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New York, London, Paris and other cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums(博物馆), plays(戏剧) and films. You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world. But there are serious(严重的) problems in big cities too. The cost of living is high, and there are too many people in some of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities because there are some chances to find jobs, to study at good schools, and to receive good medical care(医疗). But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also, too many people in a small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities. Others do not. Before people move to big cities, they should think about the problems of living there. 1. There are o lot of interesting things to do in big cities. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.

2. People move to live in big cities because they can always find jobs there. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.

3. The houses are very expensive in big cities. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.

4. Everyone enjoys living in big cities in spite of(尽管) the problems. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.

5. It`s better to think carefully before you decide to move to big cities. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say. (3)

Kathy lives in Sydney. She works in an office and she is a secretary. She begins work at nine every day. She is always on time for work. In fact, she is often early. She is never late, and she is never sick. Kathy usually types letters and answers the telephone. She sometimes files(把文件归档) and makes copies(复印文件). She seldom makes mistakes when she types or files. She always answers the phone politely(礼貌地). She has lunch from 12.30 am to 1.30 pm, and she finishes work at 5.00 pm.

In the evening sometimes she goes out with her friends. Sometimes she stays at home watching TV. She doesn`t work on the weekend. On Saturday, she cleans the house, does housework and goes shopping. On Sunday she relaxes or goes to the cinema. 1. Kathy is never late for work. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.

2. Kathy types very fast. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.

3. In the afternoon Kathy starts work at 1.30. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.

4. In the evening, Kathy always stays at home watching TV. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.

5. Kathy never does any work on Sunday. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say. (4)

Nicola Peet works for British Airways as a manager. This is what she tells us about her job. “My office is at Heathrow Airport, but I spend 60% of my time in the air. I teach air-hostesses(空中小姐) and help them with any problems. I also go to a lot of meetings. My hours are usually from 8 am to 4 pm, but sometimes I work from 1 pm to 9 pm. At work, the first thing to do is check to plane times on my computer, and then I speak with some of the air-hostesses. Sometimes I go on long flights to check how the air-hostesses are doing. 英语I(1)单元13-18作业参考答案

I prefer this part of the job to office work. Travelling can be hard work. When I get back from a long journey. all I can do is eat something and then go to bed! I don`t earn(挣) much noney, but I`m happy with British Airways, and want to stay there and continue to travel.” 1. Nicola works for British Airways and she is . a manager an air-hostess a programmer

2. Most days, Nicola starts work at . 8 am 1 pm 4 pm

3. What does Nicola like best? Flying.

Working in the office. Helping passengers.

4. The first thing Nicola does after a long journey is . go to bed have a meal go to the office

5. Nicola would like to . stay in the same job stop travelling earn more money. (5)

After yesterday`s fine sunny weather in Wales(威尔士), today will feel much more like a November day. Very strong winds will bring rain to Scotland and England in the morning. These winds will die away(减弱) during the afternoon. Wales will have a dry day today. In the south-east, temperatures will be higher than normal. The evening will be cold with fog in many places in the south-west. but temperatures will not be low enough for ice to form(形成).

Tomorrow will be a windy day with rain everywhere until around noon. In the afternoon the rain will clear from the south-west, bringing fine weather to all parts by the evening. There may be some sun in the south-east of England. But temperatures will be low, and the winds may bring some snow anywhere in the north and west before morning.

1. Yesterday it was sunny in . England Wales Scotland

2. This morning it will be very windy in . Scotland Ireland Wales

3. This evening it will be in the south-west. windy rainy foggy

4. Tomorrow it will stop raining first in the . south-east north-west south-west

5. Tomorrow evening there may be some sun in the of England. south-east north-west south-west (6)

Americans like travelling around during their holidays. They can use trains, buses, or cars. In the United States, it is expensive to travel by train, and although bus travel is very convenient and inexpensive, it is a little uncomfortable. So most Americans prefer to drive their own cars. People sometimes travel by hitch-hiking. The travellers stand at the roadside and make a sign with their thumbs(拇指). Most car or truck drivers would be glad to stop and give them a free lift(搭便车).

During travel, Americans can stay in a Holiday Inn. Holiday Inn is a very popular hotel because it is usually inexpensive and is open day and night. They can also stay in motels. Motels not only offer rooms for travellers, but also provide(提供) parking places for their cars. For students and other young people, they can choose youthhostels(青年旅社). Youth hostels offer them even more inexpensive places than Holiday 英语I(1)单元13-18作业参考答案

Inna. They can also give young people an opportunity to make new friends. 1. Travelling by car is expensive and uncomfortable. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.

