湖南衡阳第八中学2019届高三上学期第二次月考英语试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章湖南衡阳第八中学2019届高三上学期第二次月考英语试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读27e2eb66974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f71f297c


9. W: Why are down here again?

M: We are looking for a box marked “Christmas decorations”. What’s the matter? W: I don’t like cold, dark places. I feel like I’m in a scary movie. Also, I hate rats. M: What’s wrong with rats?

W: They are dirty creatures that spread disease.

M: I don’t see them that way. They’re like us, I think. They are very social, and they get sad when they are alone.

W: You’re strange. Hey, is that the box on the shelf? M: No, those are the Halloween decorations. W: Ah! I just walked right into a spider web!

M: Did you know that even though almost all spiders have poison, less than one percent are harmful to humans?

W: Whatever! There are the Thanksgiving decorations, on that sofa.

M: There it is, under that bench. Can you hand me that pole by the ladder? I can use it to drag the box out. W: Here you are. I’m going to stand on this chair until you’re ready to go back up to the living room. M: Stop worrying. There are hardly any spiders down here. Trust me!

10. Have you heard of the Golden Rule? The great Chinese philosopher Confucius taught this principle. It is a very important and well-known idea. The rule says not to do anything to other people that you would not want them to do to you. It is a very simple yet deep truth. Confucius possessed a lot of important wisdom like this. He encouraged many values like children respecting elders, people respecting their ancestors, and wives respecting husbands. He desired for these moral principles in people’s lives and in the government of the country. He believed that people should develop their own personal rules instead of simply memorizing rules of behavior to follow. He also had a thoughtful way of teaching. Instead of presenting his ideas through arguments and reasoning, he taught his rules through personal examples. He himself studied hard and sought truth, dreams and a perfect personality. In short, Confucius aimed to establish a world of harmony. For over two thousand years, his teachings and beliefs still have a great effect on Chinese culture. Many other cultures around the world have also been influenced to this day by these important moral teachings.
