2017届高三英语总复习重点突破专题阅读理解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2017届高三英语总复习重点突破专题阅读理解更新完毕开始阅读243df3e5f80f76c66137ee06eff9aef8941e48af



①Many people say that the United States is a paradise for the children,a struggling field for the youth and a tomb for the aged.很多人说美国是孩子的天堂,青年人的战场,老年人的坟墓。

②Sometimes,certain kind of financial help is distributed to people going on holidays and public holidays are purposely set on Monday or Friday so that Australians may have a longer weekend for enjoyment.有时候一些财政援助有意安排在周一或周五的节日和公共假日分发给人们,那样,澳大利亚人就会有较长的时间娱乐了。


(2015·北京海淀区第一学期期末)We've all met with something that slows us down,for example,the bump(颠簸)in the road,the setback.You just have to keep in mind that a setback is only temporary and greater things lie ahead.Therefore,keep moving forward,developing what you have,since you've already built a solid foundation on which you can rely.

It is easy just to quit,give up and ignore the hard work you have put into something.But we believe in the“two steps forward,one step back”philosophy(哲学).So how can you react when something doesn't turn out as you've expected it to be?

First,be objective.Step back and look at the situation.Is your setback really that significant,or will it just require a little extra effort?Then,plan your next move.You can ask for help.Don't be afraid or ashamed to do this.Frequently,people are more than willing to give you support and advice.You don't have to be perfect;after all,nobody else is.Next,bounce back.Reevaluate the goals you should have set for yourself at the beginning and retool(改组)them as necessary.Goals should be realistic and specific,but that doesn't mean they can't be flexible.Instead of looking at your project as a disaster or failure,view it with success.Concentrate on how great it will feel after it is finally done,after you have put your all into it.Instead of focusing on a possible unsatisfactory performance one single time,take a moment to sit back and reward yourself for all that you have accomplished.

Above all,don't live with regrets.Success is never easy.It remains up to you whether you will give up,or fight through the tough battles to earn whatever you want.Keep reaching for your goals and you will achieve them.One small setback is nothing if you really want something and are willing to work for it.


9.According to the passage,the philosophy“two steps forward,one step back”means that ________ when meeting with a setback.

A.we are supposed to quit and ignore the hard work B.we'd better think it over before making a decision C.we should stop to think before taking further action D.we are expected to look at things in an all-round way

解析:句意理解题。从文章第三段第一句“First,be objective...plan your next move.”可推断出这句哲学名言的含义:在遇到挫折时,要审时度势,然后采取下一步行动,C项最符合这层意思。


10.The underlined word“it”in Paragraph 3 refers to ________. A.a performance B.a success C.a goal D.a project

解析:猜测词义题。根据文章第三段“Instead of looking at your project as a disaster or failure,...after you have put your all into it.”可知看待你的目标时,要用成功的眼光。所以此处的“it”是指“project”。


11.When we suffer a setback,the most important thing to do is ________. A.to keep moving forward to your goals B.to depend on others' support and advice C.to sit back and reward yourself for your success D.to focus on a possible unsatisfactory performance

解析:推理判断题。B项文章没有提及,故排除;从文章倒数第二段“Instead of focusing on a possible unsatisfactory performance one single time...and reward yourself for all that you have accomplished.”可判断C,D错误;根据文章第一段“You just have to keep in mind that setback...keep moving forward,”可知当我们遇到挫折时,要继续努力去实现它,故A项正确。


12.What is the passage mainly about? A.How to avoid the bumps. B.How to deal with the setbacks. C.Different attitudes to the setbacks. D.Different suggestions on your goals.




It remains up to you whether you will give up, or fight through the tough battles to earn whatever you want.

成功仍旧取决于你是否放弃,是否斩荆披棘来获得你想要的成果。 whatever you want引导宾语从句。




(2015·河南教学检测)Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cook?Have you been doing Internet shopping rather than going to the stores?What can't you be bothered to do?

A study into how lazy British people are has found more than half of adults are so idle(懒惰的) that they'd catch the lift rather than climb two flights of stairs.

Just over 2,000 people were quizzed by independent researchers at Nuffield Health,Britain's largest health charity.The results were shocking.

About one in six people surveyed said if their remote control was broken,they would continue watching the same channel rather than get up.

More than one third of those questioned said they would not run to catch a bus.Worryingly,of the 654 questioned people with children,64% said they were often too tired to play with them.

This led the report to conclude that it's no wonder that one in six children in the UK are classified as obese(虚胖的) before they start school.

Dr Sarah Dauncey,medical director of Nuffield Health,said:“People need to get fitter,not just for their own sake,but for the sake of their families,friends and even their pets too.”If we don't start to take control of this problem,a whole generation will become too unfit to perform even the simplest tasks.

And Scotland's largest city,Glasgow,was shamed as the laziest city in the UK,with 75% surveyed admitting they do not get enough exercise,followed closely by Birmingham and Southampton,both with 67%.

The results pose serious challenges for the National Health Service,where obesity-related illnesses such as heart disease and cancer have been on a steady increase for the past 40 years and are costing billions of pounds every year.


1.According to the researchers at Nuffield Health,about ________ people who were surveyed would not run to catch a bus.

A.10 B.150 C.330 D.660



2.One in six children in the UK are classified as obese before they start school because ________.

A.they stay too long a time with their pets B.they spend too much time watching TV C.their parents don't play with them much D.they suffer from obesity-related illnesses



3.________ is the second laziest city in the UK. A.Scotland B.Glasgow C.Birmingham D.Nuffield



4.What's the writer trying to tell us?

A.Parents have much to do with their children's obesity-related illnesses. B.British people are getting lazier,which can cause serious social problems. C.The National Health Service has to face a lot of serious challenges every year. D.A study into how lazy British people are has been carried out at Nuffield Health. 解析:主旨大意题。文章前半部分叙述的是调查结果,最后一段叙述的则是这种现象的危害,所以B项最能概括文章大意。


This led the report to conclude that it's no wonder that one in six children in the UK are classified as obese before they start school.
