To lie or not to lie英语作文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章To lie or not to lie英语作文更新完毕开始阅读2ed4eeaccc22bcd126ff0c64

To lie or not to lie

It’s generally believed that telling lie is regarded as an immoral conduct by people all the time. Since childhood, parents and teachers said that lying is not a good child. In my opinion, telling lie is like a coin having two different sides.

There are many stories telling us the disadvantages of lying. What is the most classical is the story—“wolf is coming ”, which mainly talks about a child lying about the wolf’s coming, to have fun with other people twice. But what is the result of the joke is that nobody trust him no matter how hard he shouts for help when the wolf really comes.

However, we can’t simply say that lying is absolutely bad and need to be corrected. Lying sometimes is essential and unavoidable in our daily life. Sometimes in order to be polite or so as not to hurt someone’s feeling, or to avoid a fight, to avoid the awkward situation as well as solve the issues. For example, one of your classmate got a new haircut, but actually you don’t like it, then in order to avoid conflicts, the better way is telling a white lie. Perhaps you may say, “oh, your haircut looks good !”

From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that to lie and not to lie can coexist only if we observe the conditions clearly. But in dealing with some crucial issues, on no accounts can we tell lies!