精选2019-2020学年外研版高一英语必修二:module1单元测试卷(有答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章精选2019-2020学年外研版高一英语必修二:module1单元测试卷(有答案)更新完毕开始阅读2feb7bb0dc36a32d7375a417866fb84ae45cc3b7




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.Why doesn’t the man tell the woman the way to the hospital? A.Because he is new here.

B.Because he doesn’t want to tell her the way. C.Because he doesnt’t feel like talking with her. 2.Where are the two speakers? A.They are in an office. B.They are in the street. C.They are at home.

3.Why doesn’t the man lend his dictionary to the woman? A.Because it is being used.

B.Because he hasn’t brought it with him.

C.Because he doesn’t want to lend it to the woman. 4.What does the woman want to borrow from the man? A.A dictionary.

B.A pen.

C.A rubber.

5.What does the woman offer to do? A.To wash some clothes for the man. B.To carry his box. C.To look after his child.




6.What are the two speakers talking about? A.English.



7.What is Peter worried about? A.English people. B.His English.



C.Going out.

听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8.When is Mary’s birthday? A.On August 15th. B.On August 16th. C.On August 12th.

9.What time will the party begin? A.At 2∶00 p.m.. B.At 2∶20 p.m.. C.At 1∶40 p.m..

10.Will Jean come to the party?

A.No,she won’t,because she’ll meet her sister at the station. B.Yes,she will,but she will be late for the party. C.Not sure.Perhaps she won’t be able to come. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11.Where are the speakers? A.At a museum. B.In a shop. C.In a school.

12.What are they talking about? A.A country. B.A piece of china. C.A gun.

13.How long has the man worked here? A.Two years. B.Five years. C.Ten years.


14.What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A.Mother and son. B.Teacher and parent. C.Doctor and patient.

15.Who probably thought the boy’s wound was much worse than it really was? A.The child.

B.The mother of the boy. C.Everyone there.



16.What’s the matter with the man? A.He has a headache and feels bad. B.He is frightened at the blood. C.He hurt himself on the head. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17.What was the young father doing? A.He was looking after his child.

B.He was paying a visit to an old neighbor. C.He was working with an old neighbor. 18.What were they talking about? A.Children. B.Their houses. C.Their trees.

19.Why did the young tree bend over to one side? A.Because it was pulled by a string. B.Because it was dying.

C.Because it was too thin to stand straight alone. 20.What did the young father learn from the old man? A.He needn’t be strict with children.

B.He learned how strict parents should be with their children. C.He learned how to plant a tree. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21.Some girls are on ________ diet to keep slim,but I think it’s stupid to do so at ________ cost of their lives.

A.the;/ C.a;the

B.a;a D.a;/

22.—This kind of new product doesn’t work so well as the salesman says. —________.I won’t use it any more. A.Terrific C.Well done

B.I agree with you

D.I don’t care

23.—Tom is in hospital.

—Oh,really?I ________ know.I ________ go and visit him. A.didn’t;will B.don’t;would



C.don’t;was going to D.didn’t;am going to

24.I saw Jack ________ on the playground a few minutes ago,but I didn’t notice when he left. A.play C.playing

B.to play


25.After graduation from college,most students are ________ to find a job to support themselves as soon as possible.

A.nervous C.worried

B.hurried D.anxious

26.Tourism in Xinjiang,especially in the capital Urumqi,has been badly affected ________ the July 5th riot(骚乱).

A.in time of C.in face of

B.because of D.for fear of

27.Everything in the room ________ with thick dust.It hasn’t been cleaned for a long time. A.was coated C.is coated

B.is coating D.has coated

28.The driver of the bus,who suffered ________ to his legs and arms in the accident,was taken to hospital.

A.wounds C.injuries



29.As for some students who are ________ computer games,the school and parents should guide them to play suitable games.

A.crazy about

B.connected with D.tired of

C.surprised at

30.Mother felt very worried because Lily was ill,especially ________ Father was away in London.


B.that D.when


31.—Shall we tell Tom the news that he failed the examination? —Well,I would rather ________ him the bad news at present. A.not to tell C.won’t tell

B.didn’t tell

D.not tell

32.—I’ll go to the cinema.Would you like to go with me?

—I’d love to,but maybe it’s too early now.The film ________ at 6∶00 p.m.. A.has started

B.started D.will start


C.is about to start