【附20套高考模拟试题】【全国校级联考】华大新高考联盟2020届4月教学质量测评英语试题含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【附20套高考模拟试题】【全国校级联考】华大新高考联盟2020届4月教学质量测评英语试题含答案更新完毕开始阅读2ae53966e0bd960590c69ec3d5bbfd0a7956d505

57. The main purpose of this passage is __________

A. to advertise B. to inform C. to promote D. to recommend


Given its subject matter and time slot, A Bite of China was initially considered a \. \documentary about food. \net, opening a steamer filled with white steamed buns, and pulling wheat dough into thin strands for noodles move us to tears. What a lovely China!\

A Bite of China is a serious documentary providing a unique view of Chinese as well as the relations between people and food and between people and society from the perspective of food.

The touching documentary reminds some people of their mother, and makes some realize that every grain comes from hard and laborious toil. Some people see patriotism in the documentary, and some consider it a great cultural export.

How did this documentary achieve a tremendous influence beyond its subject matter in such a short time?

\in making food and their production process as well as the lives of ordinary people, thus striking a chord with the audience,\and reality.

It is said sarcastically that Americans like to shoot sci-fi films because they have no history, while Chinese like to shoot time-travel dramas to the past because they have no future. The correctness of this arbitrary conclusion is debatable, but it has raised a thought-provoking question. Works that are created behind closed doors and fail to reflect reality or that only focus on the luxury lives of a few people and ignore ordinary people's desire for ample food and clothing will not touch people's hearts.

\sincere is the most important thing for artists because they cannot move others unless they themselves are first moved, and cannot convince others unless they themselves are first convinced. Sincerity is the \for making this documentary so popular, and every cultural creator should learn from its success. 58. A Bite of China has all the following emotional influences ECEPT _______.

A. reminding people of their memories about family B. making people treasure every gain

C. arousing people’s patriotism tom wads their country D. calling on people to export their culture

59. Which of the following statements about A Bite of China is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It only focuses on the luxury lives of a few people in China. B. It stresses the emotions of ordinary Chinese people in its shooting C. It has been considered a “week player” on Tv since it was produced D. It provides a unique view of Chinese from the perspective of humanity 60. Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Sincerity and reality, Great Success B. Food and Culture, Commercial Program C. Techniques and Art, Huge Popularity

D. Patriotism and Respect, Tremendous Influence


Depression can be a devastating illness, plaguing millions of people worldwide with feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and fatigue. Despite numerous antidepressant drugs, as many as a third of patients don’t respond to medication. This has forced doctors to be more creative in finding different treatments for the condition.

In the past two decades, researchers have tied depression to a seemingly unrelated condition inflammation(炎症), the body’s natural response to stress. It could rise from injury or inflection, or even emotional issues like an unhappy marriage or problems at work. Some amount of inflammation is generally beneficial, as it increases production of cytokines (致癌因子),proteins that help us heal and protect us from the effects of overwork.

But excessive cytokine levels, and the inflammation they bring on, could come at a cost-A number of studies suggests that high levels of cytokines could contribute to depression.

Cytokines can reach the brain several ways directly through the blood-brain barrier or indirectly by binding to nerve fibers elsewhere, which send signals to the brain to produce the inflammation molecules. In the brain, cytokines can disturb the production and release of several important signaling chemicals, including serotonin, dopamine and glutamate, which help control emotion, appetite, sleep, learning and memory. It’s though that a lack of serotonin activity in the brain causes depression; most antidepressants increase the activity. But cytokines also have been shown to activate stress hormone signaling in the brain, which man also serve to develop depression.

With all the evidence implicating inflammation in depression, doctors have been anxious to test anti-inflammatory drugs as a potential treatment. Four small students published between 2006 and 2012 by research groups in Europe and Iran found that adults diagnosed with depression who took aspirin or another anti-inflammatory drug called Celecoxib, along with an antidepressant, got more relief from

feelings of sadness, hopelessness, guilt and fatigue compared with those taking an antidepressant alone. However, Andrew Miller, a professor of psychiatry at Emory University, thought something was amiss in these small, limited studies. None of them looked at whether the participants had to have high levels of cytokines before into the trap of viewing inflammatory drugs. “Unfortunately, much of the field has fallen into the trap of viewing inflammation as the be-all, end-all,” Miller says. He and his colleagues wanted to see whether the effect of these drugs was limited to the depression patients with high cytokine levels, or if it helped all people diagnosed with depression.

