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发布时间 : 星期一 文章人教版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案全套B更新完毕开始阅读294743d4f9c75fbfc77da26925c52cc58bd690c4


78.__________________________________________ 任务四:根据短文内容回答79、80题。 79.What color is Bill's jacket?

__________________________________________ 80.Is Gina's ruler white?

__________________________________________ 十一、书面表达(15分)


Last The TelephoFirst ClasNationalitTeachnamAge color of ne Grade name s y(国籍) er e her pen number Mr. CindBro346-99215 Black 3 7 English Greey wn 1 n ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

达标测参考答案及点拨Unit 1达标测试卷

第I卷 听力部分


一、1.The phone number is 589-6348.

2.It's a key.

3.The girl is Mary. 4.My apple is red. 5.His name is Tom.

二、6.What's her last name?

7.What's your telephone number? 8.M:I am Mike.Nice to meet you. 9.What's his first name? 10.Is he Jack? 三、Text 1

W:Hello,my name is Zhou Jie. M:I'm Nick.Nice to meet you.

W:Nice to meet you,too.What's your family name? M:It's Hand.And is Jie your family name? W:No,my family name is Zhou. M:Oh,I see.Jie is your first name. W:Yes,you are right. Text 2

W:Good morning.I'm Mary Jones.

M:Good morning,Miss Jones.Glad to meet you.

W:Glad to meet you,too.And what's your name,please? M:Jack Brown.

W:Jack,what's your phone number? M:It's 928-3160.

W:And what's your student ID number?

M:My student ID number? Oh,it is 425769. W:Thank you.

四、Look!This is Gina.Gina is her first name.Her last name is Miller.What's her telephone number?It is 772-6682.This is her jacket.It's red.And this is Bob.What's his last name?It's

Green.His telephone number is 731-0028.This is his black jacket.It is good.


一、1~5:CEBDA 二、6~10:BCACA 三、11~15:ABCAB 四、16.Miller 17.772-6682

18.Bob 19.731-0028 20.Black

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分

五、21.C 点拨:错误!。由答语中“He is Jack.”可知,应作否定回答,排除

A、B选项。D项前后矛盾,为错误选项。故选C。 22.A 23.A 24.C 25.A 26.D 27.C 28.D 29.B

30.A 点拨:由句意“我只是张开我的嘴巴唱歌。”可知,此处需用形容词性物主代词

my 来修饰名词mouth。

31.B 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.D

六、36.B 点拨:an English girl 意为“一个英格兰女孩”。

37.A 点拨:根据后面“My last name...”可知Linda 是名,用first name。 38.A 点拨:My last name is Green. 意为“我的姓是格林。” 39.A 点拨:in China 为固定搭配,意为“在中国”。 40.D

41.A 点拨:“It's +颜色”表示“是……色的”。 42.C 点拨:上文已出现,表示特指,用the。 43.C

44.A 点拨:根据后一句“It's black.”可知是对颜色提问。 45.C 七、A

46.F 点拨:由“This is my good friend,Linda White.”可知Linda的姓是White。 47.T 点拨:由“My name is David Smith.I am 13.”可知David是13岁;由“This is my good

friend,Linda White.She is a nice girl.She is 12.”可知 Linda是12岁。 48.F 49.T 50.F 点拨:,阅读材料中寻找答案法)。由“I am in Grade(年级)Seven.Linda is in Grade Six.”

可知表述错误。 B 51.C 点拨:根据表格Last name中的Smith 对应的First name为Kim可知答案选C。 52.D 点拨:根据表格中First name 中的Bill对应的电话号码为535-2375可知答案选D。 53.C

54.A 点拨:Bill比尔,男名;Eric 埃里克,男名;Kim 金,女名;Linda 琳达,女名。 55.D 点拨:,阅读材料中寻找答案法)。535-2375是Bill的电话号码,


C 56.D 点拨:全名Mark Green中Green位于最后,在外国,姓氏位于最后,family name

意为“姓”。 57.A 点拨:根据文中“Mark Green is my friend. He is English.He has(有) a yellow bike.”


