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Unit 6

Text I The Diary of the Unknown Soldier


1. WWII第二次世界大战

World War II, or the Second World War (often abbreviated WWII or WW2), was a global military conflict between two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. The starting date was generally held to be September 1939 with the German invasion of Poland and the ending date was September 1945, when Japan surrendered to the Allies. The war resulted in great casualty and destruction. Thus, in an effort to maintain international peace, the Allies formed the United Nations on October 24, 1945. Another result was that the Soviet Union and the United States emerge from the war as the world‘s leading superpowers, which set the stage for the Cold War, lasting for the next 45 years.

二次大战或第二次世界大战(简称二战),是发生在两大军事集团:同盟国和轴心国之间的一次全球性战争。普遍认为战争从1939年9月德国入侵波兰开始,到1945年9月日本向同盟国投降而告结束。二战造成的伤亡惨重,破坏极大。也正是由于这次世界大战的惨烈,为了维护国际和平与安全,同盟国在1945年10月24日发起成立了联合国。战争的结果使得苏联和美国逐渐浮现出来成为世界超级大国, 从而为冷战创造了条件,且持续了之后的45年。

2. the Axis 轴心国

The Axis (also known as the Axis nations, Axis countries,Axis alliance, or the Axis powers) were those countries that were opposed to the Allies during World War II. The three major Axis powers - Germany, Italy, and Japan - were part of a military alliance on the signing of the Tripartite Pact in September 1940, which officially founded the Axis powers. At their zenith, the Axis powers ruled empires that dominated large parts of Europe, Africa, East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean, but World War II ended with their total defeat. Like the Allies, membership of the Axis was fluid, and some nations entered and later left the Axis during the course of the war.



3. the Allies (of WWII)(二战的)同盟国

The Allies of WWII were the countries officially opposed to the Axis powers during the Second World War. Within the Allied powers, the British Empire, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United States of America were known as ―The Big Three‖. China, Poland and France were considered major allies. The Allies was the basis of the modern United Nations (abbreviated into UN). UN officially came into being in 1945, and China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States, the five victorious powers became the permanent members of the Security Council. Today, some sources refer to the WWII ―United Nations‖ as the ―Allied Powers‖, as opposed to the Axis powers.



1. 篇章结构

The whole text contains three diaries:

The first entry describes the horrible scene of the war and shows the author‘s wish to be alive.

The second entry describes his grim situation in a small European town and narrates the author‘s inflection on war.

The third entry describes the imminent danger and the author‘s realization of being close to death.







1. different forms of questions(疑问句的不同形式)

直接疑问句(direct questions)

疑问句(question),就其语法结构和交际功能来说,分为一般疑问句(general question),特殊疑问句(special question), 选择疑问句(alternative question)和附加疑问句(tag question)。 (1) 一般疑问句

一般疑问句常用来询问一件事情或一个情况是否属实,其答语通常是yes或no或相当于yes-no 的词语,因此这类问句又叫做“是非问句(yes-no question)”。

①在一般疑问句中,如果提问人没有肯定或否定的意向,即回答可以是yes,也可以是no,句中常用非肯定词. 例如:

Has my watch been mended yet? 我的手表修好了吗?


Is there something wrong with the machine? 机器有什么故障吗?



Haven‘t you finished your homework yet?


Have you not finished your homework yet?

你还没完成你的家庭作业吗?(提问人看见对方正忙着做作业,说明作业尚未完成,故提此问,期待着否定的回答:No, I haven‘t.。)

一般疑问句的缩略否定形式,如果用了肯定词,那就表示提问人对答案的肯定意向。例如: Haven‘t you heard from him already? 你不是已经接到他的信了吗?


Couldn‘t those men see that what they received was a one-way ticket to death, couldn‘t they have opened their eyes! (Entry 1, Para. 1, L8-9)



Isn‘t your daughter an intelligent girl? 你女儿真聪明! (2) 特殊疑问句

特殊疑问句是对句中某一特殊部分提出疑问,通常以who, whose, what, which, where, when, why, how等疑问词开首,因此又叫“wh-问句”(wh-question)。

①特殊疑问句分为正常词序和倒装词序两种结构。倒装词序的特殊疑问句用助动词作辅助。例如: Who(whom) did you buy that toy for? 你那个玩具是买给谁的?

②特殊疑问句也有它的强调形式,常用以表示惊讶、愤怒等感情。例如: Why does war have to be the way problems are solved? (Entry 2, Para. 1, Lines 1-2) 为什么战争不得不是解决问题的方法?

How can we be so selfish and ignorant as to not care about each other! (Entry 2, Para. 2, Lines 13-14) 我们怎么能如此自私和无知以至毫不关心彼此。 Why?(Entry 3, Para. 1, Lines13) (到底)为什么?

Who ever broke the window? (究竟)谁把窗打破了? (3) 选择疑问句


Are you going to elect Henry or Richard? 你是要选亨利还是理查德?

How shall we go there? By bus or by train? 我们怎么去,乘汽车还是火车? (4) 附加疑问句


That clock is slow, isn‘t it? 那个时钟慢,是吗? That clock is slow, is it? 那个时钟慢,不是吗?

附加疑问句也可以由“祈使句+附加疑问”构成。例如 Carry this parcel for me, will you? 帮我带这个包裹,好吗?