新人教版七年级英语下册Unit8Is there a post office near here教学设计 联系客服

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Is there a library near here/around here/in the neighborhood?

Giving directions:指路 Go straight ( until the end ). Go down/along Bridge Street. Turn left/right. Go across the street.

It’s down/along New Street on the left/right. Turn left/right at the first crossing(十字路口). Take the first turning(转弯处)on the left/right. 写出同义句

1.请问, 去车站怎么走? 2.劳驾,邮局在哪儿? Step15 Summary2 1. Target language: Is there a/an…?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Where is…?

It’s +prepositional phrases.

2. Grasp how to use some sentences to ask way and give directions. Step16 Homework

1.Review the sentences learned in this class and try to make sentences to describe your neighborhood.

2. 你喜欢学校周围的环境吗?假如请你来重新规划,你会怎么设计让其周围的环境更受学生、老师的欢迎呢?四人小组共同合作,在纸上画出你们精彩的构思,然后写一份说明书.