新标准外研版四年级英语上册复习计划加模块重点知识梳理加备课 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章新标准外研版四年级英语上册复习计划加模块重点知识梳理加备课更新完毕开始阅读2eb9b9c7dc3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b171b014

小学四年级上册 英语期末复习计划


本学期的四年级英语教学工作已经进入了尾声阶段,老师、同学们都投入了紧张的复习工作,对于每个年级的老师和学生来说,这是最繁忙的季节。复习能让学生巩固所学知识,还能进行查漏补缺,使学生顺利完成本学期的学习任务,能在期末考试中取得好成绩,同时也为今后的学习打下良好的基础。因此对于老师和学生来说,最后总复习显得尤为重要, 在复习过程中要避免把复习课变成背诵课堂,使复习失去真正的意义而变得枯燥乏味,复习应从学生实际出发,因材施教,有的放矢。 二、复习时间:

1月8日----1月20日 三、复习目标:

1、按照要求背诵和认读一些单词,能完成单词默写,分类的练习。 2、认读教材中出现的一些词组的用法,能完成英汉互译的习题。

3、掌握教材中出现的句型,和一些简单的与教材内容有关的语法知识;能够区分教材中出现 的句型,运用翻译补充所学句子。 4、能够认读教材中的短文,能独立完成一些较容易阅读题。 四、复习内容及要点:

1、单词。单词是英语的基础和复习的重点。 1)按词性归类复习单词。 2)按词汇表复习单词。

2、词组。词组是学习英语的关键,它是学习句子的基础,把词组归类,分类掌握。 3、句子。句子是学习英语的重点,也是本册教材的重点和难点。 1) 指导学生在语境中复习句子。 2) 根据句子类型指导学生在比较中复习句子,教给学生适当的语法知识。 五、复习策略

1、采用集中复习和自主复习相结合的方法。 所有词汇以黑体和星号单词为重点,每单元出现的重点句型进行听说读写训练。 语法:一般疑问句及其答句,本册教材的几种特殊疑问句及其答句,名词的单复数形式。


第一阶段:围绕各单元重点句型展开复习,检查各单元的单 词和课文对话的背诵情况。

第二阶段:词汇单项复习并检测,包括默写、单词归类。重 点句型进行英汉互译练习,答问训练并与连词成句等形式。


3、复习措施 (1)按单元顺序进行单词词组和句型归类,复习相关的知识点。 (2)加强听力,口头和笔头练习。 (3)每复习一个单元,及时做报纸和习题进行巩固,以便查漏补缺,发现问题及时解决。 六、复习时间安排。 七、应注意的问题

1、复习过程中要特别注意留一定的时间让学生记忆单词。 2、课文中的句子,学生要知道其汉语意思。 M1重点知识整理 一、词形转换

left对应词right up对应词 down

number缩写No. live(第三人称单数)lives house(复数)houses day(反义词)night foot(复数)feet near(反义词) far 二、重点短语

1. behind the tree 在树后 2. on your left在你的左边 3. turn left 向左拐 4. turn right向右拐

5. go straight on直走 6. excuse me 对不起,打扰了 7. beside the cinema 在电影院旁边 8. up the hill 上山


9. down the hill下山 10. at the station 在车站 11. near the house在房子附近 12. next to the supermarket 紧挨着超市 M2重点知识整理 一、词形转换

right(同音词)write 2.he(对应词) she

watch(第三人称单数) watches 4. picture(复数) pictures 5.child(复数)children 6.China(语言) Chinese 现在分词:(1)直接加ing

play-playing listen-listening read-reading watch-watching talk-talking sing-singing


come-coming have-having live-living Make-making take-taking write-writing ride-riding

