牛津上海版八年级下册 Module1 unit 1 同步练习题(有答案) 联系客服

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Ⅱ. 1—5 ADAAB 6—10 CBACD 11—15 CBACC 16 B Ⅱ.17-20 BAED

Ⅱ. 21. fifth 22. yours 23. scientist 24. harmful 25. chemicals 26. produce 27. slowly 28. yourselves

Ⅱ. 29. Are ... planting 30. anything yet 31. What …take 32. Why does 33. for helping34. Trees can both clean and cool air. Ⅱ. A. 35-39 CBCCD B. 40-46 ADBBCAB

C. 47. living 48. relatives 49. branches50. covered 51. protects 52. wide D. 53. Because he wanted to fly. 54. In 1783.

55. It was a powered balloon. 56. It lasted less than half a minute. 57. It flew just a few feet.

58. Man keeps trying to find new and better ways to fly. Ⅱ 略