61. Which of the following illustrated how depression is developed/

A. infection -→inflammation -→cytokine -→depression B. stress-→overwork-→inflammation -→depression C. cytokine-→stress -→ infection-→depression D. inflammation -→ infection-→stress-→depression 62. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. depression will be an incurable disease for a long time

B. we have a long way to go before depression can be satisfying treated C. people who are hard –working are more subject to depression D. aspirin can effectively help relieve people of many emotional prpblems 63. The underlined word “excessive” in para 3 is closest in meaning to “________”

A. intermediate

B. mild C. appropriate

D. overmuch

64. Which of the following shows the right structure of the passage?

( ①---⑤ represent para 1—5 )


“Have you put any salt in it?”

“Certainly not, ma’am,” answered Marie, amazed by the question. “You told me yourself that I was never to put salt in it.”

Upon this, Madame Duparc snatched up the saucepan without saying another word, turned to the cupboard, and stretched out her hand toward one of four salt-cellars which always stood there. Then she sprinkled salt into the saucepan—— or, if not salt something which she took for salt. The hasty-pudding made, Marie poured it from the saucepan into a soup-plate which her mistress held.

Madame Duparc herself then took it to her father, Monsieur De Beaulieu. Then she and her daughter, and one of her sons, remained with the old man while he was eating his breakfast. Marie, left in the kitchen, prepared to clean the saucepan; but, before she could do so, she was suddenly called in two different directions by Madame De Beaulieu and Madame Duparc. The old lady wished to be taken to mass, and her mistress wanted to send her on a number of errands. It was half-past eleven in the forenoon before she got back to the kitchen.

The first news that met her on her return was that Monsieur De Beaulieu had been suffering, ever since nine o’clock, from a violent attack of vomiting and colic. Madame Duparc ordered her to help the old man to bed immediately; and inquired, when these directions had been followed, whether Marie felt capable of looking after him herself, or whether she would prefer that a nurse should be sent for. Being a kind-hearted, willing girl, always anxious to make herself useful, Marie replied that she would gladly undertake the nursing of the old man; and thereupon her bed was moved at once into Monsieur De Beaulieu’room.

Meanwhile Madame Duparc fetched from a neighboring apothecary’s one of the apprentices(学徒) of the shop to see her father. The apprentice was quite unfit to meet the emergency of the case, which was certainly serious enough to require the attention of his master, if not of a regularly qualified physician. Instead of applying and internal remedies, the apprentice stupidly tried blistering. This course of treatment proved utterly useless; but no better advice was called in. After he had suffered for hours without relief, Monsieur De Beaulieu began to sink rapidly toward the afternoon. At half-past five o’clock he had ceased to exist.

This shocking catastrophe, startling and suspicious as it was, did not appear to disturb the nerves of Madame Duparc. She lost no time in sending for the nearest nurse to lay out the body of Monsieur De Beaulieu. On entering the chamber of death, the nurse found Marie there alone, praying by the old man’s bedside. “He died suddenly, did he not?” said the nurse.”Very suddenly,” answered Marie. “He was walking about only yesterday in perfect health.” Soon afterward the time came when it was customary to prepare supper. Marie went into the kitchen mechanically, to get the meal ready. Madame Duparc, her daughter, and her youngest son, sat down to it as usual. Madame De Beaulieu, overwhelmed by the dreadful death of her husband, was incapable of joining them.

When supper was over, Marie assisted the old lady to bed. Then, worn out though she was with fatigue, she went back to the nurse to keep her company in watching by the dead body. Monsieur De Beaulieu had been kind to Marie, and had spoken gratefully of the little attentions she had shown him. She remembered this tenderly now that he was no more; and she could not find it in her heart to leave a hired mourner to be the only watcher by his death-bed. All that night she remained in the room, entirely ignorant of what was