小学四年级下册新标准外研版英语三年级起点第四册全册教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章小学四年级下册新标准外研版英语三年级起点第四册全册教案更新完毕开始阅读2cab065585c24028915f804d2b160b4e767f81cf

2. Important sentences ( make a simple translation) Step Ⅶ Home work Make some sentences like the module ones. ( Chinese, speak , China) People speak English in America. ( capital , Beijing , China ) Washing ton is the capital of America. Design Module 7 Unite 2 Beijing is the capital of China. Listen and match. Then point and say (consolidate to remember the four position words) Finish the part 1on Activity book. Give them 2’ to remember the new words and the meaning of it .Then finish the part 1 on Activity book. Check the answer in groups Point ,ask and answer Show some pictures on TV.( on the blackboard) A: Where is New York? B: It’s in the east. Step Ⅲ Consolidate Step Ⅳ Practice ( Look at pictures and describe the position of it ) Show a map of China and deal with the part 3 on activity book. 21

Step Ⅴ Game Do you have a friend? If you have, please draw her / his house .And tell us where is his / her house? (Practice “I live in Beijing. My friend lives in …) 1. Practice to read and remember the new StepⅥ Summary words .( look at the phonetic symbol and say them out) 2. Important sentences ( make a simple translation) Step Ⅶ Home work Make some sentences like the module ones. ( Chinese, speak , China) People speak English in America. ( capital , Beijing , China ) Washing ton is the capital of America. Design Module 7 Unite 2 Beijing is the capital of China. east west

Module 8 Changes

Unit 1 Unit1 I was two. Topic Module 8 Changes Unit1 I was two. Type New Time Two Idea Design 1. 面向全体学生并让孩子们带着兴趣性去学习英语。 2. 培养学生的综合语言运用能力并形成良好的英语语感。


3. 利用课件教学强化现在与过去的对比,组织学生小组合作,共同进步。 Teaching Aims 1. The Ss can grasp the new words and phrases. 2. Using the simple past tense of the irregular verb “be” to talk about the past. 3. Cultivate the Ss’ cooperation. Key point Difficult point Methods Tools Using the simple past tense. They were young then. I was two then. The Ss can describe the past. 1. Audio –visual Approach. 2. Interesting teaching. 1. The tape recorder. 2. Multi –media. 3. The pictures. Teaching procedures Step I 1. Sing the song Warmer ”OH, we love holidays.”( 调动学生的学习兴趣,营造英语教学气氛 ) 2. Review some adjectives. E.g. tall, short; fat, thin; big, small etc. Have the Ss make the sentences with the pictures.( 为后面的课文教学做铺垫) 3. Free talk Have the Ss talk about countries and their capitals (the USA an d China) 1. Leading Take out a photo of my family. Then introduce it. “It’s old. Because I was four then. Look, there are my parents. They were young then. But now they are old.” Point to me and say “I was fat and short then. Now you can look at me.” Then get the Ss to look at today’s story. ( 教师可以通过肢体语言及神情让学生领会这段英语的意思。) 2. Write the sentences on the board. And mark “were, are, was, is” ╱They were young then. ╱ I was four then.


Step II Presentation ╲They are old now. ╲ Now I am thirty. Explain to the Ss. We usually use “were, was” when it’s the past. And using “are, is” when we describe the present. (板书明确,再通过句式操练,学生更容易理解,并加深印象。) 3. Teach the words with the pictures. Then have the Ss say the sentences with the wards. “Grandparents are grandma and grandpa.” e.g. “Who are they? They are my grandparents.” Compare “now” and “then”. Then say the sentences. Teach “hair” with pointing to Ss’ hair. Explain “Cute means very lovely” 1. Listen to the tape. Then repeat. 2. Have the Ss act out the story in groups. (让学生成小组式操练,不仅关注每一个学生的发展,同时还能增进学生间的友谊。) 1. Point and say. Using the multi-media. Have the Ss look at the pictures. Then say the sentences with the present and the past tense. ( 教师运用多媒体课件教学,让学生感知语言内容,调动学生的视、听觉,参与学习中来。 ) 2. Do the Activity Book. Tell the Ss to bring a photo of themselves or their relatives to class. The photo should show them or their relatives when they were young. Then have the Ss come to the front to show and talk about their photos. 1. Read and write the new words and sentences. 2. Do Activity III. 1. Do Activity IV. Then next class I will check it up. 2. Read and retell the story. Step III Drill Step IV Practice Step V Game Step VI Summary Step VII Homework 24