2017届高三英语总复习重点突破专题阅读理解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2017届高三英语总复习重点突破专题阅读理解更新完毕开始阅读243df3e5f80f76c66137ee06eff9aef8941e48af

10.The majority of Americans pay for medical care ________. A.through the national health care service B.by buying medical insurance C.with the help of the government D.by increasing their income



11.The author implies in Paragraph 2 that ________. A.Americans don't trust family doctors B.family doctors are helpless to the patients

C.he is more in favor of the British medical care service D.sick children should go to family doctors first



12.In the States,seriously ill patients will ________. A.be treated if they have an insurance

B.go to see the doctor by making an appointment C.receive treatment even without insurance D.normally go to see an expert for treatment



13.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A.Health Care in the United States and Britain B.Types of Doctors in the United States

C.Treatment of Sick Children in the United States D.Medical Insurance in the United States and Britain



①The problems of those who cannot afford insurance have become an important political subject.无钱支付医疗保险金的问题开始成为一个重要的政治话题。


②In Britain,if a patient needs to see a specialist doctor,their family doctor will usually recommend a specialist,which will save more time and money both for the patients and the public fund.在英国,如果一个病人需要看专业医生,他们的家庭医生通常会推荐一个专家,这将节省病人和公共基金更多的时间和金钱。



(2015·杭州市第二次教学质量检测)When you are little,it's not hard to believe you can change the world.I remember my enthusiasm when,at the age of 12,I addressed the people at the Rio Earth Summit.“I am only a child,”I told them.“Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers,what a wonderful place this world would be.At school you teach us not to fight with others,to work things out,to respect others,to clean up our mess,not to hurt other creatures,to share,not to be greedy.Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do.You grown-ups say you love us,but I challenge you,please,to make your actions reflect your words.”

I spoke for six minutes and received a standing ovation.Some of the people even cried.I thought that maybe I had reached some of them,that my speech might actually spur(刺激) action.Now,ten years from Rio,after I've sat through many more conferences,I'm not sure what has been achieved.My confidence in the people in power and in the power of an individual's voice to reach them has been deeply shaken.

When I was little,the world was simple.But as a young adult,I'm learning that as we have to make choices—education,career,lifestyle—life gets more and more complicated.We are beginning to feel pressure to produce and be successful.We are taught that economic growth is progress,but we aren't taught how to seek a happy,healthy way of living.And we are learning that what we wanted for the future when we were 12 was idealistic and naive(天真的).

Today I'm no longer a child,but I'm worried about what kind of environment my children will grow up in.I know change is possible,because I am changing,still figuring out what I think.I am still deciding how to live my life.The challenges are great,but if we accept individual responsibility and make choices,we will rise to the challenges,and we will become part of the positive tide of the change.I hope this goal will be met through our common efforts.Thank you all.


1.The purpose of what the speaker said at the age of 12 was to ________. A.end poverty and make schools beautiful B.find environmental answers and show off C.focus people's attention on some social problems D.find a wonderful place and clean it up



2.What does the underlined word “ovation”in the second paragraph refer to? A.A long period of laughing. B.A cold and unfriendly welcome. C.An expression used for greeting. D.Great applause or cheering.

解析:词义猜测题。根据文章第二段的前两句可知他的演讲赢得了人们的喝彩(Great applause or cheering)。


3.The information in the text is presented mainly through ________. A.question and answer B.a personal lecture C.cause and effect D.listing steps in a process



4.Which of the following best describes the speaker? A.He is an experienced educator. B.He is an impolite man. C.He is a man of great worries. D.He is a man of social responsibility.



①I thought that maybe I had reached some of them,that my speech might actually spur


我想可能我已触及了他们中一些人的灵魂,我的演讲可能真地会刺激他们的行为。 ②The challenges are great,but if we accept individual responsibility and make choices,we will rise to the challenges,and we will become part of the positive tide of the change.质疑是伟大的,但是如果我们接受个人责任,并做出选择,我们能够应对挑战,我们将变成改革的主流。


(2015·浙江金华十校3月联考)As a kid,I can remember going to the supermarket and grabbing eggs off the shelf.I would run them home to my mother because they were usually going into a delicious cake.Times have changed.Cage-free?Organic?Brown?White?Omega-3s?Help!Here are some tips to help you figure out which eggs you should choose:

●Brown or white?In fact,color is simply a sign of the breed of hen.Find the freshest egg with the most flavor and let color be a secondary concern.

●Extra Omega-3s?Omega-3 eggs come from a hen whose diet has added flaxseed(亚麻籽),which produces an egg containing an average of 225 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E.The countless health benefits for humans make these eggs an attractive purchase.My opinion?Eat a piece of fresh fish and get a pure dose of Omega-3s.Let eggs be eggs.

●Does your egg need exercise?Free-range eggs are from hens raised without the confines of a cage,though they may or may not have spent much time outdoors.Organic eggs are from hens whose feed must meet organic standards.These hens must be raised humanely,and they must be given time to stay outdoors.Hey,happier hens do lay tastier eggs.

●Does local make a difference?Nothing is better than local eggs.They may have a feather or two stuck to them or be a little imperfect shape and they may or may not be certified (证明) organic;however,they have one quality I prize:I know exactly where my food came from and how it came to be!In some cases I can even ask the farmer when the eggs were laid and what the hens were fed.


5.What does the author think of Omega-3 eggs? A.They are a good choice for people to purchase. B.They contain fewer Omega-3s than fresh fish. C.They have the highest content of pure Omega-3s.