材料科学与工程专业英语第二版1.课后习题_翻译答案_ 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章材料科学与工程专业英语第二版1.课后习题_翻译答案_更新完毕开始阅读272e425a4b73f242336c5fc0

monomers, such as polynucleotides composed of nucleotide subunits. 3. 具有高交联度的聚合物分子能够形成聚合物的网状结构。

A polymer molecule with a high degree of crosslinking is referred to as a polymer network. 4. 聚合物的分子质量可以用聚合成都爱表示,本质上就是组成聚合物单体的数目。 In polymers, however, the molecular mass may be expressed is terms of degree of polymerization, essentially the number of monomer units which comprise the polymer. Unit16: 2.英译汉

工程材料 结果形成的材料 增强的混凝土 金属基复合材料 陶瓷基复合材料 三明治结构

1. 例如,多相金属在微观层次上是复合材料,但广义上讲,复合材料这个术语,指代的是


2. 许多情况系下,复合材料有一个体相:它是连续的,被称为基体,还包括一个分散的、


3. 先进复合材料是树脂和纤维的结合,通常是碳纤维/石墨、凯夫拉纤维、玻璃纤维和树脂。


4. 如果复合材料被正确地设计和加工,它具备增强体的强度、基体的韧性,获得所需要的

结合的性质,这种性质是任何传统单一材料所不具备的。 3.汉译英

Composite materials reinforced materials Glass fiber host/matrix materials Strengthening mechanism traditional materials

1.复合材料既保留了各组分原有的性能,由具有每种组分单独存在时所不具备的性能。 A composite retains its own distinctive properties that cannot be achieved by any of the components acting alone.

2.碳环氧树脂复合物的重量是铝的2/3,硬度是铝的2.5倍。该材料耐老化,易修复。 Carbon-epoxy composites are two thirds the weight of aluminum, and two and a half times as stiff. Composites are resistant to fatigue damage and harsh environments, and are repairable.


From the concept of composites, reinforced plastic, metal-matrix composite, ceramic-matrix composite and concrete, etc, are all composites.


In fiber-reinforced composites, the fiber is the primary load bearing component. Fiberglass and carbon fiber components are examples of fiber-reinforced composites.