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and this is xiaohui. she’s chinese, too. nice to meet you.

阅读短文,判断正误。(t/f) 1. sophie is a new teacher() 2. sophie is a german.()

3. naoko comes from korea. () 4. luming is a chinese()

5. there are three chinese new students()

lesson 7 are you a teacher? robert: i am a new student. my names robert. sophie: nice to meet you. my names sophie. robert: are you french? sophie: yes, i am.are you french, too? robert: no, i am not. sophie: what nationality are you? robert: im italian.are you a teacher? sophie: no, im not. robert: whats your job? sophie: im a keyboard operator.whats your job? robert: im an engineer. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

1. who is the new student? a.sophieb.robert c.i don’t know 2.is sophie french? a.yes,she is b.no,she isn’t c.i don’t know 3.what nationality is robert?a.frenchb.english c.italian 4.what’s sophie’s job? a.teacher b.engineer c.keyboard operator 5.what is robert’s job? a.teacher b.engineer c.keyboard operator 翻译:i’m an engineer.

steven: hello, helen. helen: hi, steven. steven: how are you

today? helen: im very well, thank you. and you? steven: im fine, thanks. how is tony? helen: hes fine, thanks. hows emma? steven: shes very well, too, helen. goodbye, helen. nice to see you. helen: nice to see you, too, steven. goodbye. 阅读短文,判断正误。t/f

1. helen is not so good.( ) 2. tony is very well.( ) 3. emma is very well.( ) 4. they are all not fine.( ) 5. they are all fine.( )

lesson 11is this your shirt? teacher: whose shirt is that? is this your shirt, dave? dave: no. sir. its not my shirt. this is my shirt. my shirts blue. teacher: is this shirt tims? dave: perhaps it is, sir. tims shirts white. teacher: tim! tim: yes, sir? teacher: is this your shirt? tim: yes, sir. teacher: here you are. catch! tim: thank you, sir. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

1. is that dave’s shirt? a.yes,it isb. i don’t knowc.no,it isn’t

2.what colour is dave’s shirt?a.redb.blue c.white 3.what colour is tim’s shirt?a.blue b.blackc.white 4.is that shirt

teacher’s?a.no,it isn’tb.yes,it isc.i don’t know 5.whose shirt is

white? a.dave’s b.teacher’s c.tim’s lesson 13 a new dress louise: what colours your new dress? anna: its green. come upstairs and see it. louise: thank you. anna: look! here it is! louise: thats a nice dress. its very smart. anna: my hats new, too. louise: what colour is it? anna: its the same colour. its green, too. louise: that is a lovely hat! 阅读短文,判断正误。t/f 1. anna’s dress is old.( ) 2. anna’s dress is green.( ) 3. louise’s hat is green.( )

4. louise’s dress is very smart.( ) 5. anna’s hat and dress are the same colour.( ) 翻译:

1. come upstairs and see it. 2. that is a lovely hat.

lesson 15your passport, please. customs officer: are you

swedish? girls: no, we are not. we are danish. customs officer: are your friends danish, too? girls: no, they arent.they are

norwegian. customs officer: your passports, please. girls: here they are. customs officer: are these your cases? girls: no, they arent. our cases are brown. here they are. customs officer: are you tourists? girls: yes, we are. customs officer: are your

friends tourists too? girls: yes, they are. customs officer: thats fine. girls:thank you very much. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 1.what nationality are the girls? a.swedishb.danish

c.norwegian 2.who are norwegian? a.customs officerb.girls c.girls’friends 3.what colour are the girls’ cases? a.brown b.bluec.i don’t know 4.are the girls and their friends tourist? a.yes,they areb.no,they aren’tc.the girls are tourists,but their friends aren’t 5.is there a problem with the customs officer? a.yes,there are b.yes,there isc.no,there isn’t 翻译: your passports,please.

lesson 17 how do you do? mr. jackson: come and meet our employees, mr. richards. mr. richards: thank you, mr. jackson. mr. jackson: this is nicola grey, and this is claire taylor. mr. richards: how do you do? those women are very hard-working. what are their jobs?