【精品】人教版新目标七年级英语下册Unit3单元检测卷(含答案详解) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【精品】人教版新目标七年级英语下册Unit3单元检测卷(含答案详解)更新完毕开始阅读2d20b2fd2e60ddccda38376baf1ffc4fff47e201

or through a tunnel (隧道) under the sea.Much of Hong Kong is farmland and mountains.

The population of Hong Kong is over six million.Chinese and English are spoken by many people.Clothes,computers,radios and TVs are made in Hong Kong.You can buy all kinds of things,such as watches and computers there.

People from all over the world travel to Hong Kong every year.You can watch dogracing or motor racing.Some places are quiet and beautiful.When you are hot and tired,there are small cool gardens to rest in.There are also a lot of hotels to live in.Hong Kong is also a good place for wonderful Chinese food.You can enjoy many kinds of food,for example,fish,vegetables and the famous Beijing Duck.There is certainly a lot to see and to do in Hong Kong.

21.The airport was built out into the sea because . A.it is near the sea C.planes arrive safely 22.Kowloon is .

A.the name of a country

B.the name of an airport

B.there was not enough land D.it would be good

C.one of the two big cities in Hong Kong D.a big city under the sea 23.Most people in Hong Kong speak . A.neither Chinese nor English C.English only

B.Chinese only D.Chinese and English

24.There are travelers in Hong Kong every year. A.a lot of




25.The main idea(大意)of the fourth paragraph is “ ”. A.Dog racing is interesting B.Beijing Duck is famous C.Chinese food is famous

D.Hong Kong is a good place for traveling


The new school term is coming. Now the school clerks are planning a new timetable for Class 5,Grade 7.

There are six classes every day,four in the morning and two in the afternoon. The students have a math class every day. And they have seven English classes in a week. Two of them are given by a foreign teacher and should be arranged (安排) together on Thursday morning.

There are five Chinese classes in a week. Two of them should also be arranged one after the other for the students to write their compositions.

They have two physics classes in a week but on different days. Besides these,there is an art class every Wednesday afternoon.

It’s necessary and important for students to take enough exercise. So they have two PE classes every week. And they can do outdoor activities after school every afternoon.

阅读短文内容后,将下面的课程表补充完整。 Date Period One Two Three Four Five Six English English Chinese math 27 English politics Chinese PE Chinese math biology math English Chinese 30 math politics English Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday chemistry 29 physics PE 26 English history class meeting 28 geography chemistry outdoor activities 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Ⅳ.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(每小题1分,满分5分)

31.My younger sister usually walks to work,but sometimes she goes to work by s .

32.In most parts of China,students r bikes to school.

33.Liu Ming’s home is about 12 k from school.

34.His big d is to be a professional(职业的) writer. 35.Fifty and fifty is one h .

Ⅴ.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分5分) 36. Thank you for (tell) me the good news.

37.How long does it take you (walk) to the railway station? 38.Don’t (worried)about your English.We can help you.

39.He feels very tired(疲劳的);he wants to stop (have) a rest. 40.It is very difficult for these children (cross) the river. Ⅵ.句型转换(每小题1分,满分5分)

41. Mr King often flies to Sydney for the meeting.(同义句转换) Mr King often to Sydney for the meeting. 42.What do you think of the film?(同义句转换) do you the film?

43.His factory is 5 miles from his home.(就画线部分提问) is his factory his home? 44.My mother usually takes the bus to work.(改为否定句) My mother the bus to work.

45.I usually spend three hours doing my homework.(同义句转换) It usually me three hours my homework. Ⅶ.书面表达(满分15分)





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