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发布时间 : 星期六 文章二星笔试各部分要点+ 语法更新完毕开始阅读216e1f0716fc700abb68fc5f

15 10:45 can be read as a quarter ___ eleven. A past B to C after 选B 11点不到一刻钟 即 10:45

16 What do you want to buy ___ your new house. A in B for C to buy something for ….为。。。买某物

17 My cousin is often late ___ school. A after B at C for

选C for be late for school/class 上学/上课迟到

18 Look, who is standing ___ your right? A on B in C at

本题选A on 在某人的左侧/右侧 用介词on, on one’s right/left

19 Jack played ___ the swings and slide. A on B beside C in

在秋千和滑梯上玩,选A 而 play with 表示玩。。。玩具

20 They had a delicious picnic lunch ___ peanut and butter and jelly sandwiches. A for B of C to

本题考得是of表示的, 这里选B of ,表示他们享用了 一顿美味的野餐,而野餐的内容是 花生,黄油以及果冻和三明治,这里“的”虽然不做翻译,却表示午餐的内容。

21 Guess, Jenny!Is the rubber ___ my left hand or my right hand? A on B in C about

在某人的手中用in one’s hand.选B in , 区别于 在某一边用on the right/left-hand side

22 Wednesday comes ___ Tuesday. A behind B back C after

周三在周二之后,选after 表示 发生的顺序上在。。。之后 而behind表示地理位置方面在。。。后面

23 He took a pencil out ___ his pencil box. A from B of C/

Take something out of表示从。。。地方拿出。。。

24 We will have an exam ___ tomorrow morning A / B on C in

本题选A不加介词, tomorrow morning / yesterday night 等前不加任何介词

25 You can ask him ___ it.

A about B to C of

ask somebody about something 表示 文某人有关。。。的问题 选A about

26 Look ___ the bed, and you will find your slippers there. A in B for C under

本题考验大家的细心程度,由于后半句slippers的意思是拖鞋,因此选c under 拖鞋总是在床下的

27 It’s time to go to school. Hurry ___ ! A on B up C out hurry up 表示快,抓紧时间的意思 选B up

28 Jane got ___ the train to Hangzhou. A on B into C upon

get on the bus/train 登上巴士/火车 选A on get into 表示进入

29 We should say “Good morning” ___ our teachers. A with B before C to

say something to somebody 表示对某人说。。。因此选C to

30 It’s time ___ lunch. You must hurry. A on B in C for It’s time for something.表示做。。。的时间到了 It’s time for class.上课时间到了。

31 On Saturday afternoon I often go to the cinema ___ a friend. A by B for C with

本题又考察 do…with somebody的用法,与某人一起做某事,选Cwith

32 In winter we stay ___ home and listen ___ music. A on/to B at/with C at/to

本题考查 at home 与 listen to 两种用法,前者表示在家,后者表示听着

但 如____ Mary’s home 就应填in Mary’s home home前无定语用at

33 This is a letter ___ your brother in Australia. A of B from C on

本题选 B a letter from somebody 表示来自于某人的信

34 I have a lesson ___ Tuesday. A in B at C on

Tuesday表示某一天,某一天前介词用on, 选C on

但,tomorrow morning / yesterday afternoon 前无介词(前题中已出现过)

35 Sue ___ at six every day, and she does morning exercises. A gets up B gets off C gets on 选A gets up get up表示起床

36 Hangzhou is ___ the east of China. A on B of C in

杭州在中国(内部的)东面in the east of China,因此选 C in

37 Russia(俄罗斯) is ___ the north of China. A on B to C in

俄罗斯在中国(外部的)北面 to the north of China,因此选B to 38 Do you want butter ___ your bread? A on B with C in

本题选A on 你要在面包上涂黄油吗。 Bread with butter表示黄油面包 bread and butter 表示生计,薪水

本题黄油在前,并且bread 前有个your, on your bread 作状语

39 Jennifer often talks ___ her cousin when she’s sad. A from B of C to talk to /with somebody表示与某人交谈 talk about/of something 谈论某事

40 I can walk ___ school ___ five minutes. A for/at B by/in C to/in

这题考得是walk to 这个动词词组,表示 步行去。。地方

In …(时间段)表示在 某段时间之内 in five minutes在五分钟内

41 It’s still bright. We needn’t turn ___ the light. A on B down C off

这题小朋友 由前句“天还亮着”很容易选off,表示关灯,但由needn’t不需要得出 后面应选 A 不需要开灯needn’t turn on the light.

42 Jack cut the birthday cake ___ eight pieces. A into B for C to

Cut …into… (通过改变大小形状)把。。。切成。。。,选A into

43 When I went to bed last night, it was already ___ 11 o’clock. A over B before C past

由already已经 得出 B before肯定不能选, 接着看 over只能用在超过一定量上 over three hours超过三个小时(的量) 而表示11点多,我们用C past


形容词位置 “修理前 清洗后”

形容词作定语时用在被修饰词(名词)前a clever girl

形容词作表语时用在系动词(be动词: am is are)(感官动词:look, sound, smell, taste, feel)(变化类动词:get, become, turn, go, grow) 后The girl is clever. * a开头的形容词一般只用在系动词后作表语 The girl is afraid.女孩害怕了。an afraid girl The boy got asleep. 男孩睡着了。an asleep boy 副词位置 “喂后”

副词一般用在谓语动词后,表示事件发生的 时间,地点,方式,频率,程度。。。

形容词的排序 主观—>客观

限定词+ 性质 尺寸 形状 年龄 颜色 产地材料 用途+ 名词 An ugly big round old brown Japanese wooden dining table 一张丑的大的圆的旧的棕色的日本的木制的餐桌

boy clever young Chinese a tall eight-year-old rectangle expensive small British transformer delicious the chocolate round cake big

副词的排序 与中文习惯顺序相反