高三英语二轮复习第1部分专题3完形填空训练4夹叙夹议文(Ⅱ) 联系客服

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训练4 夹叙夹议文(Ⅱ)



Here's an amazing fact: Of the 1.1 million firefighters in the United States,about 780,000 are volunteers.Roughly a third of the population is 1 by mostly or all-volunteer fire departments.

Also 2 ,perhaps.Sometimes they have to pay for their own gear (设备). I 3 this because I volunteer as a firefighter in Durango,Colorado.I responded to more than 50 calls in 2014,everything from wildfires to car accidents.In that period,I spent close to $ 1,000 on the gear not 4 by my department,things like higher-quality flashlights,knives,and better gloves,which make my 5 easier.

In January 2015,a bill was 6 in Congress that would give a significant tax break to those who volunteer their time and make 7 responses to the fire or other dangerous situations.I hope it passes,not because it will put some money in my pocket 8 that'll be nice,but because it will ease the 9 burden on volunteers and acknowledge their time commitment.I believe it will 10 more people to help.And there's a(n) 11 for that.

In rural areas where population density is low and 12 calls for fire and EMS services are rare,it just doesn't 13 to have career firefighters on the staff 24/7 (全天候). 14 ,volunteers are used to fill in the 15 .We are ready to help someone on what is the worst day of their life. 16 we have never met before,and might never again,but it doesn't matter in a crisis. 17 volunteers,the whole system would collapse.

There's a T-shirt that's popular among us,reading “ For Pride,Not 18 ”. We volunteer because we know our 19 need us.We don't need a small tax break.Without one,we'll still put on our gear when the alarm goes off without any 20 .But we'd appreciate one,and if it gets more people to join us,it's worth it.


1.A.guided C.supported

B.inspired D.protected

D [消防队是保护公民的,此处指在美国,约三分之一的人受到队员大部分或全是志愿

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(通用版)2017届高三英语二轮复习第1部分专题3完形填空训练4夹叙夹议文(Ⅱ) 者的消防队的保护(protected)。]

2.A.surprising C.confusing

B.amusing D.disappointing

A [根据语境可知,此处指或许同样令人吃惊的是他们有时还得自己花钱买装备。文章首句中的“amazing”是提示。]

3.A.predict C.prove

B.understand D.analyze

B [根据空后的“because I volunteer as a firefighter in Durango,Colorado”可知,因为我是志愿消防员,所以我明白(understand)这一点。]

4.A.replaced C.assigned

B.supplied D.afforded

B [自己花钱买的装备原本应该是由所属的消防部门提供(supplied)的。] 5.A.action C.project

B.life D.job

D [根据语境和常识可知,救生设备会让消防员的救援工作(job)更加简单。] 6.A.approved C.abolished

B.introduced D.revised

B [根据下文中的“I hope it passes”可知,此处指的应是在国会上提交法案。introduce“将(法案)提交讨论”,符合语境。approve“赞成,批准”;abolish“废除,废止”;revise“修订”。]

7.A.favorable C.general

B.negative D.immediate

D [根据常识可知,消防员应第一时间对火灾或其他危险情况做出反应。immediate“立即的,即时的”,符合语境。]

8.A.whether C.though

B.unless D.because

C [由本空前的“not because”可知,我希望这项法案能通过,不是因为这将增加我的收入,而是因为这将减轻志愿消防员的经济(financial)负担以及承认他们在时间上的付出。此处表转折,though符合语境。]

9.A.physical C.financial

B.mental D.social

C [参见上题解析。上文中的“they have to pay for their own gear(设备)”是暗示。]


B.persuade 2 / 10

(通用版)2017届高三英语二轮复习第1部分专题3完形填空训练4夹叙夹议文(Ⅱ) C.require


A [此处指我相信这项法案的通过将会鼓励(encourage)更多的人加入进来。文章最后一句中的“gets more people to join us”是提示。]

11.A.purpose C.passion

B.necessity D.explanation

B [从下文提及的一些社区的需求判断,此处指的应是(我们)需要更多的人当志愿消防员。necessity“需要,必要”。]

12.A.absolutely C.relatively

B.gradually D.practically

C [在人口密度小的乡村地区,火警和EMS服务的呼叫相对较少。relatively“相对地”符合语境。]

13.A.take the lead C.come as a surprise

B.make a difference D.make sense

D [根据语境可知,在那些地区,有一周七天、一天24小时提供服务的专职消防员是不合乎情理的(make sense)。]

14.A.Otherwise C.Instead

B.Nevertheless D.Besides

C [根据上文中的“In rural areas where population density is low...to have career firefighters on the staff 24/7(全天候)”可知,此处指志愿消防员反而(Instead)能填补这个空缺(gap)。]

15.A.time C.form

D [参见上题解析。] 16.A.Especially C.Probably

B.Certainly D.Frankly B.hole D.gap

C [我们可能(Probably),从未见过,可能也不会再见,但这都不重要。] 17.A.Except for C.In spite of

B.But for D.In case of

B [要不是(But for)志愿消防员,整个系统都会崩溃。] 18.A.Respect C.Sympathy

B.Pay D.Experience

B [上文说志愿消防员要自掏腰包负担装备,因此此处指这些志愿消防员不是为了钱(Pay)。]


B.neighbors 3 / 10

(通用版)2017届高三英语二轮复习第1部分专题3完形填空训练4夹叙夹议文(Ⅱ) C.friends


A [我们当志愿消防员是因为我们的社区(communities)需要我们。 ] 20.A.thought C.hesitation

B.word D.reason

C [由空前的“Without one,we'll still put on our gear when the alarm goes off”可推断,此处指即使没有税收优惠,当警报响起时,我们依然会毫不犹豫地穿上装备。without any hesitation“毫不犹豫地”,符合语境。]




After stepping out of the international plane,I realized my 10-hour sleepy voyage finally came to an end.Sitting on the bus,I was waiting anxiously for it to start.

A woman,sitting next to me,and her daughter both seemed 21 .She told me that her daughter had an upset stomach and would throw up continuously; 22 ,the mother had lost her 23 .Apart from a significant amount of money,the purse also had her phone and a phone number of an important 24 ,a person she was travelling 90 kilometers to meet for discussing a 25 matter which had to be 26 by tomorrow morning.

I handed her my cellphone without 27 and told her that she could make any call she wanted.I also 28 a bottle of water I had in my bag to relieve her daughter of her 29 .After making several calls,they finally 30 to the official! They turned to look at me 31 and thanked me many times.The woman tried to pay for my 32 ,but I jumped to do it before her 33 I knew she had lost her money.

Next morning,I received a call from the mother,saying that they couldn't tell how much my 34 act touched them.They were so 35 that they had taken down my number to thank me.I was 36 to be thanked in this way.I never thought my simple offer 37 so much in her heart.And I thought of how many opportunities for 38 we had lost by plugging into cellphones and being disconnected 39 the reality around us — something with easy access may make a big 40 to others.


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