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1. c. The prefix ante- means before. Antecedent means that which precedes; the thing, circumstance, or event that came before.

2. b. The prefix multi- means many. Multifaceted means having many facets or aspects; complex.

3. d. The prefix circum- means around, on all sides. Circumspect means cautious, wary, watchful.

4. a. The prefix con- means with, together. Consensus means general agreement or accord; an opinion or position reached by a group.

5. d. The prefix super- means above, over, or exceeding. Supercilious means with an air of superiority (as if one is above or better than another); haughty, scornful, disdainful.

6. a. The prefix pre- means before. To presage means to indicate or warn of in advance; to predict, foretell.

7. c. The adjective suffix -ous means having the quality of, relating to. Dubious means doubtful, questionable; fraught with uncertainty, wavering.

8. d. The adjective suffix -ian means related to. Agrarian means relating to or concerning land and its ownership or cultivation.

9. b. The noun suffix -ity means state of being. Parity means having equality in status, amount, value or degree; equivalence.

10. d. The verb suffix -ize means to cause, to bring about. To galvanize means to stimulate or rouse into awareness or action.

11. c. The prefix non- means not. Nonchalant means indifferent or cool, not showing anxiety or excitement.


1.源于拉丁语的词根 ac, acr: sharp, bitter

acid (something that is sharp, sour, or ill natured), acute (extremely sharp or severe; keenly perceptive)

am: l ove

amorous (inclined to love; romantic, affectionate), enamored (inflamed or inspired by love; captivated)

bel: war

antebellum (before the war, especially the American Civil War), rebel (to resist or defy authority)

cast, chast: cut

caste (a social class separated from others by hereditary rank, profession, etc.), chastise (to punish severely, as with a beating; to rebuke)

ced, ceed, cess: to go, yield, stop

antecedent (that which precedes), exceed (to extend beyond or outside of; surpass) antecedent (that which precedes or comes before), cessation (a


stopping, a bringing to an end), concede (to acknowledge or admit as true, proper, etc. (often with reluctance; to yield, surrender), concession (the act of conceding or yielding; a thing yielded, an acknowledgement or admission), exceed (to extend beyond or outside of; surpass), incessant (not stopping, continuing without interruption), precede (to come or go before in time, place, rank, or importance), predecessor (one who precedes or comes before another in time (as in holding an office or position), proceed (to go forward or onward, especially after an interruption; move on, advance), procedure (the act or manner of proceeding; a course of action or conduct, process)

culp: blame

culprit (person accused or guilty of a crime), mea culpa (Latin, “my fault”)

dic, dict, dit: to say, tell, use words

dictate (to say or read aloud; to issue orders or commands), predict (to foretell, make known in advance)

equ: equal, even

equate (to make or consider two things as equal), equidistant (equally distant)

err: to wander

err (to make a mistake), error (a mistake; an incorrect or wrong action)

ferv: to boil, bubble, burn

fervid (very hot, burning; ardent, vehement), effervescent (bubbling up, as a carbonated liquid; high spirited, animated)

gen: birth, kind homogeneous (also spelled homogenous) means of the same or similar nature or kind; having a uniform structure or composition throughout

loc, log, loqu: word, speech

dialogue (a conversation between two or more people), neologism (a new word or phrase)

luc, lum, lus: light

illuminate (to brighten with light; enlighten), translucent (almost transparent; allowing light to pass through diffusely)

lug, lut, luv: to wash

dilute (to make thinner or weaker by adding a liquid such as water; to lessen the force or purity of), pollute (to make impure or unclean; to make unfit or harmful to living things)

mag, maj, max: big

magnify (to increase in size, volume or significance; to amplify), maximum (the greatest possible quantity or degree)

man: hand

manual (operated by hand), manufacture (to make by hand or machinery)

min: to project, hang over

prominent (standing out, conspicuous; projecting or jutting beyond the line or surface), eminent (towering above or more prominent that others; lofty, distinguished)


nas, nat, nai: to be born

native (a person born in a particular country), innate (possessed at birth; inborn, inherent)

nec, nic, noc, nox: harm, death

innocent (uncorrupted by evil; free from guilt; not dangerous or harmful), obnoxious (offensive, hateful)

omni: all

omnipresent (everywhere at once), omnipotent (all powerful)

plac: to please

placid (calm and peaceful), placate (to appease or pacify)

pon, pos, pound: to put, place

deposit (to put or set down; place), transpose (to reverse or transfer the order or place of; interchange)

pug: to fight

pug (a boxer), repugnant (highly offensive or distasteful; hostile, disposed to fight)

qui: quiet

quiet (making little or no noise; calm, still), tranquil (free from disturbance, anxiety, or tension)

rog: to ask

interrogate (to examine by asking a series of questions), prerogative (an exclusive privilege or right belonging to a person or group)

sci: to know

conscious (knowing and perceiving, aware), science (knowledge, especially that gained through systematic study)

tac, tic: to be silent

tacit (not spoken; implied), taciturn (habitually untalkative, reserved)

ver: truth

verdict (the findings of a jury in a trial; decision or judgment), verify (to confirm the truth of)

vi: life

vivid (evoking lifelike images in the mind; true to life; bright, brilliant, distinct), vigorous (energetic, forceful, active, strong)

voc, vok: to call

vocal (of or pertaining to the voice; tending to express oneself often and freely, outspoken), revoke (to cancel, call back, reverse, withdraw)


anthro, andro: man, human

android (a very humanlike machine or robot, especially one made of biological materials), anthropology (the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings) arch, archi, archy: chief, principal, ruler


architect (one who plans or devises; one who creates plans for buildings), monarchy (a state ruled by a monarch—a sole and absolute ruler, such as a


auto: self

automatic (operating without external influence or control; having inherent power of action or motion), autopsy (examination of a dead body to determine

cause of death; seeing with one’s own eyes)

card, cord, cour: heart

cardiac (of or relating to the heart), encourage (to inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; to give support, hearten)

chron: time

chronic (continuing for a long time; ongoing, habitual; long-lasting or recurrent), chronology (the arrangement of events in time; the sequence in which events occurred)

cli, clin: to lean toward, bend

incline (to lean, slant, slope, or cause to do so; to have a tendency or disposition toward something), recline (to lie back or down)

cryp: hidden

crypt (an underground vault or chamber, especially one used as a burial place), cryptography (secret writing; the process or skill of communicating in or deciphering coded messages)

dem: people

democracy (government by the people through elected representatives), epidemic (a widespread outbreak of a disease affecting many people at the same time)

di, dia: apart, through

diameter (a straight line passing through the center of a circle; thickness, width), digress (to turn aside, deviate, or swerve; to stray from the main subject in writing or speaking)

dog, dox: opinion

dogged (stubbornly unyielding, obstinate), dogma (a system of principles or beliefs, a prescribed doctrine)

dys: faulty, abnormal

dysfunctional (impaired or abnormal in function), dyslexia (an impaired ability to read)

eu: good, well

eulogy (a verbal or written tribute, especially one praising someone who has died), euthanasia (the act of painlessly ending the life of someone suffering from a terminal illness)

(h)etero: different, other

heterosexual (a person sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex), heterodox (disagreeing with or departing from accepted beliefs)

(h)omo: same