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课题:Module 10 Computers

Unit 2 How often do you use a computer? ( 第2课时)

主备人:孙娟娟 审核人:刘骁明 审批时间:2010.12.27 班级: 学生姓名: 使用时间:

【Learning Objects学习目标】 1、 knowledge objects(知识目标)

1)words(词汇):laptop, weekend, website, information

2)key structures(重点句型):

He check the train timetable but he doesn’t buy ticket.

2、Ability object(能力目标):培养学生听说读写能力特别是阅读能力。

3、Moral object(情感目标):


【Learning Important and Difficult Points 重难点】

1、To get some basic words about computer and their computers.(能掌握有关电脑和电脑使用者的词汇)

2、To understand the text about people and their computers.(能理解本篇关于电脑和其使用者的文章)

3、To use the word “but” correctly.(能准确恰当地使用连词“but”)

【Learning Procedures学习过程】 Preview(预习 导学) 1、Review all the new words in this unit and try to learn them by heart.(复习本模块所有新词汇并熟记它们)。

2、 Read the text in this unit.(认真阅读本单元的课文)

Step1:Feedback on the preview(预习情况反馈): 1、Check the prevision(检查预习情况)

2、Questions the new words, the phrases and sentences in Module 10(提问本单元所有新单词及短语和句子)

【Class activities 课堂活动】

Step1:Understanding the text(理解课文)

Correct the false sentences in activity 3

Step2:Writing drills(书写训练)

Look at these sentences in activity 5 and join the two parts of the sentences with “but” (page 63 )

Step3: Make your own sentences by using “but”. (用“but”造句)



【Homework 布置作业】

Ⅰ.Translate the following sentences into English, one word for each blank.(把下面句子翻译成英语,一空一词) 1.我经常在周末浏览网站.

I often ________ the __________ at the weekend. 2.他通常玩游戏和从网上下在音乐。

He usually play games and __________ music ________the Internet. 3.你们多久上一次体育课?

_______ _______do you have P.E.? 4.他们经常用因特网发邮件和照片。

They often _______the Internet_____ _____emails and ________. 5.你玩什么游戏?

_______ _______do you play? 6.请打开灯,天太暗了.

Please_______ _____the light, it’s too dark. 7.最后,把它接到电脑上.

_________, _________it to the computer. 8.你可以打开一个新文件.

You can ______ a new _______________. 9.你经常是在班上用还是学校用?

Do you often use a computer _____ work____ at school ?

Ⅱ.Correct the mistake in the sentence.(改正句子中的错误)

( )1.Ann wants to buy some meats.改为:_____________________________ A B C D

( )2.How do you watch TV?----Sometimes. 改为:__________________________ A B C D

( )3.I often go online and use the computer doing my homework. 改为:________ A B C D

( )4.The boy likes downloading music from the internet. 改为:________________ A B C D

( )5.We doesn’t have a computer at home. 改为:___________________________ A B C D

( )6.Do your mother make travel plans on the computer? 改为:_______________ A B C D

( )7.What do you write to?----My best friend, Linda. 改为:___________________ A B C D

( )8.The students can get many information on the Internet. 改为:______________ A B C D

( )9.Next,connect the mouse with the computer. 改为:______________________ A B C D

( )10.How do your write your homework on the computer? 改为:_____________ A B C D








