高中英语语法冠词考点专题讲解及真题练习 联系客服

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很大,考生只有扎实地掌握这些搭配的意义,解题时才能轻松应对。 精选题

1. I smoke out of _____habit, not for ____ pleasure, for I have been in the habit for 20 years. A. a; the

B. the; a C. 不填;the D.不填;不填

2. Companies in Zhongguancun all have their own characteristics, but they all share ______ spirit of creativity and scientific skill that have made Zhongguancun ______ success. A. the; a B. 不填; a C. the; 不填 D. a; a

3. Of the two brothers, Bill is ______ younger one, and he is a quiet boy, ______ that most adults like very much. A. a; one B. a; the one

C. the; one

D. the; the one

4. What I need is______ book that contains ______ABC of oil painting. A. a; 不填 B. the; 不填 C. the; an

5. — I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over ______ keyboard. — You shouldn't put drinks near ______ computer. A. the; / B. the; a C. the; the D. a; the 6. They have conquered ___ doubt and fear and conquered ____ failure A. the; a B. a; the C. /; /. D. a; a

7. Steve Job, ___former CEO of Apple Inc, died on Oct. 5th, after ____years-long battle with ___cancer. A the; a; / B /; the; the C a; the; / D the; / ; the 8. As is known to all, in __ eyes of her teacher, Linda has__ eye for arts. A. /; an B. the; the C. /; the D. the; an

9. In many places in China, ___ bicycle is still _ popular means of transportation. A. a; the B. /; a C. the; a D. the; the

10. when we study the globe, we can see __ Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean and __ Asia the largest continent. A. the; / B. /; the C. the; the D. /; /

11. I hope there is __ book that can provide much of __ information needed by international students planning to study in the United States. A. a; the B. the; the C. a; / D. the ; /

12. The biggest whale is __ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long --- the height of ___ 9 – story building. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a

13. Washing machines made by China have won ___ worldwide attention and Haier has

become __ popular name. A. a ; the B. / ; a C. /; the D. the ; a

14. It’s really __ the type I have been looking for . But I’d like to give it __ second thought

before taking it. A. a ; / B. a ; the C. the ; a D. the ; the

15. Everything comes with ___ price , there is no such __ thing as a free lunch in the world A . a ; a B. the; / C. the ; a D. a ; / 16. ---what __ book!

----It’s wonderful indeed, I’ve never read __ more exciting one A. a; the B. the ; / C. a ; a D. the; a

17. Paul , the Octopus (章鱼) attracted ___ worldwide attention after successfully

predicting __ outcome of eight matches during the World Cup. A. a ; the B. a ; / C. / ; a D. / ; the

18. We all know that__ _ man is the only creature that has developed __ power of speech A. /; the B .the; the C. /; a D. the; a

19. we had __ nice dinner after the meeting with __ dishes of fish, meat, vegetables and dessert. A. a ; / B. the ; the C. a; the D. / the

20. Thank you for sending us __ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us __great service. A. / ; a B .the ; a C. / ; / D. the ; /

21. The book has been considered as __ must –read for those whose want to get ___ success.

A. the ;a B. a ; a C. a ; / D. the ; /

22. At ___ first sight, the old man looks like __ clerk but as a matter of fact, he is the general manger of the company.

A. / ; a B. the ; a C. the ; / D. / ; the

23. – Sir , __ man named George wants to see you Did he ever mark __ telephone call A a ; the B the ; the C the ; / D a ; a

24. In __world , where computer rules our work and life, online searches have become __

necessity. A. a ; a B. a ; the C. the ; a D. the :the

25. Have you read __ today’s news? The price of __ houses has slightly gone down. A. the; the B. a; the C. the; / D. /; /

26. Nowadays, there is ____ increasing demand for green products though they are a bit high

in __ price. A ./ ; / B. a ; an C. an ; the D. an ;/

27. __ February birth appears to increase the chances of being __ artist . while March

babies appear to go on to become pilots. A. A ; an B. / ; / C ./ ; an D. The ; an 28. --- Jack’s won ___ holiday in London. ---- ___ lucky fellow!

