Unit 5 Music 单元测试题 2 必修2 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章Unit 5 Music 单元测试题 2 必修2更新完毕开始阅读2265c46680c758f5f61fb7360b4c2e3f5627256c

Oliver, 10, who did not provide a last name, said, “It was rather sad, but it underlined the importance of never letting go of the things that you care about.” 28. What can we learn about this year’s NYICFF? A. It lasted more than three weeks. B. It attracted viewers from 24 countries. C. It presented films mostly made by women. D. It only presented films with kids as protagonists. 29. What happens to Tom in the film Zoo? A. He saves the owner of a zoo. B. He is forced to fight in a war. C. He loses his father because of a war. D. He helps an elephant live through a war. 30. How did Gabriel Bieller find the film Zoo? A. Creative. B. Relaxing. C. Educative. D. Saddening.

31. What might the viewers think of Hector Saxe at first? A. Shy. B. Strict. C. Hard-working. D. Warm-hearted.


One afternoon about six years ago, I was entering my new school

(Beaver Country Day School) and passing some middle school classrooms. I asked myself, “Every adult in the school sits in a chair that is on wheels. Why aren’t student chairs on wheels?” If chairs on wheels are more comfortable for adults and make them more productive, it seems reasonable they would have the same influence on students. So, we ordered some for the middle school and the results were immediately satisfying. Teachers and students alike loved the new chairs. To increase flexibility

(灵活性) in the room, we put all classroom furniture (家具) on wheels and made all the walls writeable with long whiteboards.

All of this was easy to do, and not very expensive. The next question I asked myself was: if it’s this easy, why don’t schools pay more attention to learning environments? When new office buildings open, it is common for newspapers to review them and describe how they meet the needs of today’s workers. However, classrooms are still the same as they were more than 100 years ago.

Organizations like Steelcase and Gensler Architects have done in-depth research on workspaces, and Steelcase has paid special attention to schools; they find that workspace and classroom design send powerful messages. When students enter a room with desks or tables in a row and a board at the front, the message is that today we will be on the receiving end of instruction. While with all chairs and tables on wheels and all walls writeable, the message is that today we are going to create something.

As we build schools, let’s think in fresh ways about the student experience. Let’s give the same amount of research-driven thought to the school environment as we do to our best work environments. Let’s put thoughtful student-centered design at the forefront of school design. Maybe then it will be worth the time to write reviews of exciting, new classroom environments.

32. What happened to Beaver Country Day School about six years ago? A. Students moved into new classrooms. B. All the classroom walls were repainted. C. Teachers asked for wheeled chairs in their office. D. Wheeled furniture was introduced into classrooms.

33. What does the underlined word “they” in the first paragraph refer to? A. Adults.

B. Chairs on wheels. C. Students.

D. Middle school classrooms.

34. How did the author explain the advantage of the new classroom design?

A. By listing numbers. B. By offering examples. C. By showing research findings.

D. By asking questions and answering them.

35. What did the author suggest doing when building schools? A. Using the latest technology. B. Avoiding workspace design. C. Doing scientific research first. D. Considering students’ needs first.



Deciding whether or not to take part in an extracurricular (课外的) activity can be a challenge (挑战). Before signing up to play on the volleyball team, first consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a decision.

36 Students are successful when they take part in many activities. They do well in their classes and feel more connected to school. Research shows that students in extracurricular activities have better attendance and grades.

Extracurricular activities also help students make new friends and lasting relationships. 37 Even though we became friends a long time ago, we are still close today.

While these activities have many advantages, students should consider the downside as well. 38 Extracurricular activities can be too much for students who do not practice good time management. Students need to be good at managing their time between different activities.

Another downside to extracurricular activities involves transportation. 39 This situation limits students’ extracurricular choices to those outside the school and closer to home. A few of my classmates joined the school’s cultural club. They later discovered that it met after school. These students dropped out of the club because they had to catch their buses.

Only you can decide if extracurricular activities are right for you. Activities outside the school can help you succeed in many areas of your life. 40 Are you up for a challenge?

A. We were both in the eight-and-under age group. B. Some clubs or sports meet before or after school. C. One downside is that it can create a busy life for students. D. Many students are tired from all the things they have to do. E. Taking part in extracurricular activities has many advantages. F. I met my best friend when we were on the YMCA swim team.

G. However, you need good time management skills to deal with a busy life.

第三部分: 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)



My mom used to drive my younger sister and me to primary school. As soon as her car was gone, we’d 41 our headscarves. Not that our headscarves were the only 42 . My sister and I were the only people of color in our school. Kids 43 us, and called us monkeys more than once. My parents had come to the United States as refugees (难民) in 1998, and we were born a year later; we 44 speaking Somali. Learning English had both advantages and disadvantages because it 45 me to understand what everyone was saying about us.

At home my mom 46 cooked Somali meals — rice with goat (山羊) meat, a banana on the side — 47 my sister and I were ashamed to have friends over. We 48 speaking Somali. When my parents 49 school, I’d walk ten steps behind. If kids asked why they wore headscarves, I’d say, “Those aren’t my 50 .”

When I started at a middle school for students of different races, I began to realize I had been 51 . I wanted to change those in my position (处境), so in high school I 52 an after-school class at a refugee center. I kept saying that my students and their identities were 53 , no matter what society said. But when a friend 54 me