八年级下册英语6-10单元知识点总结 联系客服

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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 知识点总结


1. try to do something 努力做…try doing sth 试着干某事 try one’s best to do sth


2. Journey to the West西游记;Yu Gong Moves a Mountain愚公移山 Hou Yi Shoots the Suns后羿射日;Nu Wa Repairs the Sky女娲补天 3. move the mountains



4. finish doing sth= end up doing 完成或结束干某事 5. continue doing sth= continue to do sth 6. once upon a time

从前=long, long ago 很久很久以前



派两位神仙去把山搬走 找到解决他的问题的好方法

7. the earth and stone from the mountains 山上的泥土和石头 8. work on doing something 9. a god was so moved by Yu Gong

send two gods to take the mountains away find a good way to solve his problem

10. a little bit silly 有点傻 a little bit+形容词/副词=kind of

a bit of +不可数名词 = a little +不可数名词 a bit of water一点儿水

11. instead of… 代替…/ 而不是…+doing/ 名词(常放在句子之中) instead 反而,而不是 (常放在句子末尾)

12. seem +形容词=seem(to be) +形容词seem possible=seem to be possible

seem to do sth 似乎要干某事 =It seems / seemed that+从句 13. different opinions about the story 关于这个故事的不同的观点 14. neither of you are wrong 你们两个都错了(也跟单数谓语形式) 15. keep doing sth 坚持干某事 give up doing sth 放弃干某事 16. be able to do sth= can do sth 能做某事 (前者可用各种时态) 17. a new TV program called Monkey 被叫做Monkey的新电视节目


18. for the first time 第一次 19. the main character 主角,主人公 20. traditional Chinese book 21. in fact





22. make 72 changes to his shape and size 23. turn… into… 物体

turn himself into different animals and objects把自己变成不同的动物和24. to fight bad people = in order to fight bad people 为了对付坏人 25. a magic stick 27. at other times 28. excite sb exciting. 29. come out

出版, 发行(无被动语态)


30. more than 30 years ago= over 30 years ago 30多年以前 31. become interested in…

32. keep fighting to help the weak and never give up


33. one of the most popular stories 最受欢迎的故事之一 34. the most famous Chinese story 最著名的中国故事 35. the weak= weak people 们

37. children all over the world 全世界的孩子 38. sound stupid 听起来愚蠢 39. cheat the emperor 欺骗皇帝

=the emperor be cheated



放在耳朵里 另外的时候

使某人兴奋或激动=sb be excited about sth=sth is

26. keep it in his ear



36. think of ways to fight them=think of ways of doing all over =around

40. keep everything for themselves 把每样东西据为己有

41. make special clothes for the emperor 为皇帝做特别的衣服

42. an emperor who loved clothes 一个喜欢衣服的皇帝

43. walked through the city wearing his new clothes 穿着新衣服走过城市

44. fall in love with …



45. fit sb 适合某人;be fit for sth / to do 适合…… keep fit 保持健康 46. can’t / couldn’t help/ stop doing sth ( smiling) 性)

be married to sb (常和how long, for , since 等连用 表持续性) 48. make a plan to save himself and his sister 妹妹

49. the /my / this whole +可数名词单数 family /story整个家庭/故事(整体)

all the / my / these students 所有的学生(侧重个体常接名词复数形式) 50. in the moonlight 在月光下

51. hear our stepmother planning to kill us听见我们的继母正计划杀死我们

hear the voice of an old woman coming from the house 听见房子里传来一位老妇人的声音 52. Sleeping Beauty <睡美人> 53. get wood


54. be lost=get lost迷路=lose one’s way

55. have no more stones 再也没有石头no more = not any more (no more 放在助后行前,any more 放在句末) 56. lead somebody to… 房子


47. get married to sb和某人结婚(不和how long, for, since 连用表短暂


带领某人到…, 引导某人到…


57. the house make of bread, cake and candy