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专科生毕业设计 网 络 工 程 路由交换方向

院 系 软件职业技术学院 专 业 计算机网络技术

班 级 09级计算机网络技术二班 学 号 1601090230 学 生 姓 名 赵亚洲 联 系 方 式 13733725660 指 导 教 师 鲁杰 职称: 中级

朱永超 职称: 中级

年 月

独 创 性 声 明



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摘 要





Current information times, science and technology, rapid development, knowledge update

more and more quickly, as technology progress and economic development, human society has always are constantly having huge changes. We are towards a new era of information. In order to adapt to the development of the situation and the needs of business, our industries are actively planning or expansion of all kinds of information network system in China, which marks the

construction of information society into a new period and starting point. This is also the development of society to put forward new professions demands and challenges. Enterprise in order to adapt to the new business development needs, combined with office building drawings, designed to achieve office information management system modernization; Network; Comprehensive and multi-function,

therefore, this graduation design task will mainly with small and medium enterprises established for benchmark LAN construction of small and medium-sized enterprises can use all sorts of technologies and implementation plan for design direction for small and medium-sized enterprises network construction and provide theoretical basis and practical guidance.

Full subject is divided into chapter 11, mainly to solve enterprise LAN internal and enterprise

LAN security and efficiency between interconnected, and routing, exchange technology. Keywords: local area network development and construction; VPN security mechanism;

Routing, exchange technology; Network security technology; System operation management;