2011大连外国语学院语言学考研模拟试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2011大连外国语学院语言学考研模拟试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读2790d0c2172ded630b1cb684


language refers to.

A. conceptual B. social C. connotative D. collocative 10. Which of the following words is an unmarked word:

A. bad B. low C. old D. short 11. ______ is not the study of the truth conditions for propositions. A. Propositional logic B. Propositional calculus C. Sentential conditions D. Sentential calculus

12. _____ is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and de-contextnalized. A. Sense B. Referent C. Reference D. Symbol 13. Of the following pairs of sentences. _____ X. entails Y. A. X: John is a bachelor B. X: I’ve done my homework Y: John is a man Y: I haven’t brushed my teeth C. X: Some of the students came to my party D. X: John is married Y: Not all the students came to my party Y: John is a bachelor

14. The first major theory in the study of language in use was proposed by the Oxford philosopher ____.

A. William B. Chomsky C. Austin D. Grice 15. Here are three utterances:

a. John’s a genius. b. John’s a big brain. c. John’s an idiot.

When both a and b imply c, they show the ___ of conversational implicature. A. calculability B. cancellability C.non-detachability D. non-conventionality 16. CAI program may include the following except ____.

A. a computer rectifying program B. a monitoring system

C. a directing system D. a group discussion system via computer

17. ____ is chief concern in computational linguistics, it refers to the use of machine to translate text from one language to another.


18. The ____ information has been made ____ through the process of concrete annotation. implicit, explicit B. explicit, implicit C. clear, not clear D. unmarked, marked 19. The statements concerning the one-word stage of which ____ is NOT true. a. This stage comes after babbling stage.

b. At this stage children learn that sounds are related to meanings.

c. The kinds of words that occur at this stage include simple nouns, verbs and many function words such as prepositions, articles etc.

d. Children use the same word for things with a similar appearance, at this stage. 20. Saussure’s ideas were developed along three lines: linguistics, sociology and . a. psychology b. methodology c. natural science d. semiotics

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21. is regarded as one of the most distinguished linguists in the post-Bloomfieldian era. A. Harris B. Halliday C. Firth D. Boas

22. The following terms all refer to changes in sound leading to changes in form EXCEPT A. metathesis B. assimilation C. addition D. narrowing 23. ______ examines how meaning is encoded in a language.

A. Phonetics B. Syntax C. Semantics D. Pragmatics

24. An affix (in English, usually a suffix) that changes the form of a word without changing its part of speech or basic meaning is called _____.

A. derivational B. inflectional C. compounding D. bound 25. In the words maps, dogs, watches, mice and sheep, each of /s/, /z/, /iz/, /ai/ and /i:/ is a(an) __ of the plural form.

A. allomorph B. allophone C. similar phoneme D. counter pheneme

26. ______ refers to the abstract properties of an entity, while______ refers to the concrete entities having these properties.

A. Reference, denotation B. Connotation, denotation C. Sense, connotation D. Denotation, connotation

27. A very important property of the proposition is that it has a ______. It is either true or false. A. reality status B. truth feature C. false value D. truth value

28. The hearer’s shutting the window is the ___ act of the utterance “ It’s cold in here.”. A.illocutionary B.perlocutionary C.locutionary

29. In recent ____ courseweare students are able to interact with the computer and perform higher-level tasks while exploring a subject or problem.

A. CAI B. CAL C. computer managed D. computer directed instruction

30. Any group of people whose language or use of language that can be taken as a coherent object of study is called by sociolinguists a . A. sub-cultural group B. speech community C. social variety D. dialectal culture

31. The following statement “They were short of hands at harvest time” is an example of . A. repetition B. alliteration c. synecdoche D. metonymy 32. The sense relation which holds the pair of words up-down is A. homonymy B. complementary antonymy C. gradable antonymy D. converse antonymy

33. Image shemas include the following aspects EXCEPT

A. a cycle schema B. a material schema C. a path schema D. a scale schema

34. propose that the sentence comprehension system continually and sequentially follows the constraints of a language’s grammar with remarkable speed.

A. serial models B. parallel models C.resonance models D. garden path analysis

35. Construal operations are conceptualizing processes used in language process by human beings. Which one is not the process that construal operations deal with? A. Attention/Salience B. Judgement/Comparison C. Perspective/Situation D. Image Schemas

36. Fauconnier & Turner propose and discuss BLENDING or INTEGRATION theory. There are some conditions needed when two input spaces are blended, EXCEPT

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A. Cross-Space Mapping B. General Space

C. Blend D. Emergent Structure

37. Syntactic relations can be analysed into three kind, EXCEPT___ ___ A. positional relations B. relations of substitutability C. relations of co-occurrence D. relations of entailment

38. is a single element of structure containing more than one word, and lacking the subject-predicate structure typical of clauses.

A. word B.phrase C. word group D. clause

39. are more concerned with the classroom process which stimulate learning than with the language knowledge or skills that students are supposed to master. These syllabuses consist of a list of specification of the tasks and activities that the learners will engage in in class in the target language.

A. the structural syllabus B. the situational syllabus C. the communicative syllabus D. the task-based syllabus

40. Firth pointed out that in actual speech, it is not phonemes that make up the paradigmatic relations, but . A. morpheme B. purpose of communication

C. Phonematic units D. communicative competence

IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (40 points)

1.Why do we say that “language distinguishes us from animals?” (10 points) 2.Explain the assimilation rule in phonology with examples. (10 points)

3 Classify the following words according to their different kinds of semantic changes. (10 points)

a.holiday b.camp c.engineer d.wizard e.deer f.hog g.task h.liquid i.cockroach j.bead broadening: narrowing: meaning shift: classs shift: folk etymology:

4. Match the theories in Column A with those scholars in Column B (10 points)

A B 1. Language is one of the “social facts”, which are radically distinct from


individual psychological acts.

2. A phoneme may be defined as the sum of the differential functions.


3. Language is to be regarded as a mode of action, rather than as a


counterpart of thought

4. Language is a means of doing things and of making others do things. It is


a means of acting and living. 5. Systemic-Functional Grammar

e. Firth

6. He defines language as “a purely human and non-instinctive method of


communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of

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voluntarily produced symbols”.

7. Linguistics is a branch of psychology, and specifically of the positivistic


brand of psychology known as behaviourism. 8. Transformational-Generative Grammar


9. His descriptive methods paved the way for American descriptive


linguistics and influenced generations of linguists.

V. Answer the following essay questions. (40 points)

1. Can you think of a situation in which B’s utterance in the following is relevant? (20 points)

A. I do think Mr Tom is an old windbag, don’t you? B. Huh, lovely weather for March, isn’t it? 2. What is Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? (10 points)

3. G. Leech once generated seven types of meaning in his Semantics (23), namely, conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning and thematic meaning. The following underlined sentences (words) emphasis on one particular meaning representatively. Write that meaning down after the right sentence.

1) The sky is gray, the flower is gray, Dora in her great sorrow, saw a gray cat stealing into the yard.

2) With a long stick, our headmaster went in. All the student were silent and some were even intimitated.

3) Tomorrow is Sunday, I can go with you.

4) Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, Rosemary and Thyme. Remember me to one who lives there, she once was a true love of mine. 5) I ain’t nothing to say and I’ma going home. 6) –Oh, it’s a little bit cold here.

--Then I will close the window for you.

7) Quietness is requested for the benefit of those who have already retired. 8) Well, dear sir, I really do not like to hear someone barking here.