58.D 点拨:根据文中“His father has a green jeep, too. The number is JA3567.”可知选D。 59.B 点拨:根据第五句“His mother has a green jeep.”可知选B。 60.A 点拨:“马克和我”在句中作主语,“我”应用主格形式I。 八、61~65:DECFB

九、(一) 66.name 67.number 68.friend 69.school 70.seven (二) 71.are 72.Her 73.to meet 74.first 75.I

十、76.BC;AD 77.My name is Bill. 78.This is her pen. 79.It's blue. 80.Yes, it is. 十一、范文:

I have a good friend. She__is__an__English__girl.① Her__first__name__is__Cindy.②Her last name is Brown. She is 15.

Her__pen__is__black.③Her__telephone__number__is__346-9921.④ She__is__in__Class__3,Grade__7.⑤Mr.Green is her teacher.

点评:①此句写出此人的性别和国籍。 ②此句写出此人的名字。 ③此句写出她的钢笔的颜色。 ④此句写出她的电话号码。 ⑤此句写出她的年级和班级。

Unit 2达标测试卷

时间:100分钟 满分:120分 题 号 得 分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 总 分 第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(20分))

一、听句子,选择合适的应答语(每小题1分,共5分) 1.A.S-O-N. B.He's a son. C.I'm my parents' son.

2.A.She is my sister. B.No,he isn't. C.Yes,she is.

3.A.Yes,he is. B.No,it isn't. C.Yes,and those are her friends. 4.A.No,they aren't. B.No,she isn't. C.They are here. 5.A.Thanks. B.Excuse me. C.Good job.

二、听对话,根据所听内容选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分) 6.What's the girl's name?

A.Lucy. B.Tina. C.Gina. 7.Who's this man?

A.Ann's brother. B.Ann's uncle. C.Ann's grandfather. 8.What's Jack's telephone number?

A.763-9483. B.763-9438. C.763-9843.

9.Who are they?

A.Gina's grandparents. B.Gina's parents. C.We don't know.

10.Who is Zhang Ming?

A.The boy's friend. B.The boy's brother. C.The girl's brother. 三、听长对话,根据所听内容选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分) 11.How is Sally?

A.She is fine. B.She isn't fine. C.We don't know. 12.Is John's telephone number 676-1182?

A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn't. C.We don't know. 13.Who is Ann?

A.Sally's sister. B.John's sister. C.We don't know. 14.________ are in the photo.

A.John's grandparents B.John's parents C.John's uncle and aunt 15.Who is Paul?

A.John's uncle. B.John's brother. C.John's cousin. 四、听短文,补全所缺单词(每小题1分,共5分)

Here's a ________(16) of Tom's ________(17)Tom is a boy.He is nine.This is his father.He is an


________(18) teacher.That is his ________(19)Her name is Lisa.The boy next to him is his ________(20)He is only four.

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(100分)


21.This is Jim and this is Tom.________ my ________.

A.She's; friend B.They're; friends C.They're; friend D.He's; friends

22.Please send ________best wishes to Mary.

A.I B.me C.my D.mine

23.—I hope (希望) you'll have a good day.—________

A.Well done. B.Don't mention it. C.Good luck! D.Thank you very much. 24.—Is this man your friend?—Yes,________.

A.it is B.it isn't C.he is D.he isn't 25.Is she your ________?

A.brother B.father C.sister D.uncle 26.—Who are they?—________.

A.They are my friends B.She is my friend

C.Those are my friends D.These are my friends 27.Is ________your brother?

A.his B.her C.these D.he

28.Where(在哪里) ________ my grandparents?I can't see them.

A.is B.am C.are D.be

29.—Are those your ________?—Yes,they are.

A.a cousin B.the cousin C.cousins D.cousines 30.—Look at that photo!What a happy family!

—Yes,it's a photo ________ my family. A.at B.for C.of D.in

31.Lin Hai and Dave ________his good friends.

A.are B.be C.am D.is 32.—Hello! 565-4327.Who's ________?—________is Mary.

A.this;That B.this; This C.that; That D.that; This