人教版高中英语必修三Unit 4《Astronomy the science of the stars》word导学案1 联系客服

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Book 3 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars

Warming Up & Reading

Learning Goals:

1. Arouse students’ interest to search for the mystery of space. 2. Develop Ss’reading ability. Step I: Lead in

Task 1: Go over words about names of subject and scientists in these fields Hey. Do you like... Do you want to be an/a... biology(生物学)


chemistry chemist(化学家) Physics physicist(物理学家) geography(地质学) geologist(地质学家) music musician

politics(政治) politician(政治家) astronomy(天文学) astronomer(天文学家) Task 2: Talk about something about astronomy.

Here is the picture of the solar system.Can you locate (定位) the eight planets in the picture?

Uranus Venus Earth Mars Mercury Jupiter Neptune Saturn

solar system

They are : 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、

Research in class

Read the text book in Page 25 “How life begin on earth”. Step 2 Thinking &Discussing (1) Scan and predict.

What is the passage about? It is about how on the earth. (2)Skim and find the main idea of each paragraph

Para. 1 The arrival of humans and their impact on the earth. Para. 2 The development of plants and animals on the earth. Para. 3 A widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe.

Para. 4 The formation (形成) of the earth. Para. 5 The importance of water for life.

(2) Careful reading: read the text carefully,then fill in the chat of“ How life

began on the earth” water 2 shellfish and all sorts of fish 4 5 10. 7 reptiles (on land) 11. human 8 9 Step 3 Discussing and presenting your answers to your groupmats. Step 4Testing

True (T) or False (F).

1. The earth appeared before the Big Bang happened.

2. The original atmosphere consisted of nitrogen and oxygen.

3. The main difference between the earth and other planets is that there is water on the earth.

4. Life began in water and then on land.

5. Mammals appeared before the development of dinosaurs.

6. Dinosaurs could give birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them. 7. Human beings produce too much carbon dioxide which causes the global warming on the earth.

8. According to the text, human beings would disappear in the end. Reading comprehension

1.How were stars and other bodies created? A .Atoms combined to create them. B Clouds of dust combined to create them. C.Water combined to create them. D. Gases combined to create them.

2.Which is the most important for life appearing on the earth? A.Fire B.Rock C.Water D.Clouds

3. It can be known from the passage that_____________. A.plants and animals appeared on the earth at the same time B.plants appeared later on the earth than animals C.early shellfish appeared earlier than plants D..animals appeared later on the earth than plants

1 small plants in water 3 6 4.How many years did dinosaurs exist on the earth? A.More than 140 billion years B..More than 140 million years C..More than 140 thousand years D..More than 140 years

5.Why can the earth become too hot to live on? A.Small clever animals produce more heat.

B..Small clever animals produce too much carbon dioxide.

C..Small clever animals don’t want heat to escape from the earth. D..Small clever animals like to live on a hot planet.