六年级下册英语试题-Unit1 The lion and the mouse 含答案 译林版 联系客服

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六年级下册Unit1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试

一、判断下列句子的语调,升调的用“”表示,降调的用“”表示。 1.How can you help me?( ) 2.Don't be afraid.( )

3.Are the children going to have a party?( ) 4.Do you have any brothers or sisters?( ) 5.What did you play?( ) 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.In the classroom,we should be (quietly). 2.Helen is .She dances .(happy) 3.The mouse (bite)the door yesterday.

4.-Would you like (eat)some mushrooms?-Yes,please. 5.The lion (get)out from the net at last.

6.You shouldn't (catch)the birds.They are our friends. 7.The dog and the cat (become)good friends from then on. 8.The boy (say),\9.The girl is (dance)beautifully. 三、单项选择。

( )1.How can the mouse the lion?

A.helping B.helps C.help ( )2.Mum me up at six o'clock this morning.

A.wake B.wakes C.woke ( )3.- you to play basketball? -Yes.

A.Do;wanted B.Do;want C.Did;wanted ( )4.I the pen,but I can't it now.

A.looked for;found B.found;look for C.looked for;find ( )5.Don't be .

A.sad B.sadly C.sady ( )6.He pours the water the hole. A.behind B.on C.into ( )7.They caught the lion a large net. A.use B.by C.with ( )8.They can cheer us. A.of B.for C.off ( )9.Let the worker a hole in the ground. A.make B.made C.makes ( )10.The mouse the lion out from the net at last. A.help;got B.help;get C.helped;get 四,从I栏中找出与I栏相对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里。


( )1.Where are you going? A.We have three. ( )2.What are you doing? B.Yes,I do.

( )3.How many apples do you have? C.No,but I have a cute cat. ( )4.Do you like apples? D.Yes,I did. ( )5.Do you have a dog? E.Some milk. ( )6.Did you go to the Summer Palace? F.The girl in red.

( )7.What did you do on Monday? G.I'm going to the bookshop. ( )8.What's in the bottle? H.The brown dog's. ( )9.Who is the lollipop(棒棒糖)for? I.I'm making a fruit salad.

( )10.Whose tail is short? J.I climbed the mountain with my classmates. 五、根据中文完成句子。 1.杨玲擅长游泳。

Yang Ling is . 2.学生们正在教室里大声地读英语书。

The students are English books in the classroom. 3. 今天早上妈妈叫醒了我。 Mum me this morning. 4.刘涛太激动了,他用力地击球。

Liu Tao was too and he the ball hard. 4. 雷锋喜欢帮助他人。 Lei Feng likes other people. 六、根据图片提示,将下列句子排列成一段完整的故事。

( )Alice finds a small bottle on the table. ( )Alice becomes small.

( )The rabbit runs through the door. ( )Alice drinks the water in the bottle. ( 6 )Alice gets through the door.

( )Alice cannot get through.She is too big! 七、完形填空。

There 1 a frog.He 2 in a well(井)and he never 3 out of it.He thought the sky was as big as the mouth of the well.One day,a crow(乌鸦)4 to the well.He 5 the frog and 6 ,\talk.”Then the frog 7 ,\from?”“I fly from the sky,\ The frog 8 surprised(惊讶的)and said."The sky is only as big as the mouth of the well.How do you fly from the sky?\said,“The sky is very big.You always stay in the well,so you don't know the world is big.”The frog said,\have a look by yourself.”"So the frog came out 9 the well.He was very surprised. 10 big the world was! ( )1.A.was B.is C.has ( )2.A.lives B.lived C.live ( )3.A.goes B.went C.go ( )4.A.came B.come C.comes ( )5.A.see B.saw C.look ( )6.A.say B.said C.says ( )7.A.ask B.answer C.asked ( )8.A.feels B.fell C.felt ( )9.A.at B.in C.from ( )10.A.What B.How C.Where 八、根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。

One morning a fox saw a cock(公鸡)。He thought,\to the cock and said,\glad.He closed his eyes and began to sing.The fox saw that and caught the cock in his mouth and carried him away.The people in the field saw the fox.They shouted,\The fox is carrying the cock away.\are carrying their cock away.Tell them I'm yours(你的),not theirs(他们的)。”The fox opened his mouth and said,\找的),not yours.\away from the fox and flew into the tree. ( )1.The fox wanted to eat the cock for lunch. ( )2.The fox sang a song for the cock.

( )3.The fox caught the cock and carried him away. ( )4.The fox ate the cock. ( )5.The cock was clever. 九、书面表达。