1980—2018年历年考研英语真题集 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章1980—2018年历年考研英语真题集更新完毕开始阅读21cd230592c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5dad720

[C] decreases [D] contracts ANSWER: [D]

Ventilation, as we know, is a system or means of providing fresh air. It plays a very important part in the field of engineering. For instance, the automobile tunnel might 大31家 huge ventilation problems. Even in the days of smoky, coal-burning 大32家, trains made their own ventilation by pushing and pulling air 大33家 the tunnels. Cars don't move their own spent gases in the same way; it collects in tunnels. Clifford M. Holland solved the problem 大34家 a giant fan-driven system for the Hudson River tunnel.

Holland's system received a severe 大35家 when a truck 大36家 with chemical substances caught fire in the tunnel and exploded. The blast destroyed many automobiles; sixty persons were 大37家 by the strong smelling smoke. All sixty, however, remained 大38家 after the explosion. 大39家 the ruin of 500 feet of the tunnel roof, traffic 大40家 after only fifty-six hours.

31. [A] make

[B] bring [C] raise [D] create

32. [A] stoves

[B] burners [C] boilers

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[D] engines

33. [A] around

[B] through [C] in [D] within

34. [A] by

[B] with [C] for [D] of

35. [A] trial

[B] pressure [C] examination[D] test

36. [A] loaded

[B] carried [C] crowded [D] transported

37. [A] swept

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[B] overcome [C] hit [D] hurt

38. [A] alive

[B] living [C] live [D] lived

39. [A] With

[B] After [C] Because of [D] Despite

40. [A] resumed

[B] stopped [C] moved [D] started

Section III Reading Comprehension

Each sentence or passage below is followed by four statements. One of the statements is a suggestion which can be made from the information given in the original sentence or passage. Read them carefully and make your choice. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (10 points)

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Dr. Smith made a long speech in which he implied that he was a friend of the Dean's. [A] Dr. Smith was not a friend of the Dean's.

[B] Dr. Smith gave a talk in which he said he was a friend of the Dean's. [C] Dr. Smith suggested in his speech that he was a friend of the Dean's.

[D] Dr. Smith made a moving speech in which he said he was a friend of the Dean's. ANSWER: [C]

41. I find it difficult to drive home my point to the students.

[A] I find it difficult to make my point fully understood by my students. [B] I find it difficult to drive my students home.

[C] I want to point out that it is difficult to give my students lessons on driving. [D] My point is driving is especially difficult for my students.

42. You ought to stand up for him.

[A] You should get up when he comes in. [B] You should support him.

[C] You shouldn't be afraid to argue with him. [D] You must be of the same height as he is.

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