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发布时间 : 星期四 文章大学英语3(专升本)复习资料更新完毕开始阅读28f608e6b8d528ea81c758f5f61fb7360a4c2b71

40. 几 位 村 民 目 睹 了 这 场 空 难 。 ( w i t n e s s ;air crash)

PartⅤ Writing (10 points)

Directions: For this part,

you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the given topic. You should write at least 80 words and base your composition on the Chinese outline below. Where to Live——In the City or Countryside? Outline :

1.一些人认为住在城市里好 2.另一些认为住在农村好 3.我的看法


Part I Use of English (20 points) 1-5 C C B D D 6-10

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (30 points)

11-15 C D C C A 16-20 D C B C C 21-25

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

26-30 D A D B B 31-35 C C D A A

PartⅣ Translate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases given in the brackets.(20 points)

36.Our company is mainly engaged in developing computer software and networks. 37.No matter what barriers we may come across.

38.When her dream come true finally, Jenny was so excited that she burst into tears.


39. . 40.