(3)双写的:get-getting sit -sitting run-running swim-swimming put-putting 二、重点短语

take pictures 拍照片 2. talk to her friend.和朋友讲话 play with a toy train. 玩玩具火车 4. listen to music 听音乐 watch TV 看电视 6. read a book读书

play basketball打篮球 8. play football 踢足球 fly a kite 放风筝 10. ride a bike 骑自行车 look at these pictures看这些照片 M3重点知识整理 一、词形转换

let’s (完全形式)let us 2. people(复数)people row(现在分词)rowing 4.man(复数) men

5.thing(复数)things 6.run(现在分词) running 7.dance(现在分词) dancing 8.kid(复数)kids 9.this(复数) these 10.these(对应词)those 二、重点短语

get on 上车 2.lots of interesting thing许多有趣的事 look at 看 4.in the park 在公园 on the lake 在湖上 6. under the tree 在树下 between the big trees在大树之间 8. of course 当然可以 make a cake做蛋糕 10.do taijiquan 打太极 row a dragon boat 划龙舟 12.drink soybean milk 喝豆浆 play chess 下象棋 14. 画画 draw pictures Me too 我也是。 M4重点知识整理 一、词形转换

how much(同义词组) how many make(现在分词)making tomato(复数)tomatoes potato(复数)potatoes 二、重点短语

1. Chinese fast food中式快餐 2.make noodles 做面条 3. make dumplings 包饺子 4. of course 当然 5. noodles with tomato and egg西红柿鸡蛋面


6.noodles with meat and potato土豆肉丝面

7.want some eggs 想要一些鸡蛋 8. here you are 给你 M5重点知识整理 一、词形转换

1.can(否定形式) can’t 2.skate(现在分词) skating 3.tall(反义词)short 4.win(名词)winner

5.jump(现在分词)jumping 6.fly(第三人称单数)flies 二、重点短语:

1. run fast 跑得快 2. jump high 跳得高 3. jump far 跳得远 4. ride fast 骑得快 5. in the sky在天空中 Module 6 知识总结 重点短语:

1. come here 2. come in 3. turn on the light 4. trick or treat 重点句型:

Can I have some soup?

肯定回答:Yes, you can. 否定回答:Sorry, you can’t. (名词分为可数名词和不可数名词

可数名词有单复数的变化,如,sweet, a sweet, sweets apple, an apple, apples 不可数名词不能变复数,如soup, bread, meat, milk,fish等) I can’t see. It’s very dark.

Happy Halloween! 答语:Happy Halloween! Give me a sweet.

Can I come in? 答语:Yes, of course. Can I have some sweets? Module 7 知识总结 重点短语:

1. ride the horse 2. some nice photos 3. have a look 4. in this photo 5. eat vegetables 6. climb a tree 7. under the tree 8. watch the cat 9. eat fruit 10. on the bike 语法总结:

there be 句型:There is + 单数 There are + 复数 重点句型:

There are some nice photos here. Let’s have a look.

There is a horse in this photo. There is a girl under the tree. That’s my cat. Who’s that girl?

I can’t see her face.

There are three chickens in the photo. There are twelve boys on the bike. Module 8 知识总结 重点短语:

1. visit Hainan 2. go with you 3. by plane 4. get up at 5 o’clock


6. swim in the sea 7. visit my grandpa 8. Xiaoyong’s swimsuit 9. play in the park 10. take some pictures 11. visit the lions 12. on Sunday (on Monday, on Tuesday, on Saturday) 13. at the zoo 语法总结:

一般将来时:be going to 打算,将要

句子结构:主语 + be going to + 动词原形 重点句型: Time for bed.

We’re going to visit Hainan tomorrow. We’re going to get up at 5 o’clock. We’re going by plane.

I’m going to swim in the sea. I’m going to visit my grandpa.

I’m from the UK. I’m from China.

This is Xiaoyong’s bag. this(反义词)--that this(复数)---these It’s going to fish.

We’re going to play in the park tomorrow. Amy is going to fly a kite.

Daming is going to take some pictures. Sam is going to ride a horse. Lingling is going to row a boat.

We’re going to visit the zoo on Sunday. We’re going to take pictures at the zoo. M9


1. on sports day 2. run the 100 metres 3. every day 4. every month 5. every year 6. good luck 7. come on 8. do the high jump 9. do the long jump 10. run the 200 etres and 400 metres 11. my favourite subject 重点句型:

We’re going to have a sports day this month. Are you going to run on sports day? Yes, I’m going to run the 100 metres. Are you going to school?

No, I’m going to run in the park I’m going to run every day. Good luck! 答语:Thank you.

What are you going to do on sports day? 答语:I’m going to do the high jump. I’m going to do the long jump. I’m going to run the 200 metres. How about you?

PE is my favourite subject. Module 10

四会掌握重点词组:New year 新年Chinese 中国的 festival 节日Spring Festival 春节