2. Only young people travel by hitch-hiking. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say

3. Hitch-hikers don`t have to pay the drivers for giving them a lift. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say

4. Holiday Inn is more comfortable than motels. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.

5. Youth hostels are more expensive than Holiday Inns. Right. Wrong. Doesn`t say.


1. A: why don`t we(我们为什么不) have a party to celebrate his birthday? B: Yes, the weather is good for a barbecue.

2. A: Would you like to go to the pub after work? B: Yes, that`s a good idea(这个主意不错).

3. What`s the weather like(天气怎么样) in London? 4. A: Could I speak to Xiaoyan, please?

B: I`m afraid Xiaoyan is not in. Can I take a message?(我能转达吗) 5. A: I`m not interested in football. B: Neither am I .(我也不喜欢)

6. Why don`t you(你为什么不) find a flat near the tube?

7. What would you like to drink(你想喝点什么), wine or beer? 8. A: What`s the matter?

B: I`m not feeling well(我感觉不舒服). I`ve got a toothache. 9. A: Hello, I`d like to speak to Mr John West, please. B: Who is calling, please?(您是哪位?) 10. A: I am not good at training. B: Neither am I .(我也不擅长)

11.A: Shall I (要不要我来) pick you up? B: Yes, please.

12. I`m not feeling well. I think I`ve got a cold. (我得了感冒). 13. A: Can I speak to Jane, please?

B: I`m sorry she`s not in. Would you like to leave a message.(你要留言吗) 14. Who`s responsible for(谁负责) advertising? 15. A: Can I speak to Sally, please? B: I`m afraid she`s out(她外出了).

16. A: What does he look like?(他长什么样儿?) B: He`s very tall with blue eyes and short beard. 17. A: Would you like a cup of tea?(你要喝杯茶吗?) B: Yes, please. Thank you.

18. Could you ask him to call me befor seven(在7点前给我打电话) this evening? 19. My friend works in computers(在计算机行业工作)

20. A: Are you free on Thursday? I`d like to discuss the new flat with you. B: Thursday is fine.(星期四可以.)

21. David Smith isn`t good at (不擅长) web management. 22. A: Are you free(你有空吗) on Saturday?

B: I`m afraid not. I have to go to the English classes on Saturday.

23. A: How long does it take to go to your office by tube(乘地铁去你的办公室)? B: It takes about half an hour.

24. A: Which of these two do you prefer (你更喜欢)? B: I prefer the green one. 英语I(1)单元13-18作业参考答案

25. A: How are you feeling today?(你今天感觉怎么样?) B: I`m feeling much better. Thanks. 26. A: Shall we take the lift?

B: Sorry. The lift is not working(不运转了). 27. A: The area is too noisy.

B: Yes . I agree. It`s not quiet enough(不够安静) 28. A: Shanghai is fast and exotic, don`t you think so?

B: Yes, but it is not as exciting as London(不如伦敦那样令人兴奋)


1. Shanghai is as modem as London. 上海的现代化程度和伦敦一样高。

2. He is as crazy about football as many other Englishmen. 他和其他英国人一样,也为足球痴迷。 3. Shanhai is not as busy as London. 上海不如伦敦热闹。

4. The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York. 北京的气候与纽约的一样。 5. He is different from others. 他和其他人不同。

6. I prefer watching TV to reading the newspapers. 和看报纸相比,我更喜欢看电视. 7. I am interested in web-design. 我对网页设计感兴趣.

8. He`s keen on learning languages. 他热衷于学语言.

9. He is good at doing presentations. 他擅长做演示.

10. She is very experienced at training. 她在搞培训上经验丰富.

11. The flat is large, light and modern. 这套公寓大而明亮,很现代化.

12. I`m interested in that large flat. 我对那套大公寓感兴趣.

13. I don`t like the flat. It is too near the road. 我不喜欢这套公寓.它离公路太近了.

14. I am looking for a flat on the third or fourth floor. 我想找一套在三层或者在四层的公寓

15. I think the area is too noisy and not safe enough. 我觉得这个地区太吵闹,也不够安全. 16. My cousin is quite outgoing. 我的表兄人很外向.

17. My English teacher is very funny. 我的英语老师很风趣.

18. My daughter is a bit shy. 我的女儿有点腼腆.

19. Is your boyfriend talkative? 你的男朋友健谈吗?

20. My son is not very confident of himself. 我的儿子不太自信.

21. He isn`t an architect. He is an engineer. 他不是建筑师.他是工程师.

22. What about going to the cinema?/seeing a film? 去看电影怎么样?

23. How about playing football tomorrow afternoon? 明天下午去踢足球怎么样?

24. How much does the book cost? 这本书多少钱?

25. The flat costs/ is 500 pounds a month. 房租一月五百磅