基于java的教务信息管理系统的设计与开发本科毕业论文 联系客服

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毕 业 论 文(设计)

题 目:基于Java的教务信息管理系统的设计与开发 姓 名: 学 院: 专 业: 通信工程 班 级: 学 号: 指导教师:



论文(设计)作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日



论文(设计)作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日

指 导 教 师 签 名: 日期: 年 月 日



摘 要: 本次设计以方便、快捷、安全为出发点,已改以前传统的人工记录或者是简单的管理软件对学生信息管理的缺陷和不足,力图用一个全新的方式使学校能够更好的对学生信息进行存储与维护,不断增加管理的效率。本系统大体分为管理员登录管理后台、学生登录选课及对成绩的查询两个独立的模块。并且赋予了管理员很多功能来操作这个系统,包括:学生管理,老师管理,选课管理,通知管理,登录用户管理,密码修改等功能;为学生用户提供了选修改课程查询(分数、课程)、选择、密码修改等功能。通过这些功能模块的设计,满足了学校老师对全校学生的信息进行管控的所需的功能。设计中采用B/S三层结构,对动态页面的制作采用了JSP技术,为了实现管理系统的安全可靠以及对有些代码可以进行重复使用考虑,对程序的重要代码进行封装时采用Java Bean。本系统贯彻以人为本的思想,实用性高。 关键词: JSP;管理;Javabean;教务信息管理系统

The Design and Development of Educational Administrastion Information Management System Based on Java ABSTRACT: The design for a convenient, fast, security as a starting point, has changed the previous traditional manual recording or is a simple management software on thedefects and deficiencies of the student information management, trying to make the school better storage and maintenance of student information in a new way,constantly increase the management efficiency.This graduation design is developed with the JSP technology, crafted an academic information management system. The system can be divided into the administrator login management background, students log oncourse selection and query on the results of two independent modules. And gives the administrator a lot of functions to operate the system, including: student management, teacher management, course management, notification management, user management, password changes and other functions; for students to provide modify course query (fraction, course),selection, password changes and other functions. Through the design of these modules, basically meet the school teacher to the student information management functions.In terms of design, the system adopts B / S three layer structure, while using the JSP technology in dynamic page design, from the system of security and code reusability considerations, the use of JavaBean on the key procedure code package. Thought this system implement people-oriented, high availability.

Key Words: JSP;management: Javabean;school educational administration management information system.