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Unit 3 Grammar---- Noun Clauses as the Object and Predicative 导学案 五个基本句型

1、主语+系动词+______: e.g. Henry is a businessman. 2、主语+________动词:e.g. We arrive. 3、主语+_________动词+_______:e.g. Henry received a million pound bank note. 4、主语+及物动词+双宾语(____宾语+_____宾语):e.g. Oliver gave Henry a letter. 5、主语+及物动词+复合宾语(宾语+_____):e.g. Henry found himself carried out by the strong wind. Related Conception (相关概念)

1.名词: 表示_____或_____的______的词叫名词。 2.名词在句子当中一般可以作什么成分? 1. Henry is a businessman. ( ) ( )

2. Henry, a businessman ,received a million pound bank note. ( ) ( ) ( )

名词在句中主要作_______, __________,__________,_______。

名词性从句包括 __________从句, __________从句, __________从句和__________从句。 主语从句在句中做------ ________ 宾语从句在句中做------______ 表语从句在句中做------________ 同位语从句在句中-----_______ What made Henry puzzled was unknown. ( )

The two brothers think that it is very funny. ( ) The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which... ( )

Henry, who was a businessman ,received a million pound bank note. ( ) 宾语从句 (The Object Clause)


引导宾语从句的连词有that,if,whether; 连接代词有who,whom,which,whose等; 连接副词有when,where,how, why等。 一.that引导的宾语从句

1. Oliver believes (that) a man could survive a month in London. 2. I’m afraid (that) I don’t quite follow you,sir. 3. I don’t think (that) its very funny.

4. My uncle said that he would come and that he would also bring his son. 5.We all agree (that) it would be convient to go there by bus. 1.归纳总结:

that 在引导宾语从句时无_____,也不充当任何_____,且通常可以____。但如果含有两个或两个以上的并列宾语从句时,通常只有第一个从句的that可以省略,其余从句的that一般不能省略。 2.归纳总结:

否定转移:第一人称 I, we 与动词think, consider, suppose(猜想), believe, expect, guess, imagine等连用, 其后的宾语从句若含有____意义, 一般要把______转移到主句_____上, 从句谓语用_______。

1. 她坚持要把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美。

She insisted that she (should) organize the trip properly. 2. 他命令关闭所有的大门。

He commanded that all the gates (should) be shut. 3. 我建议他应该更努力学习。

I suggested that he (should) study harder. 4. 老师要求我们和睦相处。

The teacher requests that we (should) get along well with each other.


在一些表示坚持、命令、建议、要求等意义的动词后,that 宾语从句中谓语常用(should+)动词原形,表示虚拟。 1._______:insist

2._______:order, command

3.________:suggest, propose, advise

4._________:desire, demand, require, request

We think it necessary that everyone should form a good habit .

动词+it+形容词+that从句,it 为形式宾语,that从句为真正的宾语。

1.We think that middle school students master one foreign language possible . (改用形式宾语 it ) We think _____ possible that middle school students master one foreign language. 4.归纳总结:

it常可以放在动词think, find, consider, believe, feel, make等后作为___宾语,而把真正的宾语-that从句后置,特别是在带复合宾语的句子中。 We heard it that she would get married next month.

我们听说他下个月要结婚了。 二、whether/if 引导的宾语从句 5.归纳总结: 在宾语从句中,表示“是否”既可以用_______,也可以用____.但是,________常与or not连用;作介词宾语只用_______. 我不知道他来不来。

I don’t know __________ he will come. 我想知道他来还是不来。

I want to know ________he will come or not. 你们是在谈论着他来还是不来吗?

Are you talking about ________ he will come?

I wonder______ you’d mind us asking a few questions.

Henry Adams does not know what he should do. (what在从句中作____) 2.Do you know who will be sent to work there?(who在从句中作_____) 3.Can you find out whose wallet it is? (whose在从句中作_____)

4.Have you decided where you should have your holidays?(where在从句中作_______) 5.She always think of how she can do more for the class. (how在从句中作_________)

6.Can I speak whoever is here?(作______)

7.Henry didn’t give us any reason about why she had been late for the meeting.(作______) 6.归纳总结:

连接_____及连接____引导的宾语从句相当于特殊疑问句,连接词都在从句中充当一定的_______。 7.归纳总结:

在主句为动词be加某些形容词(如sorry, sure, afraid, glad等)作____时,后面所跟的省略that的从句也可算是宾语从句。 I’m sorry (that) I don’t know .

