新外研版六年级英语上册期末试卷 联系客服

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姓名:_____________ 班级:_____________

5. 感恩节___________________ 6. turn right___________________ 7.send e-mails__________________ 8.a fantastic present____________ 9.play computer games_______________ 10. go inside________________ 七、选出下列单词与其他三项不属于同类的一项。(5分)

( )1. A.hamburger B.hot dog C.cola D.balloon ( )2. A.violin B.trumpet C.doorbell D.piano ( )3. A.duck B.dog C.noisy D.cat 听力部分 (20分)


二、听音选择单词完成句子。(5分) 1. It’s got eight people. turn right believe 2. There’s Chinese dancing address 3.This is my in China. million 4. I don’t it! 5. Please .

三、听音,判断正( √ )误( ╳ )。(5分) 1、Linda can speak English and Chinese. ( ) 2、Linda often play with dolls. ( ) 3、Xiaoyong is Linda’s pen friend. ( ) 4、Xiaoyong lives in America. ( ) 5、They never write e-mails. ( )

6、They will go to HongKong this summer. ( ) 四、听写单词。(5分)

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

笔试部分 (100分)

五、根据要求写出正确的单词。(10分) 1.she________(宾格) 2.country________ (复数) 3. close________ (现在分词) 4. begin________ (近义词) 5.I ________ (名词性物主代主词) 6. swim________ (现在分词) 7. dark________ (反义词) 8. them________ (主格) 9. close________ (反义词) 10. high________ (近义词) 六、英汉互译。(10分)

1. 一张有趣的图片_________________ 2. 打扫房间__________________ 3. 收拾房间_____________________ 4. 讲英语________________

( )4. A.snow B.woman C.rain D.wind ( )5. A.play B.ride C.see D.went 八、选择题。(20分)

( ) 1. ________ pandas like bamboo ?

A. Does B. Do C. Are D. Is ( ) 2. How many ______ do you have ?

A. pencil B. pencils C. a pencil D. Two pencils ( ) 3. Please give _______ a moon cake.

A. I B. my C. mine D. me ( ) 4. There ______ no water in the bottle.

A. are B. aren’t C. is D. isn’t ( ) 5. She likes _______ Ping-pong.

A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play ( ) 6. Lingling hasn’t got _______ stamps.

A. some B. a C. any D. much

( ) 7. ——______ are you doing ? —— To the library.

A. How B. What C. Whose D. Where ( ) 8. Tom _______ got a kite .

A. have B. has C. had D. having ( ) 9. I want ________ China some day.

A. visiting B. visits C. visit D. to visit ( ) 10. She can ______ Chinese.

A. Spoke B. Speaking C. speaks D. speak 九、根据首字母写单词补全句子。(5分) 1.E_____ your meal!

2.He is playing the trunpet,but the dog is singing very _______(大声地). 3.She is watching TV,but the d_______ is ringing. 4.----What is that on the lake?----It is a little d________! 5.I am wearing my swinsuit,I am going to go s_______. 十、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.The duck is ________(eat) our picnic now. 2.It is going to _______(rian)soon.

3.The birds ________(be)singing in the trees. 4.Look!The sun ________(shine)in the sky.

5.----Can I have some sweets? ----Sorry,you______(can).

爱华英语六年级英语试卷 第1页 共2页

6. This is ________ (he) bag. Please give it to ________ (he). 7. I’d like to ________ (have) lunch now.

8. She ________ (go) ________ (shop) last night. 9. My father ________ (like) ________ (swim). 10. When ________ (do) you go to bed last night? I ________ (go) to bed at nine. 十一、找错并改错。(5分)

1.There are lot of shops. ______错,应改为________


2. I want take a photo. ______错,应改为________


3. Lily sometimes clean the blackboard. ______错,应改为________


4. Do you often play violin ? ______错,应改为________ A B C

5. This are her address. ______错,应改为________ A B

十二、从右边找出左边问题的答语,将字母序号写在提前括号中。(5分) ( )1.Who can help me? a.It is half past three. ( )2.What are you doing,Tom? b.Rice,please.

( )3.What is the time? c.I am reading a book. ( )4.How many cats are there? d.Sorry,I can not. ( )5.What do you want to eat? e.Thirteen. 十三、按要求完成下列句子。(5分) 1.Talk in the library(否定句)。 ____________ talk in the library.

2.He is riding his bicycle(对要求部分提问) _______________is he dong?

3.Does he want to go to school(作否定回答) _______________,he ________________. 4.I like reading books now?(一般疑问句) ______________you like reading books now? 5.She stops playing with dolls.(改为一般过去式) She_________ ___________playing with dolls. 十四、连词成句。(5分)

1. post A from New York..

__________________________________ 2.believe it I don’t

___________________________________ 3.sometimes cleans blackboard the she.

_________________________________________________ 4.want to show I Daming the present China from

_________________________________ 5.at rules livrary look the.

____________________________________________ 十五、英汉互译。(5分) 1. 大明正在举行生日聚会。

_______________________________________________________________________ 2. 我能搬这个包。

_______________________________________________________________________ 3. 在这张照片上,鸭子们正在游泳。

_______________________________________________________________________ 4. 这些猴子非常闹。

_______________________________________________________________________ 5. 这些梨子多少钱?

_______________________________________________________________________ 十六.阅读理解。阅读短文并选择,将正确选项的序号填在括号中。(5分)

Christmas is a very famous special western festival. It’s also a very important festival. Before Christmas, people decorate their homes. They send Christmas cards to their relatives and friends, and they buy Christmas trees to decorate their homes. People buy presents and wrap them beautifully. They put the presents under their Christmas tree. Some families open their presents on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day. Then everyone gets together and has a large meal. Almost everybody in England likes Christmas. ( )1.Christmas is a famous _______ festival.

A.eastern B. western C.Chinese

( )2.Before Christmas, people like to decorate their _____.

A .homes B. lights C.presents

( )3. People like to send ______ before Christmas.

A.emails B. Christmas cards C.Christmas trees

( )4.People buy ______ and wrap them beautifully.

A.trees B.presents C.cards

( )5.People says “______” to each other at Christmas.

A. Hello. B. Happy new year. C.Merry Christmas.


请描述一下自己的周末,可以是上个周末做过的事,也可以是下个周末你的安排情况。 要求:语句通顺,不少于50词。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

爱华英语六年级英语试卷 第2页 共2页