北京市海淀区2017届16年11月期中考试 高三上学期期中考试英语试题(解析版) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章北京市海淀区2017届16年11月期中考试 高三上学期期中考试英语试题(解析版) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读2efe3e4fbf1e650e52ea551810a6f524cdbfcb5a

·覆盖了内容要点; ·运用的句式和词汇基本满足任务要求; 12分-14分 ·语法和用词方面有一些错误,但不影响理解。 基本达到了预期的写作目的。 第四档 未恰当完成试题规定的任务。 ·漏掉或未描述清楚主要内容; ·所用句式和词汇有限; 6分-11分 ·语法或用词方面的错误影响了对所写内容的理解。 未能清楚地传达信息。 第五档 未完成试题规定的任务。 ·明显遗漏主要内容; 1分-5分 ·句式单调、词汇贫乏; ·语法或用词方面错误较多,严重影响了对所写内容的理解。 0分

四、One possible version:

On August 21st, I was working on my homework, a composition titled “My Hero/Heroine”. I was stuck at the very beginning, trying to figure out who my hero/heroine would be. Half an hour passed, yet I still could not come up with any idea.

Attracted by the cheers from the living room, I opened the door only to find they were watching the volleyball match of women’s final. Then I decided to take a break and joined them. The sense of excitement and nervousness were overwhelming as the score was quite close between China and its opponent.

To our greatest delight, the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team won in the end and became the champion in the Olympic Games! The moment they stood on the podium with our national flag held in front of them, we couldn’t help feeling proud as Chinese!

Right then, I was inspired. The volleyball players had trained so hard before the Olympics and fought till the last minute. With no doubt, they are not only my heroines, but the heroines of China! I rushed to my desk and started to write my composition.



Text 1

M: How time flies! Christmas is on the way. Have you got gifts for your family, Jenny? W: Yes. I’ve bought a pair of shoes for my father, a sweater for my sister and some jewellery for my mother. Text 2

W: Hurry up, Robert. It’s already 6:30. We’ll be late for the concert. M: Take it easy, Mary. The concert starts at 7:30. We can take the 6:50 train. It’s just a 15 minutes’ ride. Text 3

M: You said you paid $200 for this poorly-made scarf? That’s too expensive! W: Expensive? Poorly-made? Are you kidding, Daddy? You can’t find a better one like this at the price! Text 4

W: Hello, I am calling to ask when we can look at houses with you. M: Would you prefer looking in the morning or afternoon? W: Either is good for me. Text 5

W: Honey, come and look! These places in the brochure are awesome! Which place shall we go for this vacation? M: Oh, sorry, I’ve promised Mark that I am going hunting with him in Alaska. W: John, you can’t be serious! Text 6

M: Hey, Sue, I’m going to start a band. Will you join me? W: Sure, Ben. I’d love to. I am crazy about music. M: What are you good at? W: I sing. I like music with great lyrics. What about you?

M: Oh, I like music that I can dance to. By the way, which instrument do you play? W: None actually. I don’t play any instrument. M: Er…I’m afraid we have got a problem with our band. W: What is it? M: I can’t play any instrument, either. W: We’d better find some other music lovers to join us. What about Harry? He plays the guitar, doesn’t he? M: Yes, but Harry loves music that’s loud and noisy. W: So what? We can try different music styles. Text 7

W: Tom, did you go to the basketball game on Friday? I didn’t see you. M: No, I didn’t. W: No? How come? You’re always a big fan of basketball. Did you forget about it? M: No. I really wanted to go, but I just couldn’t make it. W: What a shame! You missed a really good game. M: Oh, really? Who won? W: Our school did. They played really well. M: Too bad! I was busy with my biology project then. W: Yeah, you should have. It was really exciting. M: So what was the score? W: The score was 101-98. M: Man, that was a really close game! W: Sure. That’s what made it so great. I was on the edge of my seat the whole game. M: I’ll definitely make it to the next game, whatever happens. Text 8

W: Yes? What can I do for you? M: It’s very cold in the cabin. Is it possible to get a blanket? W: I’m afraid we’re out of blankets, but here’s a pillow. M: OK, thanks. I was asleep during the meal service. Could I get a meal?

W: Sure, but we don’t have any more of the Baked Chicken. We only have the Bean Salad left. M: Oh, OK, I’ll take that. Could I also get a drink? W: Yes, of course. What would you like to have? M: A diet soda, please. W: Sorry, we’re out of diet soda. But we have coffee, beer and wine. They are $4 each. M: How about just some water? W: We do have water. M: Oh… What’s that? W: That’s air turbulence. Make sure your seatbelt is fastened. M: Could I get an airsickness bag, please? W: Sure. Wait a minute. I’ll be back soon. Text 9

Welcome to Sports Club. We are very happy to be of some help to you to achieve your health and fitness goals. We have various fitness programs, hi-tech training equipment, and the most outstanding private trainers and instructors. We are very confident that choosing our club will be a wise choice. Let me give you some basics about this club. It has a huge Weight Training Gym, Yoga Studios and Boxing Studios. Most importantly, we have Flexibility Center which is not offered in other clubs. This is, I believe, the best reason for your choice. We also offer workout clothes and saunas if you like after working out. If you are a member of our club, you will enjoy the rest of this August for free, and also one free private training course. To become a member, you need to fill out a form, with your name, phone number, zip code and your address. With limited membership fee, you will enjoy all the things I have mentioned and I am sure you will not regret it! Text 10

W: Hello, Jerry’s Barbecue & Grill. M: Hello. I’d like to make an order. W: OK. This is for pick-up or delivery? M: Delivery, please.

W: May I have your name and address, please? M: David Oxen, 679 Wexford Street. W: Wexford? Could you please spell it? M: Well, W-E-X-F-O-R-D. W: OK. And your phone number? M: 416-848-3932. W: Great. What would you like? M: I’ll have some brown bread with cheese, and the Pork Rib Dinner. W: OK. Would you like a half rack or full rack of ribs? M: Hmm. Is a half rack enough for one person? W: Well, when I’m hungry, I eat a full rack. M: I’ll have a full rack then. I’m starving! W: OK. Would you like anything to drink? M: Well, an orange juice, please. W: OK. That will be $29.27. How would you like to pay, cash, check or credit card? M: Can I pay by mobile? W: Sure. We can deliver your food in 20 minutes. M: Great! Thank you. Bye for now. W: OK. Bye! Thanks for calling.