基于单片机的液体点滴速度监控装置设计本科生毕业论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章基于单片机的液体点滴速度监控装置设计本科生毕业论文更新完毕开始阅读20cd401c0812a21614791711cc7931b765ce7b9a

摘 要

摘 要



关键字 点滴速度;步进电动机;单片机;报警系统



Intravenous infusion is one of the most commonly used in clinical treatment, is a commonly used medication nursing professional technology. Should be based on drug and clinical patients is different with the appropriate transfusion speed. Infusion too quickly, it may cause poisoning, will lead to more serious edema, and congestive heart failure; Infusion too slow will probably be enough doses or unnecessarily prolong infusion time, treatment affected and add unnecessary burden to patients and nursing. Routine clinical transfusion, generally used to hang bottle infusion, by eye observation, rely on manual clip to control the transfusion speed, not easy to precisely control infusion speed, and large workload.

This system is to use single chip microcomputer intelligent design and production of a liquid drop speed monitoring and control device. The device consists of water droplets velocity test system, speed control system, keyboard, display device, microcomputer system and alarm system. Application of water pressure varies with the change of height difference principle, use rise and fall of control stepper motor to control the bit rate. Intravenous drip speed can be set with keyboard, set range of 20-150 (drops/min), control about 10% error range in 1 drop. From change the set point to the basic stability of the whole process of dropping speed adjustment time is less than 3 minutes. At the same time can send out alarm signal when the water is below the alarming.

Keywords Intravenous drip speed; the step motor;MCU;alarm system



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