外研版(新标准)英语八年级下册Module 5 Cartoons测试卷及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章外研版(新标准)英语八年级下册Module 5 Cartoons测试卷及答案更新完毕开始阅读29a8d3933d1ec5da50e2524de518964bce84d239


七、A 46.B 点拨:细节理解题。此题用略读法。根据文章对小蝌蚪找妈妈的描


47.B 点拨:词义猜测题。此题用前后文推理法。根据前半句故事非常简单,但


48.C 点拨:细节理解题。此题用略读法。根据文中“The Monkey King: Uproar in

Heaven (1961-1964) is China's first color cartoon.”可知选C。

49.C 点拨:细节理解题。此题用细读法。根据文中“The Monkey King: Uproar in

Heaven (1961-1964) is China's first color cartoon.It is from the Chinese novel Journey to the West.”可知选C。

50.D 点拨:主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了四部卡通的相关情况。

B 51. D 点拨:推理判断题。此题用逻辑推理法。由文章第一段第一、二句可推


52. B 点拨:细节理解题。由文章第四段第一句可知Nathan Warner是一位制片人,


53. A 点拨:词义猜测题。由文章第二段最后一句可知split一词的意思是“裂开的”。


54. B 点拨:细节理解题。由文章第二段最后一句可知选B。 55. C 点拨:主旨大意题。此题用细读法。综合全文可知选C。 八、56.F

57.Because he brought happiness to them. 58.Donald Duck and Pluto Dog.

59.Because there were many things that Mickey could not do.



九、61.hottest 62.story 63.protect 64.join 65.After 66.sold 67.stand 68.reached 69.interesting 70.with 十、71.mess 72.private 73.humorous 74.satisfy 75.handsome 十一、范文:

I like cartoons very much.I have been watching them since I was young.My favourite cartoon character is Winnie the Pooh.

Winnie is a very cute yellow bear who__looks__really__funny. He has a big belly and wears a small red T-shirt. He walks very slowly.Winnie is also very friendly and helpful.So he has lots of friends,such__as the tiger and the piglet.Winnie's favourite food is honey.He likes it so much that once he was attacked by bees.Poor Winnie!

I love Winnie. 名师点评:



①since,and,such as等单词和短语的运用使文章语句连贯、条理性强。 ②能够学以致用,灵活地使用定语从句。