2019-2020学年度人教版高中英语必修5、选修6选修6Unit 4 Global warming知识点练习五十二 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2019-2020学年度人教版高中英语必修5、选修6选修6Unit 4 Global warming知识点练习五十二更新完毕开始阅读2d69bce22bf90242a8956bec0975f46526d3a766



Ongoing conflicts across the Middle East have prevented more than 13 million children from attending school, according to a report published by UNICEF, the United Nations Children\

The report states that 40% of all children across the region are currently not receiving an education, which is a result of two consequences of violence: structural damage to schools and the displacement (转移) of

populations, also called “forced migration.” Both issues result from the violence that has crossed the region in recent years. The report examines nine countries where a state of war has become the ordinary state. Across these countries, violence has made 8,500 schools unusable. In certain cases, communities have relied on school buildings to function as shelters for the displaced, with up to nine families living in a single classroom in former schools across Iraq.

The report pays particularly close attention to Syria, where a bloody civil war has displaced at least nine million people since the war began in 2011. With the crisis (危机) now in its fifth year, basic public services, including education, inside Syria have been stretched (竭尽所能) to breaking point. Within the country, the quality and availability of education depends on whether a particular region is suffering violence.

The report concludes with an earnest request to international policymakers to offer money and other

resources to help ease the regional crisis. With more than 13 million children already driven from classrooms by conflict, the educational future of a generation of children are in the balance. This is destroying the future for an entire region.

What is this article mainly about?

A、Why people are moving away from their own countries. B、Why there are civil wars and violence in the Middle East. C、Why many schools have become shelters for displaced families. D、Why many children in the Middle East are not attending school.

Why is “Iraq” mentioned in the second paragraph?

A、To convince people that temporary housing can be easily found. B、To prove that class rooms there are big enough to host many families. C、To give an example of why schools are not usable for children\D、To show how structural damages of school can affect the quality of education.

What does the phrase “in the balance” in the last paragraph most likely mean?

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A、Being well taken care of. B、In an uncertain situation. C、Under control by the authority. D、Moving in the wrong direction.

According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A、The war in Syria has been going on since 2011.

B、More than nine thousand schools have been destroyed by wars.

C、Thirteen million people have been forced to leave their homes in the Middle East. D、Forty percent of all children in the world are not attending schools due to ongoing conflict.

【答案】: 【解析】:



增加:在缺单词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。


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It was a sunny day today and I went to Xishan Park for a spring outing. The moment I entered in the park, a variety of beautiful flowers and green trees come into sight. Attracted by the beauty, I couldn\photo. As I wandered along the path, enjoy the beautiful view, I noticed something unpleasantly. Two

schoolgirls jumped the fence to pick flowers. Obviously they didn\damage on the beauty of the park. Without delay, I went up and stopped them politely. Quite embarrassing, the two girls came out immediately. Then we took pictures outside the fence. Seeing that, I smiled and something looked nicer in my eyes.




During the discussion, many members ______ my suggestion, which upset me greatly.

My father still ______ drinking and smoking after the doctor told him to give up.

Can you tell me how the accident ______?

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Prices of fruit and vegetables have ______ quickly during the past few months.

The heavy snow can easily ______ many accidents in winter.

In order to improve his English, he ______ New York Times last year.

The police found ______ drugs under his bed and above his ceiling.

______ we could afford it, we wouldn\

【答案】: 【解析】:



Rose: Hi, Dave. Do you think the weather is fine today? Dave: Yeah. And the air is also clearer than ever before.

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