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Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 3 Section A

一. 预习导学:

A.音形突破。运用音形结合法,大声朗读下列单词,试着根据音标写出单词并写下中文意思,进行识记。 1.[test] ________ ________

2. [spi?t?] ________ ________

3. ['n??v?s]_________ ________ 4.[rIt?] ________ ________

B.词组强化。从课文中找出下列重点词组,认真识记并将其用红笔标在课本上。 1.演讲 _______________ 3. 由于 _______________ C.语法聚焦

英语句子中的六种基本句型: 1. 主语+谓语(不及物动词):S+V e.g. The rain stopped. S + V

2. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+ 宾语: S+V+O e.g. I know the little girl. S+ V+ O

3. 主语+系动词+表语:S+V+P e.g. She always looks happy. S + V + P

4. 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语:S+V+IO+DO e.g. Kangkang gave me a book. S + V + IO+ DO

这类动词常见的有: give,pass, show, tell, take, teach, make, buy, get, 等等 5. 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语: S+V+O+OC e.g. I saw a cat lying under the tree. S+V+ O+ OC

6. there be 句型表示“存在” there be+ 主语+ 其他


2. 小测,考试_______________ 4. 放轻松_____________

e.g. There is a dog and some bird in the picture. there be + 主语 + 其他 D.观察并翻译下列各句,并写出他们的句型。 1. Your father is ill in bed..

_________________________________________________ 2. Your team won a basketball game again.

_________________________________________________ 3. Your friend fell off her bike.

_________________________________________________ 4. Your father bought you a new computer.

______________________________________________________ 5. You see a snake lying on the road.

________________________________________________________ 6. There is so much homework on the weekend.




1. I often feel _________(紧张) when I answer questions in class. 2.---I am afraid to speak English in public.

---- I think you should __________(练习) speaking English often. 3. She always get ____________ (害怕) when she has to go to the dentist.. 4. She studies hard, so it?s easy for her to pass the English ________(测试). 5. I felt more __________ (放松) after having a talk with my teacher.. B.单项选择,找出最佳选项。

1. Practice ____ the piano, and you will play it well.

A. to play B. play C. playing

C. is planting C. lies

2. There ____ a tall tree and some flowers in the garden.

A. is B. are

3. I saw a snake______ on the road on my way home.

A. lying B. Lie


4. —Hello, Bob. ______________Maria speaking. — Hello, Mary. A. I am B. It is C. This is 5. — Why are you so nervous?

— _____ I am going to _________.

A. Because, giving a speech B. Because, give a speech C. Because of, give a speech C.补全下列对话。 A. Are you feeling better? B. You should go to see the doctor. C. I?m afraid of taking medicine. It tastes terrible. D. I?m afraid of catching bad diseases. E. Follow the doctor?s advice and you?ll get well soon. Peter: Hello, John. This is Peter speaking.

John:Hello. You sound sad. I heard you had a bad cold. 11

Peter: No. I?m feeling much worse. 12 It makes me so tense. Do you think I?m going to die?

John:No, Peter. Calm down and take more exercise. You just had the flu. 13 Peter: But I hate to go to the hospital. 14 John:Don?t be afraid! You are the bravest boy. 15 Peter: Thanks, John.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Unit 5 Feeling Excited

Topic 3 Section B

一. 预习导学:


1. [sIk] _________ __________ 2. [[praud]]________ ________ 3. ['pɑ?sp??t]]______ _______ 4. ['eniwei] _____ _______ 5. ['redi]]________ ________

6. [b??s]___________

B.词组强化。从课文中找出下列重点词组,认真识记并将其用红笔标在课本上。 1.生病 ________________ 2. 对···有信心__________________ 3.为…感到骄傲_____________ 4. 心情不好________________


5.给某人一个惊喜________________6. 害怕做某事___________________ 7.表演短剧 ____________________8. 为….做准备__________________ C.观察并翻译下列各句,注意黑体单词或词组及划线部分,。 1. If we are not confident about ourselves, we may feel upset or nervous. _____________________________________________ 2. When we are in a bad mood all the time, we may become sick. ___________________________________________________ 3. Let?s give Michael a surprise! _____________________________________________________ 4. We can put on a short play, just as we do at the English corner. ____________________________________________________ 5. Let?s get ready for it. _________________________________________________


ill 和sick 都可以翻译作:“生病的”。但是二者有何不同,请观察下列例句,并补全结论部分所缺的内容。

1、 Tom?s little brother was ill/sick yesterday. 2、 Can you see a sick person lying on the bed?

结论:1.观察例句1,2可知, 二者都可做_______语。

2. 观察例句2 可知表达“患病的”意思,并且做定于时多用_________. 运用:1. The mother feels very worried, because her son is___________. 2. Li Mei looked after her ________ mother at home yesterday.


A.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. —Who is the lovely boy, Mr. Li?

—He is my g____________, his name is LiMing.

2.Mr.Zhang is a good b_______ because he is always kind to his workers. 3. If you want to go abroad(出国), you have to get a p___________. 4. He was afraid to give a speech, but he did it a_________. 5. Under the care of Miss Liu, the s______ dog got well. B.单项选择,找出最佳选项。

1. — the teacher was so angry and made the nosiy boy ___________. A. stand up B. to stand up. C. stood up 2. —Let?s ________ a play on our school art festival.