大学英语精读(第三版)Unit - 6-10 - 讲稿 联系客服

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Lecture notes Text: The Sampler

Part I. Background Information:

1.The Christmas Season In the Shop

Historically: from Dec.24 till after New Year’s Day

Time: In England, from Dec.24 till Epiphany (主显节) (January 6)

Main activity: a time for the family to get together, to talk, to sing, to exchange presents In modern time: a time of greater commercial activity Time: Early in November, shops decorate their departments for Christmas. Christmas

has become a month of Christmas advertising.

Main activity: do Christmas shopping

For Christians, Christmas season lasts from Christmas Eve till after New Year’s Day or, especially in England, till Epiphany (主显节) (January 6). Most Westerners will decorate their homes, schools and offices for the holidays. And they will send Christmas cards to their friends and send them gifts as well.

Commercially, the period is much longer. Stores usually begin to decorate their departments for Christmas in November. Special attention is paid to the shop windows designed to attract Christmas shoppers. Christmas has lost most of its religious significance. It has changed from a quiet day to be with family to a whole month of Christmas-gift buying season. And it has become a month of Christmas advertising. And all of this makes some people want to avoid Christmas altogether. At Home – Christmas Dinner

Food: turkey or goose / mashed white potatoes and maybe yellow sweet potatoes / minced

pork and herbs cooked inside the turkey / pudding

Dinner time: one or two o’clock rather than right at noon a family dinner (maybe nearby relatives

will be invited tocome over in the evening to see the children’s presents)

In America, Christmas dinner is very much like a Thanksgiving Dinner. For meat, turkey is the most popular, but some families may have ham or something else. And of course, the father is the one to carve the turkey (to cut it into slices) or goose when it gets to the table. Then there’ll be potatoes, maybe mashed white potatoes and maybe yellow sweet potatoes, or both. Along with the turkey, there has to be a bread dressing made from small pieces of bread, minced pork and herbs cooked inside the turkey. And that’s why many people call it “bread stuffing” because it was stuffed (pushed hard) inside the turkey before it was baked. Then the juices from the turkey will be made into gravy to be poured over the potatoes, the dressing, and the meat.

Pudding is a kind of dessert in western food; like a heavy cake. It is served after the main food of a dinner. Puddings are usually boiled or steamed. Christmas pudding is a special pudding made with dried fruit, which is served at dinner on Christmas day.

Christmas dinner usually starts around one or two o’clock rather than right at noon, and no one is in a hurry to finish. Friends almost never drop in to visit on Christmas Day, since it’s a family holiday and no one really wants to be interrupted by someone coming to wish them a Merry Christmas. But maybe nearby relatives will be invited to come over in the evening to see the children’s presents and to snack on left-over Christmas Dinner.



2. Old People in the West

Most people retire from work between the ages of 60 — 65. This has two main consequences, one economic and the other psychological.

Economically: Although retired people receive a pension from the government or from their past employers, it is often significantly less than they earned when they were working. Unless people have managed to save money during their years at work, their standard of living may decline dramatically when they retire.

Psychologically: Old people in Western countries are generally considered useless, a burden on their families and on the public purse. They are hardly held in respect. On the other hand, most of them used to focusing on work, simply do not know how to relax or pursue other interest now that they have time to do so. They feel they “should” be working and contributing, because work was where they were respected and their skills recognized. As retired people, their self-confidence is diminished. The longer they are away from the work place, the keener grows a sense of being superfluous.

3. Free Samples

Stores use free samples as a “come-on” in competing for customers. If a store provides free samples of products, it’s likely that more people will shop there.

Samples, usually of new foods and drinks, are given with the understanding that if you like them, you will buy them. It is not socially acceptable to continue to sample the same product time and time again without making a purchase.

Part II. Warm-up Activities:

Step1. Topic-centered Discussion(Group work)

1.When, where and what kinds of products can people go to sample? 2.What kinds of people might take advantage of sampling? 3.Why would they do that?

