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Unit 2 My schoolbag

A Let’s learn


教 学 目 标

1. 能够能听说、认读schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook等单 词。 知识 2. 能够在语境中熟练运用句型What’s in your schoolbag? 进行问答,并能熟练描述书包目标 中各种书本的名称。 能力 能够在语境中熟练运用句型What’s in your schoolbag? 进行问答,并能熟练描述书包中各目标 种书本的名称。 培养学生关爱他人,情感 利用主情景图中For Hope Schools为希望学校捐赠书本文具的活动,目标 爱护书本的良好意识。 从音、形、义方面 听说、认读schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook教学重点 等单词。 区别storybook与Chinese book, English book, maths book的书写形式,以及单词maths 教学难点 book的发音 情境教学法;任务型教学法 教学方法 二、【教学流程】

环节 I.复习 热身

师生活动 二次备课 Ⅱ.新知 呈现 1. Free talk T:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?This class we will learn Unit 2 My schoolbag A Let’s learn. First ,look at the picture and answer my question:What’s in the classroom? What’s in the pencilbox? 课件依次呈现教室和铅笔盒的图片。学生通过回答问题,复习以前学过的单词。 2. Let’s revise T: Look!What’s on the desk? T:Yes. It’s a bag. It’s a schoolbag. 3. Let's sing T: I have a song about “My schoolbag”, Sing the song and answer the question:What’s the song about? 1. 歌曲导入,引出单词schoolbag T: Yes, the song is about Zoom’s schoolbag. Look, this is Zoom’s schoolbag.出示图片和词卡,教授单词schoolbag. 2.呈现情景,布置任务 Zoom的书包很重,里面有很多东西。What’s for? 引出本课的主题 Oh. It’s for Hope Schools. T:Miss White 正组织着同学们向希望学校捐赠学习用品。Do you want to go? Ok ! Let’s give our love for Hope Schools together! 3.带着问题,初步感知文本 T: Here comes Amy with her schoolbag.She wants to share her love for Hope schools.Do you want to know what’s in her schoolbag?Zoom also wants to know. So he asks her a question. What’s the question? 21

Watch the video and answer the question. 课件呈现句子:What’s in your schoolbag?教读该句子。 T:What’s in Amy’s schoolbag? Let’s listen and answer. 带着问题听录音文本,初步地整体感知本节课要学习的语言知识。 4.呈现图片,教授单词 T: What’s in Amy’s schoolbag? Let’s have a look.(利用PPT的动画效果依次呈现书包里的物品),教授单词maths book, a maths book; English book, an English book; Chinese book, a Chinese book 呈现故事书,教授单词storybook .T:How many storybooks can you see?引导学生回答:three storybooks 5.Have a chant What’s in your schoolbag? What’s in your schoolbag? A Chinese book,a Chinese book. A maths book, a maths book. What’s in your schoolbag? What’s in your schoolbag? An English book,an English book. A storybook, a storybook. Oh, no, three storybooks. 1.听音正音。听录音跟读,注意模仿语音语调。 2.Read in group, then read by themselves. 3.Sharp eyes Look at the pictures, and say the word as quickly as you can. 4.Read and do 看课件中呈现的单词,大声读出来,并拿出相应的课本。全部拿对的同学说Bingo. 5.Simon says 教师在发指令前说Simon says,学生则做此动作,否则不做此动作。指令如下:Show me your maths book, show me your storybook 小组内开展此活动 6.Look and find. 看课件中呈现的单词,总结它们的不同之处。(Chinese book, English book 的首字母要大写; Chinese book, English book和maths book 中,与book都是分开的,而storybook是连在一起的。) 7.Let’s do Listen to the tape, and put the books on the right places. 8.Pair work T:Now there are many things on your desks. What’s on it? Please talk about it in pairs. A:What’s on your desk? B:Two maths book, a pencilbox and… What’s in your desk? A:… 1.Finish the form T: Zoom and Amy have gave their love for Hope schools. Now it’s your turn. What are you going to give? First please finish the form. 在表格中选出要捐的物品,并填上数量。 2.Group work 22

Ⅲ.练习 巩固 Ⅳ.实践 应用

T: What are you going to give for Hope schools? Share in your groups.(组长根据同学们的对话内容,做好数量的统计) A: What’s in your schoolbag? B:I have four pens, two storybooks and an English book for Hope Schools.What’s in your schoolbag? C:I have… 3.Make a report The leader make a report: We have… Ⅴ.总结 反馈 Ⅵ.作业 布置 T:What have we learned in this class? 学生用英语或汉语说说本节课学了哪些知识。 1.listen to the tape for three times. 2.What’s in your schoolbag? Talk about it with your partners. 三、【板书设计】

Unit 2 My schoolbag A Let’s learn What’s in your schoolbag? an English book, a Chinese book, a maths book three storybooks 四、【教后反思】

本节课通过谈论Amy的书包中的物品而呈现了句型“What’s in your schoolbag?”以及schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book和storybook等单词,这部分内容与学生的学习生活息息相关,能激起学生表达的欲望。因此在设计本节课时,以本单元主情景图中为希望小学捐物这一情境为主要情景,并在这统一的情景下引领学生谈论了Zoom的书包,然后谈论Amy的书包,最后谈论自己的书包,实现了学习语言、操练语言、运用语言等一系列教学目标。 在上一节课中已经学习过句型“What’s in your schoolbag?”因此在本节课中在熟练的操练后应该更多的侧重语言知识的运用,让学生在真实的情景中,在多种形式的活动中表达、运用句型和这部分的单词,


从而真正的培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 四年级英语上册

Unit 2 My Schoolbag Let’s spell


教 学 目 标

知识 学生能够掌握i-e的发音规则,即i-e在单词中发长音/ai/; 目标 学生能够感知并归纳i-e在单词中的发音规则; 能力 4. 学生能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词; 目标 5. 6. 学生能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词。 情感 学生能够根据i-e的发音规则拼读单词,并能够根据i与i-e的发音规则拼写出单词。 目标 1. 学生能够感知并归纳i-e在单词中的发音规则; 4. 学生能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词; 5. 学生能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词。 3. 区分i与i-e的发音规则; 4. 根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词。 教学重点 教学难点 二、【教学流程】

环节 I.复习 热身

师生活动 二次备课 Ⅱ.新知呈现 4. 欣赏“Phonics Song”.师生拍手唱歌曲。 A is for apple. /?/ /?/ apple. … (优酷视频“Phonics Song”) 5. Sharp eyes. PPT闪现字母,学生快速说出a, a, a, /?/ /?/ /?/; b, b, b, /b/ /b/ /b/;…复习已经学过的字母发音,为新课学习做好知识铺垫。 6. Let’s chant. PPT呈现关于字母i的歌谣,学生说唱歌谣,复习字母i发短音/i/。 歌谣内容如下: I see a pig. The pig is big. The pig is pink. A big pink pig. I see a pig. A big pink pig. 7. 在语篇中初步感知语音。 (1)课件呈现两位小主人公Lily和Mike.并依次介绍他们的一些情况。具体内容如下: Lily is five. Mike is nine. Lily likes rice. Mike likes kites. 学生尝试读一读,在语篇中初步感知语音。 2. 在单词中听音感知,自主归纳,视频正音。