A. a; A B. the ; The C. a ; The D. the ; A

29. As we all know, ___ life is a big stage, on which ____ things of all kinds can take place. A. / ; / B. the ; / C. the ; the D. / ; the

30. I’m __ Chinese and I do feel ___Chinese language is ____most beautiful language. A. / ; the ; a B. a; / ; the C. a ; the ; / D. a ; / a 31. If we sit near __ front of the bus , we’ll have __ better view. A. / ; the B. / ; a C. the ; a D. the ; the

32. Many people come to realize that they should go on __ balanced diet and make __ room

in their day for exercise.

A .a; / B. the ;a C. the; the D. /; a

33. Some people fear that __ air pollution may bring about changes in __ weather around the world. A. / ; the B. the ; / C. an ; the D .the ; a

34. Graduates of 2011 share __ fate of entering the dark force at a bad time, when the world

is sinking deeper into __ financial crisis. A. the ; the B. a ; the B. a; / C .the ; a

35. It’s ___good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them __ pleasure. A ./ ; a B. a ; / C. the; A D. a ; the

36. Although put in ___ prison; they were still allowed to make ___ room in their day for exercise. A. the; / B. the; a C. /; / D. / ; a A. /; / B. /; a C. a; the D. a; a

38. I was going to pay a visit to __ Einstein’s when __ Mr. Green called up who I didn’t know

at all. A. the; the B. an ; the C. the ;a D .an; a 39 ---Do you know ___ English for “兔子”

----I am afraid I don’t. I ‘m not interested in ___ English language. A .the : the B. an the C. the a D. an a

40. On __ Monday morning in July, Mr. Anderson happened to find his missing father

among the people at ___ church.

A. a; the B. the; / C. a ; / D. / ; a

41. It is known that water is not ___ endless resource, nor___ that can be made once more A. the; / B. an ; one C. an ; that D. / ; one

42. Take ___ look at the skirt and shoes and you will find they are__ perfect match. A. the; a B. a; / C. a ; the D. a ; a

43. we often go to __ school library because we can have such ___easy access to the Internet

there. A. a; an B. the; / C. the; an D. a; /

44. Many lifestyle patterns do such __ great harm to health that they actually speed up __ weakening of the human body.

A. a ; / B. / ; the C. a ; the D. / ; /

45. The man , whose early career was not __ great success , has built __ business empire after years of hard work.

A .a ; a B. /; a C. / ; the D. a ; /

46 .Dirk, Andrew, Tony were named as assistant professors. Believe it or not , ___ three of

them were of __ age

A. / ; an B ./ ; the C. the ; an D. the ; the 47.--- have you seen ___ pencil ? I left it this morning. ---- Is it ___ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A .a; the B. the ; the C. the; a D. a ; a

48. Unit one is __ most difficult unit, but it isn’t __ most difficult unit in Book II. A. a ; a B. the ; a C. the ; the D.a; the

49. In communication, a smile is usually ___ strong sign of a friendly and __open attitude A. the ;/ B. a; an C. a ; / D. the ; an

50. As far as I know , the young couple went to ___ UK in ___ winter of 1999

A. the; the B. /; / C. the; / D. /; the 51. – Are you familiar with Sarah?

--- Yes. She was __ professor of medicine in 1980s and then turned ___ writer. A. a; the B. a; / C. the; / D the; the

52. Of all __ reasons for my decision to become a university professor, my father’s advise was __ most important one.

A .the; a B. /; a C. /; the

53. My suggestions is that __ action should be taken to improve __ situation. A. / ; the B. an ; the C. /; a D. the ; a

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26-30 DAAAA 31-35 CAACB 36-40 CDCAA 41-45 BDBBA 46-50 CDDCA 51-53 BCA