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第一题:听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍,请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出包含所听到信息的选项。 1. Traveling is very exciting.

2. I often help my mother with housework. 3. Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender. 4. Where are you going to take a vacation? 5. Tom is good at playing soccer.

第二题:听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出该句的最佳答句。 6. Shall we go out for a walk after dinner? 7. Help yourself to some cakes!

8. Would you like to come to my party this weekend? 9. What should you do if you have a sore throat? 10.How often do you go to the movies?


[来源:Zxxk.Com][来源学_科_网Z_X_X_K][来源学。科。网Z。X。X。K]XK]11. W: Can I help you?

M: I’d like to get a sweater.

Q: Where are the two speakers?

12. W: Well, I made Lisa a birthday card for her birthday. What about you, David? M: I am looking for a book.

Q: What will David buy for Lisa’s birthday?

八年级英语 第 9 页 共 11 页

13. W: They say Lucy runs very fast.

M: I don’t think so. I think Lily runs faster.

W: You’re right. But she doesn’t run as fast as Kate.Q: Who runs the fastest?

14.W:Can you come to my party this Sunday, Jeff? M:Sorry, I’ll have a math exam. Q: What exam will Jeff have?

15.W: What else do you need for the salad, Sam? M:One tomato and a banana. W: OK, I’ll get them soon.

Q: What else does Sam need for the salad?



Peter is 13. He is interested in reading. He studies in a school near his house. But because his family is very poor, he can’t buy any books. One day, he had a good idea. He thought he could find a job and then he could make some money. A week later he got his first job. He would send newspapers every morning. The boss told him, “You will get three dollars an hour now, and next year you will make five dollars an hour.” “That’s wonderful!” Peter answered, “I’ll see you next year.”


My name is Mike. I'm having a birthday party next Sunday. I will be sixteen years old. I don't like to eat in the restaurant because there are too many people there. I am going to have my birthday party at home. It took me a long time to decide who should be invited. At last I asked fifteen of my classmates. But Gina said she had to stay at home and looked after her sick grandma. We will have the party in the evening, from 6:30 to 10 o'clock. I am going to ask Alan and Sam to bring their CDs so that we can dance. I'm sure I'll have a wonderful party. I can't wait!


1-5 : CBCAB 6-10: BCACA 11-15: ABABA 16-20 : BCABC 21. birthday 22. at home 23. fifteen/15 24. 6:30 25. dance


单选21-25 ADABD

26-30 BBDCC

31-35 ABCBA

36-40 CACBD

完形41-45CAADA 46-50CDACB

八年级英语 第 10 页 共 11 页

阅读51-55BAACD 56-60BDCBC 61-65CCCBA 71 ? angry ?saying 72 A. F B. T

73 现在我知道为什么这名军人想与我交换座位了。 74 No, he didn’t.

75 There was only a piece of wood left. 词语运用 76. best 77. make up 78. shares 79. reporter 80. dangerous


81.What will your hometown be like in the future? 82. Did you go out with anyone?

83. Walk quietly in the library. 84. He is never late for school.

85. Watch too much TV is bad for your eyes. B书面表达

A Happy Winter Vacation

I am very excited(激动) about the coming winter vacation. Two weeks ago, I made a complete(完整的) plan with my parents. I'm going to Hainan for my vacation with my parents. We are leaving on 15th of February. We are going there by plane. We are staying there for about two weeks. We are going sightseeing there. We are also going to the beach, going fishing, going shopping and so on. What wonderful vacation it is! It can help me forget all my trouble. A no-stress vacation. I can't wait. I'll be a new girl when I return to Songzi. 八年级英语 第 11 页 共 11 页