带来的成果时,也必须维护纯知识的首要地位和独立性。

even while enjoying the results of technical progress, man must defend the primacy and autonomy of pure knowledge. 第五单元


the copy of the authors paper was presented to the editorial staffs.


he is at the bottom of his class, but it does not follow that he has nothing in mind. maybe he is only just lazy. 3.这些异常现象值得注意。(worth)

these exceptional phenomena are worth noticing. 4.股东们在聘用新经理问题上发生了分歧。(at odds)

the shareholders are at odds with employing the new manager. 5.这使我们得出结论:无知助长迷信。(foster)

it makes us conclude that ignorance fosters blind faith.

6.当你知道并不是年龄使你丧失记忆力之后,你可能会大吃一惊。 it may come as a surprise to learn that it is not age that makes you lose your memory. 第六单元

1.我们面临的现实与其说是享受生命的报偿不如说是享受生命的进程。(not so much… as) the reality we face is not so much enjoying the rewards of life as enjoying the process of life. 2.我慢慢地明白了爱、欢乐连同痛苦也都如此珍贵,因为这些标志生命的存在。(dawn on) it slowly dawns on me that love, happy including pain are so valuable, because these indicate the existence of life.


dont be indifferent to the splendor of things in life. 4.他一头埋在个人的私事中是决不会生活得快乐的。

he is too preoccupied with his personal affairs to live happily. 5. 理想具有长存的价值,值得追求。

ideality has long-lasting value .it deserves pursuing. 6.他正确地观察事物。(perspective)

he sees things in the right perspective. 7.敌人决不甘心于他们的失败。

the enemy will never be reconciled to their defeat.

8.无论60岁,还是16岁,新奇事物对每个人都有吸引力;只要童心(childlike appetite)不泯,


new and strange things are attractive to everyone, whether he is 60 or 16. a person with a childlike appetite will always be curious about the future and full of joy of life.