We’re sure (that) our team will win . I’m afraid (that) he won’t pass the exam . 牛刀小试:

1.She asked Tom_____was the matter with his car. 2.Will you tell me _____ I can keep healthy?

3.This depends on _________the money we have is enough. 4. Her wish is ______she could lose weight soon. 5. Could you tell me ________ Marry lives? 1. The shocking news made me realize _______terrible problems we would face. (北京2011)

A. what B. how C. that D. Why

2. We haven’t discussed yet ______ we are going to place our new furniture. (2010课标全国卷)

A. that B. which C. what D. Where

3. Before the sales start, I make a list of ______ my kids will need for the coming season. (山东2010)

A. why B. what C. how D. Which

4. Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew ______ she was so angry. (湖南2010)

A. where B. whether C. that D. Why

5. How much one enjoys himself travelling depends largely on ______ he goes with, whether his friends or relatives. (四川2010) A. what B. who C. how D. Why


1. that 引导的表语从句


e.g. The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smoking. 2. whether 引导的表语从句

连接词whether起_____作用, 意为“是否、究竟、到底”(注意:____不能引导表语从句) 在句中也不作任何______。

e.g. The question is whether what man will turn up in time. 3.what, which, who, whom, whose引导的表语从句

连接代词what, which, who, whom, whose除在句子中起_____作用外,还可在从句中从当主语、表语、定语,且各有各的词义。 e.g. Tom is no longer what he used to be.

The question is which of us should come first. The problem is who is really fit for the hard job.

The important thing is whose name should be put on the top of the list. 4. where, when, why, how引导的表语从句

连接副词_____, ______, ______, how除在句中起连接作用外,在从句中还充当时间、地点、方式、原因状语,本身具有词义。 e.g. That’s where I can’t agree with you. This is why Sara was late for the meeting. This is how they overcome the difficulties.

My strongest memory is when I attended an American wedding. 5. 其他连词as if, because, as though 引导的表语从句

because引导表语从句通常只用于“This/That/It is because…”结构中。

as if/though引导的表语从句常置于连系动词look, seem, sound, be, become等后面,常用_______语气,表示不存在的动作或状态。 名词主语+be+that引起的表语从句

在这种句型中,常用表示事实,真理的名词,如:fact, truth 或表示看法,观点的名词,如:idea,opinion,belief,view,feeling,suggestion,plan等作主语。 如:1.The fact is that our team has won the game.

2.The truth is that she was the very person who informed against her husband. 注意: 在表语从句中,表“是否” 时,只能用 “whether”不能用“If”。 一般情况下,“that”不能省。

It is /was because … It is /was why…. The reason (why…/for…)is /was that…. 小试牛刀

1.Go and get your coat.It's_______you left it. A. there B. where C. there were D. where there

2.The problem is_______ he has enough time. A.if B. whether C./ D. that

3. He made a promise_______ he would help me. A.what B.when C.that D.which

4.I remember_______ this used to be a quiet village. A.how B.when C.where D.what

5. It is generally considered unwise to give a child_______ he or she wants. A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.wherever 高考链接

1.---Are you still thinking about yesterday's game? ---Oh, that's_______ . (2003北京春季)

A. what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited about C. how I feel about it D. when I feel excited 2.---I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. ---Is that_______ you had a few days off? (NMET1999)

A.why B.when C.what D.where

3. Perseverance is a kind of quality and that’s _______ it takes to do anything well. ( 2002上海春季)

A. what B. that C. which D. why

4. When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule: Always give the monkey exactly_______ he wants . (2002上海春季) A.what B.which C.when D.that 1.That’s ___ the Party called on us to do.

A. why B. what C. how D. that 2. The reason is ___ he is unable to operate the machine. A. because B. why C. that D. Whether 3 .That is ___ they separated.

A. that B. what C. which D. why 4.Jane is no longer ___ she was four years ago.

A. what B. which C. that D. when