新人教版广东省汕头市友联中学2019-2020学年下学期初中七年级期中考试英语试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章新人教版广东省汕头市友联中学2019-2020学年下学期初中七年级期中考试英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读2a13de1da7e9856a561252d380eb6294dd882237

( ) 51. Yang Yong’s English name is ___.

A. Paul B. Jeff C. Peter D. Green ( ) 52. Mr. Miller may teach kids ____ .

A. baseball B. soccer C. ping pong D. painting ( ) 53. Miss Jones is from ____ .

A. England B. Canada C. America D. China.

( ) 54. Sally is seven years old, She can learn ____ . A. soccer B. baseball

C. Chinese painting D. ping pong

( )55. Mr. Black’s son wants to learn Chinese painting and baseball. He needs ____.

A. 360 yuan. B.560 yuan. C. 760 yuan . D. 520 yuan.


Three Things to do Before You Are 18

Here are some things you should try before you are 18 for teenagers. (青少年) Learn to swim

It is important for us, because it can save our lives. If you can’t swim well, you can’t do water sports like surfing and diving. Even taking a boat will be dangerous for you. Try at least one kind of team sports

Being a good team player is an important skill. You can’t just think of yourself, but have to work with other people. Other advantages (优点) of team sports like basketball ,football and well

baseball are that they keep you healthy, and they are also great fun. Teams usually have a good social life too—you’ll go to lots of parties and make many friends. Collect something

One of the best hobbies for under-18s is collecting things. You could collect kinds of stamps, or you could collect other things, because that make you remember what you have done, like movie tickets (票)or e-mails from friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album(相册)to put your collection in and to write what each thing means(意思是) to you. ( )56. The most important reason for learning to swim is that ____ . A. it can save your life B. it can make you healthy C. you might easily do lots of things D. you can do sports water. ( )57. “A good social life” in the passage (短文)means ____ . A. you’ll study in groups

B. you’ll go to parties and make many friends. C. you’ll take part in many parties. D. you’ll keep healthy.

( )58. The writer tells us that one of the best hobbies is to ____ . A. collect something B. do some water sports C. send e-mails to your friends D. have a special album ( )59. The word “collect” may mean? A. 集邮 B.收集 C. 改正 D.数数

( )60.The passage is mainly about ____ before you are 18. A. good habits to keep B. skills to have C. things to do D. collect many things




根据句意及音标或首字母补全单词。(每小题1分,共10分) 66.It’s their . ___________ / dri: m/ to have a bridge.

67. It’s too cold outside .Come into the room ______ / kwikl i/ . 68. Students should ___________ / f o l ?u/ the school rules.

69. Jack often helps his mother do the ___________ / d i ? i z / after dinner. 70.Mother likes reading a ___________ / nju: z peip ?/ every day. 71.Be careful when you c___________ the road

72.The panda there is eating bamboos. It’s k_________ of shy. 73. June 1st is C_____ Day.

74. It’s half p___________ eight. Class is over.

75. R___________ to bring your homework to school, David. 六.完成句子(每小题2分,共10分) 76. 人们不应该砍伐大量树木。

People shouldn’t ___________ ___________lots of trees. 77.这是好运的象征。

This is a symbol of ______ ______ . 78. 我认为我的计划能够实现。

I think my plan can ___________ ___________ . 79. 他们正在练习拉小提琴。

They are ___________ ___________ the violin. 80. 她每天花多长时间做运动?

___________ ___________ does it take her to exercise every day? 七.短文填空(每题1分,共10分)


It’s______81_____ morning. My parents, my uncle, my sisters and I are _____82______ at home. What is my father doing? He is reading a magazine. My mother is watering the ____83_______ in the small garden. There are some beautiful flowers in it. My uncle is my mother’s _______84____ . He is a waiter. He is a ______85_____ fan (迷). And he is ______86_____ at playing basketball. Now he is ____87_______ NBA on TV. Where are my sisters? Cindy is over there. She ______88_____ popular(流行的) music very much. Nancy is in her room. She has a _____89______. Now she is surfing the Internet(上网). She is writing an email to her friend. What am I doing? I am doing my 90 .

八、读写综合(20分) A) 信息归纳
