北京市海淀区2017届16年11月期中考试 高三上学期期中考试英语试题(解析版) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章北京市海淀区2017届16年11月期中考试 高三上学期期中考试英语试题(解析版) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读2efe3e4fbf1e650e52ea551810a6f524cdbfcb5a

Taking an Uber car may no longer be a direct driver-passenger and guilt-free experience. The ride-sharing experience is about to get awkward.

With the wide application of the Internet, Uber, a new approach to your destination instead of taking an ordinary taxi, has become more popular recently. However, benefits won’t come without its fair share of drawbacks.

Uber drivers are a part of the so-called sharing economy: They use their own vehicles, receive customer reviews via the app’s five-star rating system and make their own hours.(67题) Unlike other services, Uber claimed that drivers all over the country could clearly alert customers that tipping is not included. Those drivers that expect to be tipped can make their wishes known. But the company is holding to its official no-tip-required line, according to its website. “Once you arrive at your destination, your fare is automatically charged to your credit card on file—There’s no need to tip.” Although drivers value their independence—the freedom to push a button rather than punch a clock,(67题) lack of a clear policy, however, leaves Uber drivers in a vulnerable(脆弱的) position: If they ask a customer for a tip or put up a sign, that customer could give the driver a low star-rating, and the driver could finally be deactivated from the app.(68题)

But has the company done a good job working with customers? Some observers say that this new grey area for tipping will create awkwardness about whether they should tip or not—something most Uber customers have not had to deal with until now.(70题) Uber did not respond to customers’ comment, just leaving their rating in the air(ignoring it).

Providing an option to tip on an app sends a clear message to customers to reach into their pockets. Nearly 30% people would be more likely to leave a tip if they were presented with a “no tip” button,(69题) according to Guinn’s 2015 survey of roughly 500 people. When people are presented with three tip choices—20%, 25% or 30%—they’re more likely to choose the middle option even if it’s more than the traditional 20%, according to a separate 2014 analysis of 13 million New York City taxi rides.

If the service is twice as expensive during a rain storm or public transport delay, the customer has the right not to tip. However, if the driver is extra helpful or avoids traffic to reach your destination in a more timely manner, you could give an extra tip, says Uber, who will leave tipping options in the hands of the consumer rather than the app.

67. Compared with taxi drivers, Uber drivers ______.

A. enjoy more freedom and choices B. support the company’s practice C. clock up the miles while driving D. receive customers reviews directly

68. The underlined word “deactivated” in Paragraph 4 probably means ______. A. removed B. degraded C. tracked D. charged 69. From the survey we can conclude most customers ______. A. would probably tip if there is an option B. usually do as the “no tip” sign suggests C. tip because of Uber drivers’ good service D. are disappointed to reach into their pockets

70. What causes the awkwardness between Uber drivers and their customers? A. Customers take advantage of the new grey area for tipping. B. There is no specific policy from the Uber to follow. C. It’s up to customers to decide the drivers’ earnings. D. Customers tend to pay least among the 3 choices.


【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段的句子“They use their own vehicles, receive customer reviews via the app’s five-star rating system and make their own hours.”可知,和普通的司机相比,优步的司机有更多自由和选择。故选A。


【解析】词义猜测题。根据文章第三段的句子“If they ask a customer for a tip or put up a sign, that customer could give the driver a low star-rating, and the driver could finally be deactivated from the app.”如果他们要顾客付小费或张贴一个标志,这个顾客可以给司机低等级的评价,这个司机最终会从app上消除。可知,“deactivated”意为“除掉”。故选A。


【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第五段的句子“Nearly 30% people would be more likely to leave a tip if they were presented with a “no tip” button,”可知,大部分顾客会按照“没有小费”的标志去做。故选B。


【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第四段的句子“this new grey area for tipping will create awkwardness about whether they should tip or not—something most Uber customers have not had to deal with until now.”可知,导致优步司机和乘客尴尬的是优步没有明确的政策可以遵循。故选B。 【备注】文章介绍乘坐优步汽车,需不需要给小费。


根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。

Giant Panda Is No Longer Endangered

A leading international group has taken the giant panda off its endangered list thanks to decades of conservation efforts, but China’s government is unwilling to accept the change, saying it did not view the status of the country’s beloved symbol as any less serious.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) said in a report that the panda is now classified as a “vulnerable” instead of “endangered” species, reflecting its growing numbers in the wild in southern China. __71__ The wild panda population jumped to 1,864 in 2014 from 1,596 in 2004. That is the result of work by Chinese agencies to carry out hunting bans and expand forest reserves.

In a statement, China’s State Forestry Administration said that it doubted the classification change because pandas’ natural habitats have been mainly separated by human causes. The animals live in small, isolated groups of as few as 10 pandas that struggle to reproduce and face the risk of disappearing altogether. If we relax our conservation work, the populations and habitats of giant pandas would still suffer a great loss. __72__ As a result, our achievements would be quickly lost. Therefore, we’re not being alarmist (危言耸听的) by continuing to emphasize the panda species’ endangered status.

__73__ Still, other animal protection organizations praised the recovery of the pandas. John Howard, a senior official at World Society for the Protection of Animals, expressed his satisfaction over the effective measures taken by the Chinese government. The Chinese government and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) first established the Wolong National Nature Reserve in Sichuan province in 1980. Wild panda numbers have since slowly rebounded as China cracked down on the skin trade. __74__ And China gradually expanded its protected forest areas to cover 1.4 million hectares now.

Over the last few decades, international groups and the Chinese government have worked to save wild pandas and breed them in face of their extinction. It is not surprising that the WWF, whose logo has been a

panda since 1961, celebrated the panda’s re-classification. __75__ It says that aggressive investment does pay off when science, political will and engagement come together.

A. As a result, our achievements would be quickly lost.

B. The wild panda population jumped to 1,864 in 2014 from 1,596 in 2004. C. Still, other animal protection organizations praised the recovery of the pandas. D. Panda has long been a symbol of China and the global conservation movement.

E. And China gradually expanded its protected forest areas to cover 1.4 million hectares now. F. Some pandas have been sent to zoos around the world as a gesture of Chinese diplomatic goodwill. G. It says that aggressive investment does pay off when science, political will and engagement come together.


【解析】根据上文的句子“reflecting its growing numbers in the wild in southern China.”可知,这里是:野生大熊猫的数量从2004年的1,596增加到2014年的1,864。故选B。


【解析】根据上文的句子“If we relax our conservation work, the populations and habitats of giant pandas would still suffer a great loss.”如果我们放松保护工作,大熊猫的栖息地将会遭受重大损失。可知,这里是:因此,我们的成就很快会失去的。故选A。


【解析】根据上文的句子“expressed his satisfaction over the effective measures taken by the Chinese government.”可知,这里是:其它动物保护组织表扬大熊猫的恢复。故选C。


【解析】根据上文的句子“Wild panda numbers have since slowly rebounded as China cracked down on the skin trade.”介绍中国在保护大熊猫方面做出的贡献,可知,这里是:中国逐渐扩大它的保护森林面积到140万公顷。故选E。
