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Besides, ―language environment‖ is needed to learn a foreign language and the lack of it in Chinese universities has hindered the student’s English learning.

Some problems of the students’ learning habits are also the source of the inadequacy. Chinese students tend to separate vocabulary memorizing, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing and therefore their English is also ―broken‖ in this way. In addition, they are generally reluctant to practice speaking. This has greatly contributed to the ―dumb English‖ of Chinese students.

The success of the college English education reform requires efforts of both educators and students. The universities should encourage students to speak English in their daily communications and hold more activities with the purpose of promoting students speaking of English. Teachers should focus on attracting students with charms and interest of English in their classes. Students should try to be participants of the learning activities rather than passive receptors. With the collaboration of educators and students, the reform of college English education will surely yield plentiful fruits.

Model Text Four

Income Sources of College Students


2)分析一下产生这种现象的原因 3)我对将来趋势的预测

Examinees Income sources Parents Part-time job Scholarship

Income Sources of College Students

According to the investigation into the sources of income of students, the income of the American and the Chinese students comes from almost the same channels: parents, part-time job and scholarships. However, the percentage of each is quite different. Half the American students’ income is from their parents and 35% from part-time jobs, and scholarships from the colleges make up the remainder. Chinese students, on the other hand, rely mainly on their parents for their income. On the average, only 5% of their income comes from taking part-time job and another 5% comes from the university scholarship.

The abrupt difference between American students and Chinese

50% 35% 15% 90% 5% 5% American students Chinese students students in the distributions of income is caused by the following reasons. First, the American students are taught to be independent right from childhood while Chinese parents are inclined to offering the financial support for their children’s education. Secondly, Chinese students have little opportunity to find a job while the American universities offer much chance and time for the undergraduates to work part-time. Finally, the scholarships offered by American universities are of greater variety and larger amount than those offered by Chinese universities.

Nevertheless, under the influence of Western culture and pressure of increasing tuition, more Chinese students are seeking part-time jobs nowadays. They consider it a good access to both social experience and better financial condition. Therefore, the distributions of their income are approaching each other.

Model Text Five

A Job searching Experience 1. 介绍得到这次求职信息的途径 2. 叙述这次求职经历的全过程 3. 谈谈你对这次经历的感受或体会

A Job searching Experience

Last Friday my English teacher told me that one of her friends was looking for an English governess. I asked for her friend’s name and phone number,determined to seize the chance and have my first job.

I was a little nervous when I went to the woman’s house. I was told that the talk between us that day would decide whether I could take the job. However, when the woman, Lucy as she was called, welcomed me into her house, I felt much relaxed. I thought as long as I was sincere and friendly I would perform well. The conversation went on smoothly. She seemed much more interested in my habits and hobbies than how good I was at English. Then it happened that I did the most talking that day. I told her about my family and school life. Obviously I succeeded and from then on I went to teach her English every weekend.

Lucy told me later that it was my sincerity that makes her willingly accept me. It is true that there are many tricks while seeking for a job, but remember to be sincere. It’s the secret of my success. Model Text Six