Step 2. T makes a brief introduction to sampling.

Part III. Text Analysis:


Directions: Scan for the exact meanings of pronouns.

―Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,‖ she told me, ―he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from the last year and the year before that too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it . And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose them can afford it .‖ he: the old man

it: his coming and sampling the puddings / his sampling his: the old man’s share of the privilege it: to sample the puddings

they: In the West, the pronoun “they” and “them” are often used to refer to a group of people

opposed to “we” and “us”. For the common people, the word “they” often refers to bosses or the government with a slight overtone of hostility.



it: his sampling without buying the puddings Character Analysis

Although no details have been supplied in the story concerning the narrator, the shop girl and the elderly gentleman, we can get to know something about their personalities if we take a close look at how they acted, talked and felt as individuals.

Now you are required to find the evidence in the text according to the adjectives given. The Old Man Adjectives old and poor short and thin sensitive and dignified Evidence in the text elderly; wrinkled face; poorly dressed; could not afford a pudding; having only coins in his worn little black pocketbook the “little black figure” ―He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.‖ denying knowing the narrator “in a loud voice‖and with ―dignity‖ ―forced‖ to buy one of the largest and most expensive of the proud and wanting to save puddings; keeping trying to put the coins into the shop girl’s hand; face never coming back again well-educated his choice of words (e.g. I don’t think I have the pleasure of knowing you.) The Shop Girl kind-hearted & sympathetic ―Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it.‖ She offered a spoon to the old man to sample the pudding. polite Sympathetic strategic & considerate When she speaks of the old man, she uses the word ―gentleman‖. The Narrator in a burst of benevolence ―Will you do me a favor?‖ Part IV. Learning points:

1). Find out the active expressions:

1. take advantage of make use of (sth. or sb.) for one’s own benefit 2. and what’s more also, and more importantly, seriously, etc. 3. all right: certainly beyond doubt

4 come down in the world lose a place of respect or honor; become lower as in rank or fortune 2). Word Using New Words:

1. select: vt. Choose

She was selected from many applicants.

The city was selected as the site for the coming Olympic Games. adj. chosen

In ancient times, book knowledge was limited to the select few. John Major became Mrs. Thatcher’s select successor.

CF: select, choose & elect 这几个词都是动词,都有“选择”之意。





They were selected from among many applicants. 他们是从许多报名者当中挑选出来的。



Choose the correct for each blank. 选择正确的词填空。 elect 通常只用选票或其他方法选中某人担任某一职务。 We elected her monitor. 我们选她当班长。 2. sample:

n. a small part representing the whole

The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests. Next, I’d like to show you our sample room. vt. take and examine a part of

She sampled the wine before giving it to the others.

The scientist sampled the spring water and declared it beneficial to human health.

3. intention: n. purpose

If I've hurt your feelings, it was quite without intention. 如果我伤了你的感情那完全是无意的。

Well-intentioned though he is, he is always laughed at by others. Collocation:

by intention 故意

have no intention of doing ... 无意做?

with the intention of 抱有?目的/打算

with the best of intentions 好心好意, 出于一片好心 without intention 无意中, 不是故意地 4. purchase: n. buying

That dress you bought yesterday is a good purchase.

He gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books. vt. buy

He is intending to purchase a new car on installments.

Women tend to have stronger purchasing power than men do. 5. privilege: n. special right given to a person It is my great privilege to have dinner with you.

Diplomats enjoy a lot of privilege in foreign countries. 6. suspect:

vt. guess or suppose; feel doubt about

He said he’d be here at eleven o’clock, but I suspect he will be late.

The police suspected him of robbery / suspected that he was a robber. 警方怀疑他是个抢劫犯。

n. sb. suspected of wrongdoing

The police cannot arrest any suspect without firm evidence. Pattern: suspect sb. of doing sth.